Explanation of Mother of Unity and Hope Image
By Yves Jacques Bishop Roman Danylak, former bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Toronto, Canada, approved this image. A priest from the Vatican called the image a “complete theology”, and had it blessed by Pope Benedict XVI. Summoning her children with an intensity found throughout the messages given to a privileged soul, Our Mother of Unity and Hope is calling us to “come home in confidence to your Father’s family.” She is inviting her children into her Immaculate Heart to bring us closer to Jesus through her call to unity. “Have no fear,” she says “for unity is you harbor in the storm.” To simplify the message, the following is a summation and explanation of the image, along with an outline of the symbols that Our Mother asked to be depicted in the image. In the message, Our Mother of Unity and Hope said that she is revealing the image as a sign of hope for mankind. The image she tells us, represents the full essence and understanding of her call to unity. Our hope, she says, is found in our complete union with the Most Holy Trinity, with her and with Holy Mother Church, including our brothers and sisters on earth and the angels and saints in Heaven. This image she says is given to us now from the Father “to reaffirm you in hope since its fulfillment is near” The Symbols of the Image. Alpha and Omega.Impressed upon the Most Holy Eucharist, which brings Heaven and earth together, are the signs of the Alpha and Omega. In all languages, these symbols are universal. They represent God in the Most Holy Trinity, fully combined with the Dove (Holy Spirit) and Jesus upon the Cross. It shows that with the Alpha and Omega that His plan is to reunite His children with Himself, is completed through Jesus’s sufferings upon the cross. These symbols, the Alpha and Omega and Jesus upon the cross, represent all that mankind knows of God through Holy Mother Church and scripture. The Alpha and Omega represent God in the beginning and in the end. It is He who is and will always be. It also signifies that God from the beginning had a fatherly plan for the salvation of mankind. Our Mother says, “It signifies the end of evil, the completion of His plan.” The Dove.The Holy Spirit represents the creation of the universe, of mankind and the angels and all things created good. It is radiant as it expresses God’s love for His children. It was through the workings of the Holy Spirit that Holy Mother Church began and grew. The Dove represents His sending forth His love since the beginning of time. The Dove (Holy Spirit) was sent into the world to teach mankind of God in the Most Holy Trinity. All is done now through the Holy Spirit. He is the entire essence of God’s Trinity. The Holy Spirit issued out from the Father’s heart and gave birth to Jesus, our Savior. He is the presence of God manifested in the flesh and in all His children. “All is connected”, our Mother says. Our Mother says, “These images of the Alpha and Omega and the Dove are embedded in the Most Holy Eucharist, the true presence of Jesus, your food from God, your life and your love.” The Crucifix.The crucifix at the center reminds every soul of the mercy and sacrifice Jesus gave for all. Jesus upon the cross signifies the redemption of mankind, God’s plan from the beginning of time. All radiance and love was sent from the beginning, always issuing forth for mankind. It is unending and salvific. The remembrance of Jesus’s love and sacrifice shall always be seen and commemorated for all eternity. It shall never be forgotten and thus remains upon the image for all eternity. The Golden Ring.The golden ring around the Eucharist represents mankind’s unity with the Most Holy Trinity. It represents the unity of Holy Mother Church on earth from the foundation of the four Gospels which have reached the four corners of the earth. The ring represents God’s children, the Holy Family of God which encircles the Triune God. The Holy Family is gathered around the Most Holy Trinity (Alpha and Omega). The circle of the Eucharist and golden encasement represent complete union, an unending circle where all people are united under one faith and one Triune God. The Golden circle represent our true inheritance. The Rays of Light.The rays of light represent God’s love for mankind as it was from the beginning of time to the present, and for all eternity. These rays not only represent the mercy that God has given to man through the sacrifice of His only Son, but the entire glory of God as the Word made flesh reunites Him with His children. Radiance flows from the heart of Jesus expressing the love of your Father for you. The cataclysm of creation was God’s love, poured out establishing the universe, the angels, and His creatures. At the birth of His beloved Son, the Father’s heart was the brilliant star illuminating the night, drawing the faithful to the stable were He lay. Upon the crucifixion and death of His Son, Jesus’s heart was pierce allowing the love of the Trinity to pour forth in love and mercy. As these rays issue out, they too are at the same time, drawing you back through the heart of Jesus, fulfilling the scripture passage “No one comes to the father except through Me.” Read more…