Latest Urgent Revelations from St. Michael! With Dr. Hesemann
Join Dr Michael Hesemann for the latest news and information about the private revelations in Sievernich Germany.
Join Dr Michael Hesemann for the latest news and information about the private revelations in Sievernich Germany.
Hell is a real place. But what is it like exactly? While the Bible gives us some clues, the 20th century mystic St. Faustina received a particularly vivid vision, which she recorded in her diary. Note that such “private revelations” are not on the same level of the divine revelation given by God in Jesus Christ. Catholics are not obliged to believe private revelations – but they can nonetheless aid someone in their faith. “Today I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell,” St. Faustina writes in her diary (741). “It is a place of great torture; how awesomely large and extensive it is!” “The kinds of tortures I saw…” she begins, and then lists the seven kinds of sufferings of hell she saw: “The first torture that constitutes hell is the loss of God; “The second is perpetual remorse of conscience; “The third is that one’s condition will never change; “The fourth is the fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it – a terrible suffering, since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God’s anger; “The fifth torture is continual darkness and a terrible suffocating smell, and, despite the darkness, the devils and the souls of the damned see each other and all the evil, both of others and their own; “The sixth torture is the constant company of Satan; “The seventh torture is horrible despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies.” Read more…
JOIN us Live with Yves Jacques and Mary Chalupsky to discuss the message for the end times of Our Lady of Unity and the Seal of Unity and Hope
Join Michael Brown live to breakdown the latest on the momentous Medjugorje approval. ‘The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the assent of Pope Francis, grants approval for devotion linked to Medjugorje, recognizing the abundant spiritual fruits received at the Sanctuary of the Queen of Peace without making a declaration on the alleged supernatural’
“He turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan!’” Mt 16:23 After a recent online deliverance session with us, a woman shared her experience: I’ve been able to attend most of the sessions and have found that with each successive one, I have been increasingly able to attain spiritual healing. For many years, I have been afflicted with an evil spirit that causes me to hate God and to curse Jesus. I have sought deliverance for a long time. I am learning with each session how to better deal with evil attacks from the devil. I have learned, in particular, that I must do the 3 Rs…I am now able to relate with the Lord Jesus in a loving way, without any sense of the previous hostility, resentment or anger. These three R’s of casting out demons are: reject, renounce, and rebuke. In our online sessions, as well as our face-to-face solemn exorcisms, we ask afflicted people to identify the evil spirits present and then say the three R’s. So, for example, if an individual identifies the presence of an evil spirit of lust, the person would then say: “In the holy name of Jesus, I reject, I renounce, and I rebuke the spirit of lust. In Jesus’ holy name, I cast it out!” To “reject” is to make an act of the will which says in effect: “I do not want this evil spirit.” To “renounce” is to give back any benefits desired or received in the demonic relationship. To “rebuke” is sharply denouncing the evil spirit. In deliverance work, an important step in the process of liberation is cutting the relationship between the individual and the evil spirit. While a simple rejection would likely suffice, we have found these three R’s to be a bit more thorough and decisive. After the afflicted person has formally rejected the evil spirit, the Exorcist can then invoke the authority of the Church and more easily cast it out. While the entire process of casting out demons can take some time, this formal process of rejecting the evil spirits, using the three R’s, is an important step along the way. I have also found these three R’s helpful in overcoming the normal temptations of life, which are often fueled by evil spirits. Whenever we are tempted, we can say: “In the holy name of Jesus, I reject the evil spirits of [name the temptation]. I reject them; I renounce them; I rebuke them. In Jesus’ holy name, I cast them out!” I have personally found it helpful. I suspect others would as well. Read more…
Join the Australian priest on Mother and Refuge as he discusses the tools of spiritual warfare in overcoming the rise of demonic activity in Australia.
Symptoms of demonic interference may appear on various surfaces and be characterized by various scales of intensity, apply to people, animals, places and objects. An exorcist priest’s task is to recognise the scope of the evil spirit’s action in a given case. His evaluation is usually conducted after medical examinations in order to exclude, e.g. mental disorders or a natural genesis of the phenomena. Demonic action upon man can manifest itself on the spiritual or physical plane. We will enumerate manifestations starting with relatively mild ones, to phenomena in extreme forms. 1. On the spiritual plane Temptations – particularly strong, urging to evil. Thoughts – lewd, obscene, contrary to the supernatural. Difficulties in praying, reading the Holy Scripture, aversion to conversion. Nightmares, sometimes together with visions and a strong sense of an evil spirits presence (strangling, touch, temporary paralysis). Aversion towards the sacred Aversion towards God, the faithful, the clergy (priests, nuns). Aggressive behaviours with a religious and social background, nervous reactions to somebody’s piety, spiritual practices and prayer (especially for a tormented person). Aversion towards and inability to receive sacraments, participate in Mass and other services. Strange behaviours during eating blessed meals (e.g. difficulty in swallowing food with blessed water), aversion towards wearing blessed clothes or ones with a blessed medal sewn in. Repulsionto sacramentals (blessings, blessed water, blessed medals and other items, as well as images of saints); nervous reactions or stiffening upon being touched with a saint’s relic, a blessed medal, a scapular; a repulsion to the cross, desecration of blessed items, churches. 2. On a mental plane, applying to health Sudden behaviour changes, lasting neglecting of duties, personality change. Depression, a lasting bad disposition, suicidal attempts, self-mutilation. Sexual deviations and perversions. Paranormal abilities, clairvoyance, knowledge of hidden matters, speaking in unknown tongues (ones which the enslaved person has never studied). Health disorders, especially headaches, stomach and back pains, pressure on the throat, which cannot be diagnosed or cured. Extraordinary strength, satanic, occult symbols on the body appearing during prayer, spitting with objects e.g. connected with magic (materialisation). 3. Phenomena in the surroundings Oppressions – unexplained phenomena, moving, appearing and disappearing objects, doors and windows opening by themselves, poltergeist-type phenomena. Behaviour of pets, like they were sensing somebody’s presence (e.g. staring into one place, flying in terror). Finding objects – in pillows, mattresses of possessed persons strange objects are sometimes found, e.g. dolls, figurines of animals or people, clots of blood, wisps of hair, splinters of wood or metal that might be evidence of various forms of magic. Source Here, Read More!
I renounce, from this moment and for all eternity, the devil and all his works and pomps. I abhor all his suggestions and temptations. Suffer not, O Lord, this mortal enemy of my soul to have any power over me, either now or at my last hour. Let Thy holy Angels ever keep me and defend me against all the powers of darkness.