The Road to Easter | Guide From Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will
We’ve heard it said that the forty days of fasting during Lent are meant to prepare us for the fifty days of feasting during the Easter season. At the surface, this seems to simply imply that we deprive ourselves so that we can eventually indulge. But the exact opposite is actually true. We deprive ourselves, we enter into a greater acknowledgement of our littleness, and we open ourselves to a deeper conversion of heart not to fall back into our old ways, but to enjoy the glorious freedom of the children of God. We are called to live the redemption Christ won for us to the fullest! As St. Paul says, it is “for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Gal 5:1). This is not a freedom to indulge ourselves, but a freedom to choose the good and to love. It is a freedom to become a gift to God and our neighbor. It is the freedom we need to give the Divine Will free reign in our lives. Powered By EmbedPress