Act of Love from the Augustinian Manual
O my Lord and my God, true and only lover of my soul, what more canst Thou do to make me love Thee! Oh, immensity of love! Incomprehensible and infinite love! A God gives himself to me! A God – Ah, my God! I love Thee above all things. I love Thee more than myself, more than my life; and I delight to love Thee, because Thou art so deserving of my love. Begone from my soul, ye earthly affections, and give place to the love of God. Since Thou, O dear Jesus, wilt this morning give Thyself entirely to me, it is just that I also should give myself wholly to Thee. I offer myself entirely and unreservedly to Thee; my senses, my powers, my desires, my affections, my whole self. I solemnly declare before heaven and earth that I no longer wish to live but for Thee; to work, to speak, to breathe, only for Thee, in Thee, and with Thee. Oh, that my heart were all tenderness for Thee, and could pine away for love of Thee! Would that it could be moved by transports of devotion such as those with which thy affectionate mother burned when she pressed Thee to her bosom! Oh, that I could see Thee loved by all! Oh, that I had power to cause all creatures to love Thee as Thou deservest! Alas! good Jesus, grant that I may be a perfect victim to thy holy love. O most amiable Redeemer, how I grieve for having so much offended Thee during my past life! Thou hast even died for my salvation, and I have despised Thy grace and Thy love. Ungrateful, thankless creature that I am! I repent, and grieve from my heart for having so outrageously offended Thee. I hope that Thou hast already pardoned me; but if not, oh, forgive me now before I receive Thee in this Divine Sacrament! Have pity and receive me into thy favour, whilst I prepare for Thee in my heart a suitable abode. Behold, O Jesus, I approach to feed on thy divine flesh. But who am I? Who art Thou? Thou art the Lord Supreme, the source of all purity and perfection; and I am but a worm of the earth, denied by sin and corruption. And dare I purpose to receive Thee in the Holy Communion? The seraphim are not sufficiently pure in thy sight; and shall I, who am but dust and ashes, misery and sin, receive Thee upon my tongue, unite Thee to my heart, and clasp Thee to my bosom? I, who by my sins am unworthy to remain in thy divine presence, and deserve only to be cast into hell, and to be for ever separated from Thee? Ah, my God! My unworthiness is too great. But since by thy goodness I am called to receive Thee, behold I come humbled and confused on account of the great displeasure which I have given Thee; but my only trust is in thy goodness, and in the love which Thou bearest to me. Come, then, O deal Jesus, come into my soul, which longs after Thee. Amen