Almighty and merciful Father,whom Your only-begotten Son,our Lord, Jesus Christ,has named the Husbandman, or Farmer,graciously accept our praise and adoration.All things were made by Youand all that we have is Yours. Our lives and our talents,our home and furnishings,the soil and its fruits,the animals and their abode,sunshine and rain,fruit and harvest are all from You.By their use we are to come more securely to You.For all Your gifts, O God,we offer You our thanks. You have made us branches of Your Son,the true Vine,members of Your kingdom,and sheep of Him who is our Good Shepherd.In gratitude and lovewe promise to remain ever closeto the Divine Heart of Him who is the Way,the Truth, and the Life. We humbly beseech You to look with favor upon this Your familyand to sanctify its members.Bless also our home,our flocks and herds,our fields and labors.Keep from us all attacks of Satanand preserve us from all evil,through Your beloved Son in the charity of the Holy Spirit. With filial affection and reverencewe humbly dedicate ourselves to the Blessed Trinity,the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.Keep us ever in Your love,faithful and true unto death. We place this our dedicationin the pure hands of the Immaculate Mother of God,the patroness of our beloved country.May the Most Holy Virgin Marycarry this offering of ourselvesand all that is ours to the throne of Your Divine majesty.Grant us through her intercession,we beseech You,the grace to pass through things temporalthat we may not lose those which are eternal.Through Christ our Lord. Amen.