Lucifer: The Fallen Angel | I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven
According to the Bible, the story of Satan’s fall from heaven is described in the book of Isaiah and the book of Revelation. It is said that before the creation of humanity, there was a rebellion in heaven led by the archangel Lucifer, who was one of the most beautiful and powerful angels. He became proud and arrogant, desiring to be worshiped like God himself, and sought to overthrow God and take His throne. But God, who is all-knowing and all-seeing, knew of Lucifer’s rebellion and cast him out of heaven along with a third of the angels who followed him. They were banished to the earth, where Lucifer became known as Satan, which means “adversary” or “enemy.” Satan and his followers continued to rebel against God, tempting and deceiving humanity in an attempt to turn them away from God and towards evil. But God promised to send a savior who would conquer Satan and redeem humanity, and this promise was fulfilled through the coming of Jesus Christ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK3zumP2W3s&t=139s