Powerful Prayer| Our Lady of Laus| Refuge of Sinners
Prayer to Our Lady of Laus Queen of Laus, kind and loving Mother, hear our pious pleas. Your son always hears your prayers, and you always hear your children. O pure Virgin, ceaselessly watch over our hearts from heaven. Let no dirt tarnish the heavenly whiteness. Be our support in virtue, all-powerful Virgin, and guide our feeble steps. If we fall, Compassionate Mother, kindly embrace us in your arms. Give us shelter under your wings when the storms burst with fury, spare us from cruel agony, and may the sinner repent with true remorse. Leave us not at our last hour, but let us sleep in peace at your maternal breast. And once awakening, drawing back the veil, we will see you in the splendor of heaven. Our Lady of Laus, Refuge of sinners, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Benoîte Rencurel Father, full of tenderness and mercy, your son gave us Mary as mother. At his request, he gave the Laus to make it the refuge of sinners. Your servant Benoîte welcomed pilgrims and took them to the source of forgiveness and reconciliation. We pray with confidence that she would soon be beatified and thus the Laus shines a new light, it touches more hearts and always lead more sinners to Thee. At his intercession, deign to grant me the grace that I ask for your mercy to the praise of your love and your glory. Amen (Here mention your petitions and pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be)