![A PRAYER TO OBTAIN THE GRACE OF A DEVOUT LIFE](https://motherandrefuge.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/20230124140132_a3926872c7748b2becdf993be4c2aaccc48548b256647c7c1d34db5a7cfc2922-600x400.jpg)
This prayer to obtain the grace of a devout life, has been attributed to one of the church’s greatest theologians, St. Thomas Aquinas, (pictured above) from the 13th century. It is found in The Raccolta, a famous manual of “prayers and devotions enriched with indulgences” published in 1957. Grant me, O merciful God, to desire eagerly, to investigate prudently, to acknowledge sincerely, and to fulfill perfectly those things that are pleasing to Thee, to the praise and glory of Thy holy Name. Do Thou, my God, order my life; and grant that I may know what Thou wilt have me to do; and give me to fulfill it as is fitting and profitable to my soul. Grant me, O Lord my God, the grace not to faint either in prosperity or adversity, that I be not unduly lifted up by the one, nor unduly cast down by the other. Let me neither rejoice nor grieve at anything, save what either leads to Thee or leads away from Thee. Let me not desire to please anyone, nor fear to displease anyone save only Thee. Let all things that pass away seem vile in my eyes, and let all things that are eternal be dear to me. Let me tire of that joy which is without Thee, neither permit me to desire anything that is outside Thee. Let me find joy in the labor that is for Thee; and let all repose that is without Thee be tiresome to me. Give me, my God, the grace to direct my heart towards Thee, and to grieve continually at my failures, together with a firm purpose of amendment. O Lord my God, make me obedient without gainsaying, poor without despondency, chaste without stain, patient without murmuring, humble without pretense, cheerful without dissipation, serious without undue heaviness, active without instability, fearful of Thee without abjectness, truthful without double-dealing, devoted to good works without presumption, ready to correct my neighbor without arrogance, and to edify him by word and example, without hypocrisy. Give me, Lord God, a watchful heart which shall be distracted from Thee by no vain thoughts; give me a generous heart which shall not be drawn downward by any unworthy affection; give me an upright heart which shall not be led astray by any perverse intention; give me a stout heart which shall not be crushed by any hardship; give me a free heart which shall not be claimed as its own by any unregulated affection. Bestow upon me, O Lord my God, an understanding that knows Thee, diligence in seeking Thee, wisdom in finding Thee, a way of life that is pleasing to Thee, perseverance that faithfully waits for Thee, and confidence that I shall embrace Thee at the last. Grant that I may be chastised here by penance, that I may make good use of Thy gifts in this life by Thy grace, and that I may partake of Thy joys in the glory of heaven: Who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen Hopefully this prayer can help you keep your eyes on the prize of heaven in the midst of so many hellish happenings all around us these days. There is a verse from the book of Ezekiel that comes to mind in the references towards the human heart towards the end of this prayer. More Prayers….