Prayer to the Holy Family for the Fulfilment of Our Christian Duties |favored by Pope Leo XIII

Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to love our holy Church, as we ought, above all earthly things, and to show our love for it always and with the evidence of deeds. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father. . . JESUS, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to profess, as we ought, openly, with courage, and without human respect, the Faith we received as a gift with holy baptism. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father. . . JESUS, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to share in the defense and propagation of the Faith, as we ought, when duty calls, whether by word or by the sacrifice of our fortunes and our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father. . . JESUS, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to love one another as we ought, and bring us into perfect harmony of thought, will, and action, under the rule and guidance of our pastors. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father. . . JESUS, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to conform our lives, as we ought, to the precepts of God and of the Church, so that we may always live in that charity of which they are the expression. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father. . 

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Hail, Holy Lady |Powerful Prayer by St. Francis of Assisi

Hail, holy Lady, most holy Queen,Mary, Mother of God, ever Virgin.You were chosen by the Most High Father in heaven,consecrated by Him, with His most Holy Beloved Sonand the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.On you descended and still remains all the fullness of grace and every good.Hail, His Palace.Hail, His Tabernacle.Hail, His Robe.Hail, His Handmaid.Hail, His Mother.and Hail, all holy Virtues, who, by grace and inspiration of the Holy Spirit,are poured into the hearts of the faithfulso that from their faithless state,they may be made faithful servants of God through you. Amen

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By daretoliveinhim Cuapa is a town with a population of 5,000 situated in a small valley in the Municipality of Juigalpa, in Chontales, Nicaragua. Its people are very simple folk, small cattle ranchers who live a rustic lifestyle and raise cattle for family consumption. This peaceful corner of Nicaragua is where Our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, began to manifest herself to one of the local farmers, who received a message from the Queen of Heaven in 1980. Two years later, the Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Managua authorized the publication of the Report on the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Cuapa. His name was Bernardo and he was the sacristan of the town. From his childhood he had helped clean the chapel, wash the altar linens, ring the bells for the recitation of the Rosary in the evening… All this he did with sincere desire to serve God, in spite of those who made him a laughingstock. First Vision: May 8, 1980 Bernardo was struggling with personal problems at the time. One restless night, seeing as he was unable to sleep he decided to go fishing. Around noon, he started praying the Rosary. He felt immersed in a profound peace and the hours flew by. At three o’clock, he was surprised to see flashes of lightning in the sky, although there were no signs of rain. He then saw Our Lady on a pure white cloud, above one of the nearby trees. Squinting, he realized that the image he was seeing was a real person that blinked. Our Lady opened her arms and rays of light came forth from them. That was when Bernardo finally decided to ask her her name. She told him in a sweet voice, “I come from Heaven; I am the Mother of Jesus.” Then, Bernardo asked her what she wanted and she responded, “I want the Rosary to be prayed every day.” The farmer interrupted her, saying that this was something they already did in the town. However, she insisted, “I do not want them to pray it during the month of May alone. I want them to pray it always in their families… from the moment the children reach the age of reason…They should pray it at a set time that does not enter in conflict with the daily tasks of the home.”She explained that the Lord is not pleased with prayers done without thinking or rattled off mechanically, and recommended that they pray the Rosary accompanied by a reading of the corresponding Biblical passages and with an effort to live according to the Word of God. She then added, “Love one another. Carry out your duties. Make peace. Do not ask the Lord for peace, for if you all do not make peace there will be no peace.” Our Lady announced that Nicaragua would suffer greatly if the people did not change. At first, he was reluctant to say anything about this to the people, thinking that that way he would avoid problems. However, he finally told everything to the people in the town and the priest. As Our Mother had told him, some believed and others did not. What do you wish, my Mother? On June 8, Our Lady appeared to Bernardo in a dream. Bernardo asked her, “What do you wish, my mother?” She repeated her same message. Then, he made her many petitions on behalf of the people. Our Lady replied, “Some of these will come to pass; others will not.” She pointed to a certain place. He looked in that direction and saw what seemed like a movie… First, a large group of people dressed in white, walking towards the eastern horizon (where the sun rises), in a clear light, joyful as they went singing on their way. It seemed like a heavenly banquet. They were the first Christians, many of them martyrs. Then, he saw another group dressed in white with rosaries shining in their hands. One of them was carrying an enormous open book. He read and afterwards, the people meditated in silence. Then, they prayed the Our Father and ten Hail Mary’s… Our Lady explained, “These are the first to whom I gave the Rosary. This is how I want you to pray the Rosary.” He then saw a third group, dressed in a coffee color vestment, which seemed to him to be Franciscans. They also prayed the Rosary. Lastly, there was a fourth group that was so large that he could not count them all – men and women with rosaries in their hands. Bernardo suddenly felt that he could enter into this group, as they were dressed like him, but he looked at their hands and saw that they were black. However, like the previous groups, their hands radiated light. He wanted to join them, but Our Lady told him, “No. You still have to tell the people what you have seen and heard.” And she added, “I have shown you the glory of the Lord and this is what you will all obtain if you obey the Lord and the Lord’s Word…if you persevere in praying the Holy Rosary and in putting the Word of the Lord into practice.” Our Lady Weeps: October 13th Our Lady appeared once more in the same place and Bernardo insisted that she let herself be seen by the other people, so they would believe. He told her that the people said that it was the devil who appeared to him and that Our Lady was dead, dead as the dust like any other mortal being. With that, Our Lady was saddened and started to cry. Bernardo thought that it was his fault and told her, “My Lady, forgive me for what I said. You must be very angry with me. Forgive me. Forgive me.” But, Our Lady told him, “I am not angry, nor do I get angry. I am saddened by these people’s hardness of heart. You must pray for them, that they may change.” Bernardo started to cry. He was filled with sadness at seeing Our Lady in this state. While Bernardo…

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Prayer to Our Lady, Queen of Hope

‘O Mary, my Mother, I kneel before you with heavy heart. The burden of my sins oppresses me. The knowledge of my weakness discourages me. I am beset by fear and temptation of every sort. Yet I am so attached to the things of this world that instead of longing for Heaven I am filled with dread at the thought of death.  O Mother of Mercy, have pity on me in my distress. You are all-powerful with your Divine Son. He can refuse no request of your Immaculate Heart. Show yourself a true Mother to me by being my advocate before His throne. O Refuge of Sinners and Hope of Hopeless, to whom shall I turn if not you?  Obtain for me, then, O Mother of Hope, the grace of true sorrow for my sins, the gift of perfect resignation to God’s Holy Will, and the courage to take up my cross and follow Jesus.  But above all I pray, O dearest Mother, that through your most powerful intercession, my heart may be filled with Holy Hope, so that in life’s darkest hour I may never fail to trust in God my Saviour, but by walking in the way of His commandments I may merit to be united with Him, and with you in the eternal joys of Heaven. Amen.’

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Our Lady of Fatima’s 3 Spiritual Weapons to End War & Obtain Peace

By Churchpop Our Lady of Fatima’s advice to end wars “Pray the rosary every day to achieve peace in the world and the end of war” (First Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima – Sun., May 13, 1917). “Continue to pray the rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary to obtain peace in the world and the end of the war, because she alone can be of any avail. (Third Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima – July 13, 1917) “You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.” (Third Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima – Fri., July 13, 1917). “The war will end, but if they do not stop offending God (…) a worse one will begin” (Third Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima – Fri., July 13, 1917). Our Lady of Fatima’s 3 Spiritual WeaponsIn these messages, Our Lady provided key advice to ending a war with “spiritual weapons”: 1) Stop offending God (a call to repentance, conversion, and reparation) 2) Pray the Rosary tirelessly 3) Entrust ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Our Lady of Fatima, please pray for us! Read more…

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Have Mercy on the Suffering Souls| from the Manual of the Purgatorian Society

Have Mercy on the Suffering Souls from the Manual of the Purgatorian Society Hear ye not the spirits’ moaning From the depths of cleansing fire? Know ye not the burning anguish Of these souls — their hearts’ desire? Hear them cry in bitter sorrow, Sighing, weeping in their pains, While they call on us who love them, “Break our heavy prison chains!” Though their lives on earth were holy, And their virtue manifest, Yet some stains of imperfection Still prevent their perfect rest. And they weep in mournful numbers, Pleading for our fervent pray’r, OH, take pity on their sorrow, Let their solace be your care. Place your pray’r, your pious off’ring For these suffering souls, so poor, In the hands of our dear Mother, Of sweet Mary Virgin pure. With a mother’s love and mercy She will lead them to her son; And their pain shall turn to glory There, before the Heav’nly throne.

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Prayer for St. Joseph’s protection while traveling

O St. Joseph, who accompanied Jesus and Mary in all their journeys, and who has been called the patron of all travelers, accompany us in this journey that we are about to undertake. Be our guide and our protector; watch over us; preserve us from all accidents and dangers to soul and body; support us in our fatigue, and aid us to sanctify it by offering it to God. Make us ever mindful that we are strangers, sojourners here below; that heaven is our true home; and help us to persevere on the straight road that leads thereunto. We ask you especially to protect and aid us in the last great voyage from time to eternity, so that, under your guidance, we may reach the realm of happiness and glory, there to repose eternally with you in the company of Jesus and Mary. Amen

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Prayer to St. Michael for protection against spiritual enemies

Glorious St. Michael, prince of the heavenly hosts, who stands always ready to give assistance to the people of God; who fought with the dragon, the old serpent, and cast him out of heaven, and now valiantly defends the Church of God that the gates of hell may never prevail against her, I earnestly entreat you to assist me also, in the painful and dangerous conflict which I have to sustain against the same formidable foe. Be with me, O mighty Prince! that I may courageously fight and wholly vanquish that proud spirit, whom you have by the divine power, so gloriously overthrown, and whom our powerful King, Jesus Christ, has, in our nature, so completely overcome; to the end that having triumphed over the enemy of my salvation, I may with you and the holy angels, praise the clemency of God who, having refused mercy to the rebellious angels after their fall, has granted repentance and forgiveness to fallen man.Amen.

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Powerful Prayer| Our Lady of Laus| Refuge of Sinners

Prayer to Our Lady of Laus Queen of Laus, kind and loving Mother, hear our pious pleas. Your son always hears your prayers, and you always hear your children. O pure Virgin, ceaselessly watch over our hearts from heaven. Let no dirt tarnish the heavenly whiteness. Be our support in virtue, all-powerful Virgin, and guide our feeble steps. If we fall, Compassionate Mother, kindly embrace us in your arms. Give us shelter under your wings when the storms burst with fury, spare us from cruel agony, and may the sinner repent with true remorse. Leave us not at our last hour, but let us sleep in peace at your maternal breast. And once awakening, drawing back the veil, we will see you in the splendor of heaven. Our Lady of Laus, Refuge of sinners, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Benoîte Rencurel Father, full of tenderness and mercy, your son gave us Mary as mother. At his request, he gave the Laus to make it the refuge of sinners. Your servant Benoîte welcomed pilgrims and took them to the source of forgiveness and reconciliation. We pray with confidence that she would soon be beatified and thus the Laus shines a new light, it touches more hearts and always lead more sinners to Thee. At his intercession, deign to grant me the grace that I ask for your mercy to the praise of your love and your glory. Amen (Here mention your petitions and pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be)

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