Letter of Bishop Regarding Seer Pedro Regis (English Translation)
Download as PDF below Powered By EmbedPress Archdiocese of Feira de Santana Pastoral Letter to the Catholic faithful about the presumed apparitions of Our Lady in Anhanguera Bahia/BR. Ladies and Gentlemen, Grace and peace in Christ Our Risen Lord!“Devotion to the Virgin Mary originates, reflects and finds complete expression in the cult of Christ and, through him, in the Holy Spirit, leads to the Father, thus becoming a qualifying element of the genuine piety of the Church” (Marialis Cultus, Introduction). Dear believers, faced with the phenomena of Marian apparitions, we must take a stance that overcomes the extremism of an exaggerated appreciation of the messages of the “seers” as if it were the best and the only way to update divine Revelation, losing focus on the centrality of Christ and, on the one hand, to avoid another extreme, which is tounderstand these phenomena only from the perspective of human sciences.“Visions” or “appearances” are considered by the Catholic Church to be “private revelations” or “particulars” that are subordinate to the biblical Revelation of God, in Jesus Christ. Revelation also known as Christian, historical and public, and which reached its fullness in the person of the incarnate Word of God, Jesus Christ, which is condensed in theSacred Scriptures and the Sacred Apostolic Tradition. This public Revelation has already ended with the death of the last apostle of Christ, Saint John the Evangelist. But, from the point of view of interpretation and its transmission, the understanding of the historical Revelation of God to Humanity, which was fully given by Jesus Christ, is progressingTherefore, it is the Holy Spirit who leads us to the full truth until the end of time. After a long process of discernment, the Church can recognize and approve the content of the messages, the result of the phenomenon of visions/appearances, according to the mystical experience of some visionaries. And, in this sense, what does this recognition and approval consist of? It consists of: a) not stating that Mary of Nazareth,the mother of Jesus, appeared in a specific place, nor forcing the faithful to follow the messages of the “seers”, as this is a “private revelation”; b) proclaim that the phenomenon is “worthy of human faith”; c) the Blessed Virgin Mary can be venerated with a certain title. For example: Queen of Peace; d) authorize the construction of a sanctuary in honor of Our Ladyon the site) allow this devotion to spread throughout the world. (CF. Doctrinal Subsidies, n.01, Apparitions and Private Revelations of the CNBB). In recent years, the number of people in different parts of the world has increased, claiming to be “seers” of Our Lady, as well as other Saints of the Catholic tradition. As a result, the phenomenon of “apparitions” and “private revelations”, mainly related to the Blessed Virgin Mary, have multiplied significantly in Brazil and elsewhere. In this way, manypeople in a sincere search for God have followed these “seers” as if they were the only reference of Catholic faith and, even, the only authorities, with regard to Catholic doctrine and as if they were a qualified witness of the Church’s own faith tradition. In this sense, many people follow them without the necessary discernment, such as theological-doctrinaltraining, accurate catechesis, critical sense and prudent ecclesiastical attention. It is also, in this context, that the phenomenon of the well-known “appearances” of Our Lady, in the Municipality of Anguera, in the Archdiocese of Feira de Santana/BA, is growing. The archdiocese has cautiously monitored the phenomenon of “apparitions” in Anguera and, above all, through a theological-pastoral Commission constituted by the Metropolitan Archbishop, with the purpose of observing and discerning about this phenomenon, from an theological-doctrinal point of view, ecclesiological-pastoral andpsychic-spiritual. That is, analyzing it in the light of the entire Tradition of the Church, in its biblical, patristic, liturgical and theological expression. Tradition that is transmitted, taught and updated, uninterruptedly, by its living Magisterium.The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on the norms for proceeding in the discernment of presumed apparitions and revelations of 1978, number 3, indicates criteria for discernment on the phenomena of particular apparitions and revelations, which are under the competent ecclesiastical authority of the local Bishop . Dear Catholic faithful, for these reasons, we address you with the desire to guide you, so that you are not, as Paul teaches, Apostle of Christ, “dragged by any wind of doctrine, deceived by these presumed seers and by them, with cunning, led into error. You are no longer children, allowing yourselves to be carried from here to there like toys, left to the wind and the waves (cf. Eph 4:14). It is with this pastoral sensitivity and ecclesialresponsibility that we would like to offer you elements and criteria for discernment for such phenomena.According to the discernment of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, regarding these phenomena, an essential element, for their possible acceptance, in view of the spiritual pastoral good of the people of God, is that they are in communion with the entire Tradition of the Catholic faith (cf. Rules for proceeding in the discernment of presumed apparitions and revelations – Criteria for judging, at least with a certain probability, thecharacter of presumed appearances or revelations, Part I). How to welcome and understand these messages? The most important thing is to follow Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Savior, listen to his calls, discern his will through faith, hope, charity and solidarity. God speaks to us in many ways: He speaks to us in the prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture, in biblical circles, in the appeal of a social orecological reality, in spiritual retreats, in personal prayer, in liturgical celebrations, in ecclesiastical meetings, in the practice of charity , human solidarity and, also, through extraordinary manifestations, such as visions, apparitions, interior and exterior locutions, intuitions and dreams.From a spiritual point of view, they all have value, as they are in tune with the divine Project for us and the world. All must be discerned and monitored by the Church; They are opportunities…