Pentecost Novena begins today🕊️DAY 01-Pray With Us!

Pentecost Novena begins today 🕊️

Day 1 of The Pentecost Novena 

In the Precious Blood devotion, Our Lady revealed a new chaplet to the Holy Spirit that can be prayed on rosary beads.

Begins like the Rosary, (Creed, Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be), then;
It’s an ‘Our Father / Hail Mary / Glory Be’ on the decade beads, and the ‘Come O Holy Spirit …’ prayer on the small beads.

Mysteries of Roses of Glorious Reign Chaplet to meditate upon for each decade;
1)The Father’s Plan for redemption, to send Jesus,
2)Mary is chosen (the incarnation)
3)Jesus Reveals Himself (His Baptism, and Mount Tabor)
4)Jesus Proclaims the Kingdom
5)Jesus’ Triumph on the Cross

 😁 ‘ends with Hail Holy Queen’

Bonus Prayer

A chaplet to welcome the Era of the Holy Spirit (a new global Pentecost)

What Our Lady said to the catholic seer Barnabas in 2003 about this chaplet was;

(THE ROSES OF  THE GLORIOUS REIGN  The Chaplet of Renewel  To be recited on ordinary Rosary beads; 7 June 2003) 

Our Lady said, “I come to offer you and the  whole world another great gift from the hand  of the Eternal Father.

It is a gift of joy for all  hearts that have received God’s Kingdom, and  also a gift of true repentance to all who receive it  with hope.

The gift is the Roses of the Glorious  Reign… Receive it from me, for blessed are  the hands that will receive it.

This prayer shall  be used to welcome the feast day of the Glorious  Reign at Midnight from the 13th to the 14th of  September, and to close the day by 11:00 pm on  on the 14th of September before the kissing of the  cross at Midnight. The prayer shall be sung and  offered with candlelight adoration (12 candles)  to welcome the Spirit of the new Pentecost.”

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