15 Secret Tortures of Our Lord|With Meditative Images
15 Secret Tortures of Our Lord (Each torture pray 1 Our Father,1 Hail Mary,1 Glory be) The consequent revelation was presented to Pope Clement II (1730-1740), who gave his imprimatur for public release. There are two official translations into English:”My tormentors considered Me as the most wretched man living on earth, that is why:”(1) They fastened My legs with rope and dragged Me over the stepping stones of the staircase, down into the filthy, nauseating cellar; “(2) They took off My clothing and stung My body with iron joints; “(3) They attached a rope around My body and dragged Me on the floor, and then threw Me from wall to wall; “(4) They hung Me on a wooden beam with a loose knot from which I slipped and fell to the ground. Overwhelmed by this torture, I wept tears of blood. “(4) They hung Me on a wooden beam with a loose knot from which I slipped and fell to the ground. Overwhelmed by this torture, I wept tears of blood. “(5) They tied Me to a post and pierced My body with various tools and weapons; “(6) They struck Me with stones and burnt Me with blazing embers and torches; “(7) They pierced Me with awls; sharp spears tore My skin, flesh and arteries out of My body; “(8) They tied Me to a post and made Me stand barefoot on a heated metal sheet; “(9) They crowned Me with an iron crown and wrapped My eyes with the dirtiest possible rags; “(10) They sat Me on a chair with pointed nails, causing deep wounds in My body; “(11) They poured on My wounds molten lead and tar, and after this torture pressed Me again on the nailed chair, so that the nails went deeper and deeper into My flesh; “(12) To shame and torment Me, they drove needles into the holes of My uprooted beard; “(13) They threw on Me a cross and tied Me so tightly that I could hardly breathe; “(14) When I fell to the ground, they stomped on My head. One of them stepped on My chest, then took a thorn from My crown and drove it into My tongue; “(15) They poured into My mouth the most immodest excretions, as they uttered the most infamous expressions about Me. Then they tied My hands behind My back and led Me out of jail with strikes and blows.”