Croatian Soccer Team | Glorify God In Whatever You Do, Wherever You Go
“Everything I have done in my life and in my professional career I owe to my faith, and I am grateful to my Lord,” Dalic said. “I can be very happy with my life,” Dalic said, adding that “without strong faith and that motivation, it would be very difficult to achieve it.” “When a man loses any hope, then he must depend on our merciful God and on our faith,” he said. “I always carry a rosary with me” and “when I feel that I am going through a difficult time I put my hand in my pocket, I cling to it and then everything is easier.” – Zlatco Dalic, Croatian football team’s coach

“We are proud that we are believers, that we are Catholics.” – Mateo Kovačić, Croatian player

Croatian Catholic player Luka Modric wears a shin guard which has an image of the Virgin Mary, Jesus and Holy family.