Prayer to Our Lady of Knock for children in the womb
Lord Jesus, you are the source and lover of life.Reawaken in us respect for every human life. Help us to see in each child the marvelous work of our Creator.Open our hearts to welcome every childas a unique and wonderful gift. Guide the work of doctors, nurses and midwives.May the life of a mother and her baby in the wombbe equally cherished and respected. Help those who make our laws to upholdthe uniqueness and sacredness of every human life,from the first moment of conception to natural death. Give us wisdom and generosity to build a society that cares for all. Together with Mary, your Mother, in whose womb you took on our human nature,Help us to choose life in every decision we take. We ask this in the joyful hope of eternal life with you,and in the communion of the Blessed Trinity. Amen. Our Lady of Knock, pray for us.All the Saints of Ireland, pray for us.