Official prayer requesting the intercession of future Saint Carlo Acutis
Oh God, our Father, thank you for giving us Carlo,a model of life for young peopleand a message of love for all.You have made him fall in lovewith your son Jesus,making the Eucharisthis “highway to heaven.” You have given him Maryas a very beloved Mother,and you have made him,with her Rosary,become a singer of her tenderness.She welcomes his intercession for us.He looks above all at the poor,whom he loved and helped. [Grant me also, through his intercession, the grace I need…] And make our joy full,leading Carlo among the saintsof the universal Church,so that his smile continuesto shine for us and for the glory of your name. Amen Pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be. Imprimatur + Domenico Sorrentino Bishop of Assisi Nocera Umbra Gualdo Tadino Foligno