Sister Wilhelmina in guiding us as Apostles of the End Times
This week we have all witnessed what appears to be a great miracle for the Catholic Church in the United States: the discovery of a new Incorruptible body of a possible Saint. The Benedictine Sisters are allowing the body to be touched physically until Sunday, May 28. Those who are able to travel to this apparent miracle are wonderfully blessed. Like Thomas, they are able to put their hands on what appears to be a sign of the Resurrection, a preserved body of a holy woman. Some have been blessed to have seen Incorruptible Saints before, and I doubt many of us had the opportunity to touch a body in this condition. Travel to places where Incorrupt bodies are on display for the faithful provides a unique sign for the Catholic Faithful. In the years to come, much will come to light about the life of Sister Wilhelmina, and certainly God has provided us a sign for us to take a close look at her life and ask, what is it that we can learn from this Holy woman. A well-known Catholic Youtube personality stated his belief that the Faithful ought to not focus on the fact that Sister Wilhelmina was African American or that her congregation worships according to the Extra-ordinary form of the Latin Rite Mass. However, I believe that both of these facts should be known and celebrated. Firstly, what a blessing it is that we have our first African American woman incorrupt saint in the United States! Noting that Sister Wilhelmina’s great grandmother was a slave provides great reason to celebrate that in overcoming such prejudices, this family has been blessed with an amazing grace and miracle. This is a great honor for those who African American and this is something that can indeed be a source of great pride for their culture. Secondly, it is not insignificant that Sister Wilhelmina was called to found an order founded in the traditions of the extra-ordinary form of the Mass. There is much to be said upon reflection of Sister Wilhelmina’s own spirituality that led her down this path. She left one order to found another in the middle of the 1990’s. At this time there were several people attempting to found new orders with the Latin Mass as its center and many of them failed. Sister Wilhelmina not only succeeded, but she had success in the most phenomenal of ways. In the end, the order that Sister chose to found was a Benedictine Convent – which is structured according to a very contemplative way of living. Thus, as Catholics living after Vatican II, and after the turn of the 21st century we must take a serious look at the Traditions of prayer in the Church and at least acknowledge that in the case of Sister Wilhelmina, the traditional way of prayer both as Benedictine and as centered around the Extraordinary form of the Mass led her to a very high form of Sanctity.