July 2023

Prayer found at the tomb of Jesus Christ our Risen Lord
The following Prayer was found in the tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ in the year 803 and was sent from the Pope to the Emperor Charles as he was going to battle, for safety. They who repeat it every day, or hear it repeated or keep it about them shall never die a sudden death, nor be drowned in water, nor shall poison have any effect on them, and if read over a woman in labour she will be delivered safely, and be a glad mother, and when the child is born lay this on his or her right side, and he or she shall not be troubled with any misfortunes, and if you see any one in fits, lay it on his or her right side, and he or she shall stand up and thank the Lord. They who shall repeat it in any house shall be blessed by the Lord and he that will laugh at it will suffer; believe this for certain, it is true as the holy Evangelist had written it they who keep it about them shall not fear the lightning or thunder,and they who shall repeat it every day shall have three days warning, before death. O Adorable Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST dying on the gallows tree for our sins,O holy Cross of JESUS see me in my thoughts;O holy Cross of JESUS ward off from me all weapons of danger;O holy Cross of JESUS ward off from me all that are evil;O holy Cross of JESUS protect me from my enemies;O holy Cross of JESUS ward off from me a dangerous death, and give always life;O Crucified JESUS of Nazareth, have mercy on me now and forever;In Honour of Lord JESUS CHRIST, and in Honour of his Sacred Passion, and in honour of his Holy Resurrection and God like ascension, which he likes to bring me right to Heaven.True as JESUS CHRIST was born on Christmas day in the stable;True as JESUS CHRIST was Crucified on Mount Calvary on Good Friday;True as the Three Wise Kings brought their offerings on the thirteenth day;True as he ascended into Heaven so the honour of Jesus will keep me from enemies visible and invisible now and for evermore.O Lord JESUS, have mercy on me,Mary and Joseph, pray for me.Nicodemus and Joseph who took our Lord down from the Cross and buried him, pray for me.O Lord JESUS CHRIST through thy sufferings, for truly Your soul was parting out of this sinful world, give grace that I may carry my Cross patiently without dread and fear when I suffer without complaining and that through thy sufferings I may escape all dangers now and for evermore.AMEN. In the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT.AMEN.

The Seven Princes of Hell (and their 7 deadly sins)
You will have likely heard of the seven deadly sins, a famed classification of vices or behavioural traits commonly perceived as the most negative. But did you know that according to some scholars, these seven sins are each personified by a particular demon, a prince of hell to be more precise. So, who were these lords of sin, and what did they represent? Let’s find out together… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvUpa7wJRVY

SAY THIS MIRACLE PRAYER DAILY & It will change Your Life!
SAY THE MIRACLE PRAYER daily and it will change your life! Hear 95 years old healing priest, Fr.Peter Mary Rookey, who gave his life to God after a miraculous cure from blindness, recite this wonderful prayer. Here it is… The Miracle Prayer: Lord Jesus, I come before you just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In your name I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus now and forever. I invite you into my life, Jesus. I accept you as my Lord, God and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul, and spirit. Come, Lord Jesus, cover me with your precious blood, and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I Love You, Lord Jesus. I Praise You, Jesus. I Thank You, Jesus. I shall follow you every day of my life. Amen. Mary, mother of sorrows, Queen of Peace, St. Peregrine, the cancer saint, all you Angels and Saints, please help me. Amen. Say this prayer faithfully, no matter what you feel, when you come to the point where you sincerely mean each word, with all your heart, something good spiritually will happen to you. You will experience Jesus, and HE will change your whole life in a very special way. You will see.

Act of Consecration to Our Lady of the Blessed Trinity
With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all angels and saints in Paradise, Daughter of the Eternal Father, and I consecrate to Thee my soul with all its faculties. Hail Mary. . . With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all angels and saints in paradise, beloved Mother of the Son of God. I consecrate to Thee my body with all its senses. Hail Mary. . . With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all angels and saints in Paradise, beloved Spouse of the Holy Ghost, I consecrate to Thee my heart, with all its affections and beseech Thee to obtain for me from the Most Holy Trinity all the graces necessary for salvation. Hail Mary. . .
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