Prayer to the Immaculate Mother of Mercy
Immaculate Mother of Mercy, we fly to Your patronage asking that You remain always with us as our Mother and that You form our hearts after Your own. We, Your daughters, desire to serve You faithfully and in all that we are and do, in humility and forgetfulness of self to the end of our lives. Therefore, O Mother, inflame our hearts with fervent love for Your Son and for souls redeemed by His Blood. May we never hesitate to offer ourselves in sacrifice for Holy Mother Church, the Holy Father, our country and for the souls entrusted to our care. Mother of Mercy, give our Congregation numerous and holy vocations that we may forever proclaim trust in the inexhaustible mercy of God over the world and in your motherly mercy, in which we hope to find support in life and at the hour of death. Amen.