Warning in May 2024? Luz de Maria

Checkout St Michael’s and Our Lady’s recent message to Luz de Maria about May 2024.   They both said this May 2024 will be a test for every human being on the planet. Our Lady said she is not allowed to reveal what this test will be.  Will it be the Warning? St Michael mentions; Italy invaded (which is the Garabandal prophecy), England suffering due to the war and drought, the USA will hit by an earthquake, war will spread, supervolcanoes will awaken, the sea willflood certain countries,  Message of Saint Michael The Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on May 1, 2024: Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you by Trinitarian Will, in command of the heavenly legions. I protect you with my heavenly legions. Humanity is being persecuted by the legions of evil in their desire to steal souls as their spoils. Our struggle does not let up, being continual in the defence of souls. You are beginning the month of May dedicated to Our Queen and Most Holy Mother; a month of fierce trials for humanity. The forces of evil will test human beings, children of our Queen and Mother, whom the Devil from hell is persecuting without admitting defeat. (cf. Gen 3:15; Rev. 12:1-9) In this month of special prayer to Our Queen and Mother, the Devil’s plan is to bring down the greatest possible number of souls, and with his pride and arrogance, he will tempt the human race as never before, in order to take with him souls that are lukewarm and weak in faith. Faced with this constant threat, I call you to remain firm in your faith, being humble. (James 4:6-10) So many of you are wondering, how do I stay firm in the faith? And I say to you, by being humble and continuing to give pride of place to your love for God and neighbour. (cf. Mt. 22:37-39) So many of God’s creatures have filled themselves with envy and hatred and are losing everything that Our King and Lord Jesus Christ gave them in order that they would testify to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. They are losing the opportunity that they had in being chosen, due to the pride that feeds on their arrogance. How Heaven grieves over this, how it grieves! Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, how much will be fulfilled in this race towards disaster for humanity! Pain and betrayal will lead to the invasion of Italy in this time of war. From there pain and blood will flow to other countries. I call on you not to forget what has been announced to you and to keep watching the Balkans. Now is the time when the Devil will succeed in removing from the Divine plans some people called to be part of those plans, due to their works and behaviour, which are almost unconscious, and their hardness of heart. They will suffer when they see what they have done with their hardened free will. This is why Our King and Lord Jesus Christ calls you to be children with a heart of flesh and to be creatures of faith. In the midst of the war, an unthinkable catastrophe will occur that will weaken the war itself. I am warning you by Divine Order. Paris will rise up in revolution and will be without the attraction for which humanity used to come to this country. As the war between nations will lead to a religious war, Our Queen and Mother is attentive to all her children, being the Mother who will defend the children of her Son. England will suffer in the midst of the war; it will suffer what it did not even imagine and will be affected by the lack of water. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico; they will suffer due to an earthquake. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters in the United States; the earthquake is approaching. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ; pray for hearts of stone that are incapable of asking for forgiveness. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ; pray for your brothers and sisters who do not believe in or obey Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters in Haiti and Jamaica; they will be flooded. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters in Brazil and Argentina; people will rise up in revolts. Pray to Our Queen and Mother; pray with strength, not forgetting that prayer achieves what the human race considers impossible. The prophecies are subject to humanity’s response. You are heard if you respond as Heaven asks. Keep in mind that when men think that they have the strength and power to dominate the greater part of humanity by force, the Most Holy Trinity will “disarm the powerful and exalt the humble” (Lk. 1:51- 52) with a single glance. Our Queen and Mother is Mother of all humanity: welcome her with love. Our Queen is the intercessor of humanity, which is why from this month onwards, greater action by evil against humanity is to be anticipated. Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention! With my sword raised in defense of God’s children. Saint Michael the Archangel   Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin (countdowntothekingdom.com) This weekend Europe (Ireland and England) and parts of America are seeing the Northern Lights in stunning displays.  Last time the Northern Lights came down over various parts of Europe and America, world war 2 happened almost immediately afterwards, which was Our Lady’s prophecy.  Is this now repeating itself? My uncle took this photo of the Northern Lights in Ireland last night. We live near the centre of Ireland and have never ever seen the…

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Novena to Holy Spirit🕊️DAY 02-Pray With Us!

Pentecost Novena begins today 🕊️ Day 2 of The Pentecost Novena  Begin be reciting the following prayer… O Holy Spirit, Divine Consoler!I adore you as my True God.I offer You my whole heart,and I render You heartfelt thanksfor all the benefits You have bestowed upon the world.You are the author of all supernatural giftsand enriched the Blessed Virgin Mary,the Mother of God,with all favors,I ask you to visit me by Your grace and Your love,and grant me the favorI so earnestly seek… State your request here… O Holy Spirit,spirit of truth, come into our hearts:shed the brightness of your light on all nations,that they may be of one faith and pleasing to You. Amen. DAY TWO O Holy Spirit,make me faithful in every thought,and grant that I may always listen to your voice,and watch for Your light,and follow Your gracious inspirations.I cling to You,and give myself to You,and ask You by Your compassionto watch over me in my weakness.Holding the pierced feet of Jesus,looking at His Five Wounds,trusting in His Precious Blood,adoring His opened side and stricken heart,I implore You adorable Spirit,helper of my infirmity,to keep me in Your grace,now and always,and grant us the favor we ask in this novena… State your request here… Come, O Holy Spirit,fill the hearts of Your faithful,and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Amen.

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