Prayer to Our Lady of Montserrat
In 880, the story goes, shepherd children near Montserrat saw a light come from the sky accompanied by a beautiful song. This continued for a number of weeks then the image of the Blessed Mother was found in a cave. The wood carving still exists today though the fading varnish has turned the color of the hands and faces of Mary and Jesus a dark black. PRAYER “Oh merciful Mother, heart of love, heart of compassion, who always listens and comforts us, attends to our prayers. As your children, we implore your mediation before your son Jesus. He receives with mercy and compassion (make the request). What a joy to know that your heart is always ready for those who pray to you! We yield to your pious care and mediation our loved ones and all who feel sick, lonely or hurt. Help us, loving Mother, to carry our burdens in this life until we reach a share in eternal glory and peace with God. Amen”.