The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – SIXTH MEDITATION

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – SIXTH MEDITATION from the book, ‘Introduction to the Devout Life’first written for St. Jane Frances de Chantal and now offered to all SIXTH MEDITATION On Judgment Preparation 1. PLACE yourself in the Presence of God. 2. Intreat Him to inspire you. Considerations 1. When the time comes which God has appointed for the end of this world, and after many terrible signs and warnings, which will overwhelm men with fear, the whole earth will be destroyed, and nothing then left. 2. Afterwards, all men, save those already risen, shall rise from the dead, and at the voice of the Archangel appear in the valley of Jehoshaphat. But alas, with what divers aspects! for some will be glorious and shining, others horrible and ghastly. 3. Consider the majesty with which the Sovereign Judge will appear surrounded by all His Saints and Angels; His Cross, the Sign of Grace to the good and of terror to the evil, shining brighter than the sun. 4. This Sovereign Judge will with His awful word, instantly fulfilled, separate the evil and the good, setting the one on His Right Hand, the other on His Left, an eternal separation, for they will never meet again. 5. This separation made, the books of conscience will be opened, and all men will behold the malice of the wicked, and how they have contemned God; as also the penitence of the good, and the results of the grace they received. Nothing will be hid. O my God, what confusion to the one, what rejoicing to the other! Consider the final sentence of the wicked. Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Dwell upon these awful words. Go, He says, for ever discarding these wretched sinners, banishing them for ever from His Presence. He calls them cursed: O my soul, what a curse: a curse involving all other maledictions, all possible evil, an irrevocable curse, including all time and eternity; condemning them to everlasting fire. Think what that eternity of suffering implies. 6. Then consider the sentence of the good. Come, the Judge says, O blessed loving word with which God draws us to Himself and receives us in His Bosom. Blessed of My Father, O blessing above all blessings! inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. O my God, and that Kingdom will know no end! Affections and Resolutions 1. Tremble, my soul, at the thought. O God, who will be my stay in that hour when the pillars of the earth are shaken? 2. Abhor your sins, which alone can cause you to be lost when that fearful day comes. Surely I will judge myself now, that I be not judged;悠 will examine my conscience, accuse, condemn, punish myself, that the Judge may not condemn me then. I will confess my faults, and follow the counsels given me. Conclusion Thank God for having given you means of safety in that terrible Day, and time for repentance. Offer Him your heart, and ask for grace to use it well. OUR FATHER, etc. Gather your bouquet. Subscribe for our FREE Newsletter Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – TENTH MEDITATION Viral Video! Pentecost, 2021: Holy Spirit Forms Halo & Doves Above Pope Francis’ Head – A Sign of God’s Presence! Viral Video! Incredible Viral Photo of Our Lady Taken In Canoinhas, Brazil! Taken on Vigil of Our Lady of Fatima! Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Pieta of the Apocalypse: Essential End Time Prayers and Promises BUY NOW! Happiness and the Path of Spiritual Abundance (A Living Spring Book) BUY NOW! Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – FIFTH MEDITATION

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – FIFTH MEDITATION from the book, ‘Introduction to the Devout Life’first written for St. Jane Frances de Chantal and now offered to all FIFTH MEDITATION Of Death Preparation 1. PLACE yourself in the Presence of God. 2. Ask His Grace. 3. Suppose yourself to be on your deathbed, in the last extremity, without the smallest hope of recovery. Considerations 1. Consider the uncertainty as to the day of your death. One day your soul will quit this body: will it be in summer or winter? in town or country? by day or by night? will it be suddenly or with warning? will it be owing to sickness or an accident? will you have time to make your last confession or not? will your confessor or spiritual father be at hand or will he not? Alas, of all these things we know absolutely nothing: all that we do know is that die we shall, and for the most part sooner than we expect. 2. Consider that then the world is at end as far as you are concerned, there will be no more of it for you, it will be altogether overthrown for you, since all pleasures, vanities, worldly joys, empty delights will be as a mere fantastic vision to you. Woe is me, for what mere trifles and unrealities I have ventured to offend my God? Then you will see that what we preferred to Him was nought. But, on the other hand, all devotion and good works will then seem so precious and so sweet: Why did I not tread that pleasant path? Then what you thought to be little sins will look like huge mountains, and your devotion will seem but a very little thing. 3. Consider the universal farewell which your soul will take of this world. It will say farewell to riches, pleasures, and idle companions; to amusements and pastimes, to friends and neighbours, to husband, wife and child, in short to all creation. And lastly it will say farewell to its own body, which it will leave pale and cold, to become repulsive in decay. 4. Consider how the survivors will hasten to put that body away, and hide it beneath the earth and then the world will scarce give you another thought, or remember you, any more than you have done to those already gone. ‘God rest his soul!’ men will say, and that is all. O death, how pitiless, how hard thou art! 5. Consider that when it quits the body the soul must go at once to the right hand or the left. To which will your soul go? what side will it take? none other, be sure, than that to which it had voluntarily drawn while yet in this world. Affections and Resolutions 1. Pray to God, and throw yourself into His Arms. O Lord, be Thou my stay in that day of anguish! May that hour be blessed and favourable to me, if all the rest of my life be full of sadness and trial. 2. Despise the world. Forasmuch as I know not the hour in which I must quit the world, I will not grow fond of it. O dear friends, beloved ones of my heart, be content that I cleave to you only with a holy friendship which may last for ever; why should I cling to you with a tie which must needs be broken? I will prepare for the hour of death and take every precaution for its peaceful arrival; I will thoroughly examine into the state of my conscience, and put in order whatever is wanting. Conclusion Thank God for inspiring you with these resolutions: offer them to His Majesty: intreat Him anew to grant you a happy death by the Merits of His Dear Son’s Death. Ask the prayers of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints. OUR FATHER, etc. Gather a bouquet of myrrh. Subscribe for our FREE Newsletter Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – TENTH MEDITATION Viral Video! Pentecost, 2021: Holy Spirit Forms Halo & Doves Above Pope Francis’ Head – A Sign of God’s Presence! Viral Video! Incredible Viral Photo of Our Lady Taken In Canoinhas, Brazil! Taken on Vigil of Our Lady of Fatima! Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Pieta of the Apocalypse: Essential End Time Prayers and Promises BUY NOW! Happiness and the Path of Spiritual Abundance (A Living Spring Book) BUY NOW! Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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Viral Video! Catholics Wake-Up: The Warnings of Fatima Are Happening Now! Turn To The Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE Catholics Wake-Up: The Warnings of Fatima Are Happening Now! Turn To The Immaculate Heart of Mary! Part of a powerful homily given by a priest of the Franciscan Friars in Australia. Our Lady warned us these times will come if we do not convert. Now we must convert or face spiritual damnation. Start by praying the daily rosary. Homily given on the 12th of September 2021. Subscribe for our FREE Newsletter Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – TENTH MEDITATION Viral Video! Pentecost, 2021: Holy Spirit Forms Halo & Doves Above Pope Francis’ Head – A Sign of God’s Presence! Viral Video! Incredible Viral Photo of Our Lady Taken In Canoinhas, Brazil! Taken on Vigil of Our Lady of Fatima! Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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