Response To the Atlantic Anti-Rosary Article

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE Response To the Atlantic Anti-Rosary Article By Bella Francis Are the princes of darkness afraid of the little rosary beads, used by Catholics, giving glory to God in recitation, imploring spiritual and physical healing and petitioning for favours? Reading between the lines of this article labeling the rosary as ‘an extremism symbol’, the devil is in the details, so to speak. The hidden agenda (among other evil things) is that they loathe the peaceful recitation of the rosary at abortion sites. The Atlantic contributor concluded his article with a warning “cemented in common causes such as hostility toward abortion-rights advocates.” The bottom line is that Catholicism is despised for upholding that abortion, homosexuality and assisted suicide, to name a few, is sinful and evil. The catholic faith expresses love for the sinner, not the act. When the truth does not align with evil strategies and agendas, the evil doers resort to choose to twist and distort by throwing verbiage around, concocting ideas and attempting to incite fear. It is the devil’s workshop. Rather than stooping to respond to downright stupidity, unintelligible rhetoric, let’s take the approach to clarify, dumb it down that the Rosary is a prayer. A prayer of love and humility. The Rosary beads have no gun powder, no toxic content to physically hurt anyone. It is just a device to count prayers while reflecting on the mysteries of the faith. The capuchin priest and saint, St. Padre Pio called it a weapon for these times. We are encouraged to recite the daily rosary for protection against the evil forces of secularism that constantly drums in the media that good is evil and evil is good. The rosary is a common sight in Catholic churches and homes. Catholics were not the first to pray with beads. Men and women of many faiths and cultures like Buddhists, Hindus and more use beads in prayer. Power of the Rosary The Rosary has been associated with notable miracles and healings. It has been attributed to victories in war. In 1571, a great naval war took place between a coalition of some catholic countries comprising Spain and parts of Italy against the Ottoman Empire. The intent was to wipe out Christianity. The Christians banded together, turned to Mary, invoked the Rosary, and were saved. The battle took place just off the coast of Greece at a place known as Lepanto.The battle of Lepanto, the most important naval contest in human history, saved the Christian West from defeat at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Pope Pius V called on all of Europe to pray the rosary for victory. These prayers were answered, with the Christian forces defeating the much larger Ottoman forces. To commemorate the victory, Pius V established the feast day of “Our Lady of Lepanto” –– also known as Our Lady of Victory or Our Lady of the Rosary. All the more, let us pray the rosary with much fervor and reverence to protect us from the forces of evil. Our Lady of the Rosary pray for us.   Subscribe for our FREE Newsletter Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times Viral Video! Incredible Viral Photo of Our Lady Taken In Canoinhas, Brazil! Taken on Vigil of Our Lady of Fatima! The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – NINTH MEDITATION Viral Video! Virgin Mary Filmed During Live Event Making A Deep Bow of Adoration Before Jesus, The Holy Sacrament Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Pieta of the Apocalypse: Essential End Time Prayers and Promises BUY NOW! Happiness and the Path of Spiritual Abundance (A Living Spring Book) BUY NOW! Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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Viral Video! The Holy Spirit Manifests As A DOVE Above Baptism Font in Ukraine! Epiphany 19 JAN 2022!

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE The Holy Spirit Manifests As A DOVE Above Baptism Font in Ukraine! Epiphany 19 JAN 2022! Amazing video taken during Ukrainian Orthodox Liturgy of the Baptism of Jesus (The Revelation) 19th of January 2022! Suddenly a dove appears above the baptismal font during the blessing of baptismal water. The dove is seen landing on top of the icon of Jesus who is being Baptized by John the Baptist. Subscribe for our FREE Newsletter Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times Viral Video! Incredible Viral Photo of Our Lady Taken In Canoinhas, Brazil! Taken on Vigil of Our Lady of Fatima! The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – NINTH MEDITATION Viral Video! Virgin Mary Filmed During Live Event Making A Deep Bow of Adoration Before Jesus, The Holy Sacrament Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – SECOND MEDITATION

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – SECOND MEDITATION from the book, ‘Introduction to the Devout Life’first written for St. Jane Frances de Chantal and now offered to all SECOND MEDITATION Of the End for which we were Created Preparation 1. PLACE yourself before God. 2. Ask Him to inspire your heart. Considerations 1. God did not bring you into the world because He had any need of you, useless as you are; but solely that He might show forth His Goodness in you, giving you His Grace and Glory. And to this end He gave you understanding that you might know Him, memory that you might think of Him, a will that you might love Him, imagination that you might realise His mercies, sight that you might behold the marvels of His works, speech that you might praise Him, and so on with all your other faculties. 2. Being created and placed in the world for this intent, all contrary actions should be shunned and rejected, as also you should avoid as idle and superfluous whatever does not promote it. 2. Consider how unhappy they are who do not think of all this, who live as though they were created only to build and plant, to heap up riches and amuse themselves with trifles. Affections and Resolutions 1. Humble yourself in that hitherto you have so little thought upon all this. Alas, my God, of what was I thinking when I did not think of Thee? what did I remember when I forgot Thee? what did I love when I loved Thee not? Alas, when I ought to have been feeding on the truth, I was but filling myself with vanity, and serving the world, which was made to serve me. 2. Abhor your past life. I renounce ye, O vain thoughts and useless cogitations, frivolous and hateful memories: I renounce all worthless friendships, all unprofitable efforts, and miserably ungrateful self-indulgence, all pitiful compliances. 3. Turn to God. Thou, my God and Saviour shalt henceforth be the sole object of my thoughts; no more will I give my mind to ideas which are displeasing to Thee. All the days of my life I will dwell upon the greatness of Thy Goodness, so lovingly poured out upon me. Thou shalt be henceforth the delight of my heart, the resting-place of all my affections. From this time forth I will forsake and abhor the vain pleasures and amusements, the empty pursuits which have absorbed my time; the unprofitable ties which have bound my heart I will loosen henceforth, and to that end I will use such and such remedies. Conclusion 1. Thank God, Who has made you for so gracious an end. Thou hast made me, O Lord, for Thyself, that I may eternally enjoy the immensity of Thy Glory; when shall I be worthy thereof, when shall I know how to bless Thee as I ought? 2. Offer. O Dearest Lord, I offer Thee all my affections and resolutions, with my whole heart and soul. 3. Pray. I entreat Thee, O God, that Thou wouldest accept my desires and longings, and give Thy Blessing to my soul, to enable me to fulfil them, through the Merits of Thy Dear Son’s Precious Blood shed upon the Cross for me. OUR FATHER, etc. Gather your little spiritual bouquet. Subscribe for our FREE Newsletter Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times Viral Video! Another Amazing Miracle – Holy Wings of Fire Radiate From The Host During Advent Adoration 2021! The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – THIRD MEDITATION Response To the Atlantic Anti-Rosary Article Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Pieta of the Apocalypse: Essential End Time Prayers and Promises BUY NOW! Happiness and the Path of Spiritual Abundance (A Living Spring Book) BUY NOW! Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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