“Stay With Me, Lord”- A Powerful & Beautiful Prayer by Padre Pio

“Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You. You know how easily I abandon You.Stay with me Lord, because I am weak, and I need Your strength, so that I may not fall so often.Stay with me Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervor.Stay with me Lord, for You are my light, and without you, I am in darkness.Stay with me Lord, to show me Your will.Stay with me Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.Stay with me Lord, for I desire to love you very much, and always be in Your Company.Stay with me Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.Stay with me Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of Love.Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late, and the day is coming to a close, and life passes, death, judgment, eternity approach. It is necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way and for that, I need You. It is getting late and death approaches. I fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the sorrows. O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile.Stay with me tonight, Jesus, in life with all its dangers, I need You.Let me recognize You as Your disciples did at the breaking of bread, so that the Eucharistic Communion be the light which disperses the darkness, the force which sustains me, the unique joy of my heart.Stay with me Lord, because at the hour of my death, I want to remain united to you, if not by Communion, at least by grace and love.Stay with me Jesus, I do not ask for divine consolation because I do not merit it, but the gift of Your presence, oh yes, I ask this of You.Stay with me Lord, for it is You alone I look for, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more.With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity.Amen.”

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The Troparia to the Holy Trinity (from the Eastern morning prayer rule)

As we rise from sleep we worship Thee, O good and powerful Lord, and to thee we sing the Angel’s hymn; Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, O God; through the Mother of God, have mercy on us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Having raised me from bed and sleep, O Lord, enlighten my mind, and open my heart and lips to praise Thee, O Holy Trinity: Holy, Holy, Holy art thou O God; through the Mother of God, have mercy on us. Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Suddenly the Judge will come, and the deeds of each will be laid bare; but at midnight let us cry with fear; Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou, O God; through the Mother of God, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy. ( 12 times. )

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The Rosary Converted a Satanist Priest to a Catholic Blessed

Blessed Bartolo Longo was born to a devout Catholic family in 1841. His formative years were a tumultuous time for Italy, and he was swept up in nationalistic fervor. Many of his college professors were actually ex-priests who took a dim view of the Catholic Church.  Bartolo started to dabble in the occult. He eventually embraced Satanism. He was consecrated a Satanic priest and promised his soul to a demon. To his family’s dismay, he preached against the Catholic Faith and presided over blasphemous rituals.  His mental and physical state deteriorated until he couldn’t deny that he needed help. He began to talk to a Catholic professor from his university, who referred him to a Dominican priest. The priest met with Bartolo for three weeks before he was able to offer absolution. Bartolo became a third-order Dominican, but he was still plagued with guilt about his past life. He was especially traumatized by the experience of promising his soul to a demon and doubted that God would accept him after having done something so heinous. These thoughts nearly drove him to suicide. But then he remembered a homily he had heard on the power of the Rosary. “Falling to my knees, I exclaimed: ‘If your words are true that he who propagates your Rosary will be saved, I shall reach salvation because I shall not leave this earth without propagating your Rosary,” he said Read more: 6 Inspirational Stories about the Rosary – Ascension Press Media

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Prayer to St. Lucy for Healing of Eye Problems

By Aleteia St Lucy, you preferred to let your eyes be torn out instead of denying the faith and defiling your soul; and God, through an extraordinary miracle, replaced them with another pair of sound and perfect eyes to reward your virtue and faith, appointing you as the protector against eye diseases. I come to you for you to protect my eyesight and to heal the illness in my eyes. O St Lucy, preserve the light of my eyes so that I may see the beauties of creation, the glow of the sun, the colour of the flowers and the smile of children. Preserve also the eyes of my soul, the faith, through which I can know my God, understand His teachings, recognise His love for me and never miss the road that leads me to where you, St Lucy, can be found in the company of the angels and saints. St Lucy, protect my eyes and preserve my faith. Amen.

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Prayer Before Starting Work

My heavenly Father, as I enter this work place, I bring your presence with me.I speak your peace, your grace, your mercy and your perfect order into my work.I acknowledge your power over all that will be done, spoken, thought and decided within these walls.Lord, I thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with.I commit to use them responsibly in your honor.Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job.Anoint my projects, ideas, and energy, so that even my smallest accomplishment may bring you glory. Lord, when I am confused, guide me.When I am weary, energize me.When I am burned out, infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit.May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy and a smile to all that I come in contact with today.And oh Lord, when I leave this place, give me traveling mercy.Bless my family and home to be in order as I left it.Lord, I thank you for everything you’ve done, everything you are doing, and everything, you are going to do.In the name of Jesus I pray, with much love and thanksgiving.In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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Prayer to Our Lady of Prompt Succor

Our Lady of Prompt Succor,ever Virgin Mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God,you are most powerful against the enemy of our salvation. The divine promise of a Redeemer was announced right after the sin of our first parents; and you, through your Divine Son, crushed the serpent’s head. Hasten, then, to our help and deliver us from the deceits of Satan. Intercede for us with Jesus that we may always accept God’s graces and be found faithful to Him in our particular states of life. As you once saved our beloved city from ravaging flames and our country from an invading army, have pity on us and obtain for us protection from hurricanes and all other disasters. (Silent pause for individual petitions.) Assist us in the many trials which beset our path through life. Watch over the Church and the Pope as they uphold with total fidelity the purity of faith and morals against unremitting opposition. Be to us truly Our Lady of Prompt Succor now and especially at the hour of our death, that we may gain everlasting life through the merits of Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us! Amen.

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The Rosary Of Our Lady Of Tears

The Rosary of Our Lady of Tears The Rosary of Our Lady of Tears (or chaplet) is prayed with seven decades of seven beads between larger beads. It can also be prayed with an Our Lady of Sorrows Rosary.  The Prayers Start with the Sign of the Cross, Our Father and Hail Mary, then continue: 1. Beginning Prayer:Crucified Jesus, prostrate at Your feet, we offer You the tears of the Mother who, with love full of devotion and sympathy, accompanied You on Your painful way to Calvary. Grant, O Good Master, that we take to heart the lessons which the tears of Your Most Holy Mother have taught us, so that we may fulfill Your Holy Will on earth and become worthy to praise and bless You in heaven for all eternity. Amen. 2. Large Beads (instead of the “Our Father” say):v. O Jesus, look upon the tears of the Mother who loved You most while on earth, r. And who loves You so ardently in heaven. 3. Seven Small Beads (instead of the “Hail Mary” say):v. O Jesus hear our petitions,r. For the sake of the tears shed by Your dearest Mother. 4. At the End (repeat 3 times):O Jesus, look upon the tears of the Mother who loved You most while on earth, and who loves You so ardently in heaven. 5. Concluding Prayer:O Mary, Mother of Love, of Sorrows and of Mercy, we beg You, join Your prayers with ours so that Jesus, Your Divine Son to whom we turn, will graciously hear our petitions for the sake of Your maternal tears, and, together with the graces we implore, grant us finally the reward of eternal life. Amen. With Your tears, O sorrowful Mother, destroy the dominion of Satan. Through Your divine tenderness, O bound and fettered Jesus, defend the world from the errors which threaten it. Amen. Read more… Image: healingheartofjesus.com

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Prayer to Our Lady of Walsingham

Story In 1061, so the story goes, the lady of the manor of Little Walsingham in Norfolk, a widow named Richeldis, prayed to our Lady asking how she could honour her in some special way. In answer to this prayer Mary led Richeldis in spirit to Nazareth and showed her the house in which she had first received the angel’s message. Mary told Richeldis to take the measurements of this house and build another one just like it in Walsingham. It would be a place where people could come to honour her and her Son, remembering especially the mystery of the Annunciation and Mary’s joyful ‘yes’ to conceiving the Saviour. The late eleventh century and all through the twelfth and thirteenth century was the era of the crusades, which saw a growing interest in the sites consecrated by the human presence of Jesus in the Holy Land. But now pilgrims need not go so far; in England itself there was a ‘new Nazareth’ built by one of their own countrywomen. After some time Augustinian canons took over the care of the holy house and enshrined it in a special chapel within a much larger church. Pilgrims began to come from all over England and even abroad. From the time of Henry III nearly all the kings and queens of the realm visited Walsingham, as well as hundreds of ordinary people seeking help, healing and inner peace. Walsingham ranked with Rome, Jerusalem and Compostella in importance as a pilgrimage destination. Prayer O Mary, recall the solemn moment when Jesus, your divine son, dying on the cross, confided us to your maternal care. You are our mother, we desire ever to remain your devout children. let us therefore feel the effects of your powerful intercession with Jesus Christ. make your name again glorious in the shrine once renowned throughout England by your visits, favours, and many miracles. Pray, O holy mother of God, for the conversion of England, restoration of the sick, consolation for the afflicted, repentance of sinners, peace to the departed. O blessed Mary, mother of God, our Lady of Walsingham, intercede for us.Amen.

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Prayer to Our Lady of Montserrat

In 880, the story goes, shepherd children near Montserrat saw a light come from the sky accompanied by a beautiful song. This continued for a number of weeks then the image of the Blessed Mother was found in a cave. The wood carving still exists today though the fading varnish has turned the color of the hands and faces of Mary and Jesus a dark black. PRAYER “Oh merciful Mother, heart of love, heart of compassion, who always listens and comforts us, attends to our prayers. As your children, we implore your mediation before your son Jesus. He receives with mercy and compassion (make the request). What a joy to know that your heart is always ready for those who pray to you! We yield to your pious care and mediation our loved ones and all who feel sick, lonely or hurt. Help us, loving Mother, to carry our burdens in this life until we reach a share in eternal glory and peace with God. Amen”.

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Our Lady of Madhu, Sri Lanka

SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF MADHU The Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu is considered the holiest Catholic shrine in Sri Lanka, possessing a history that goes back for more than 400 years. Situated in the Mannar district, this Roman Catholic shrine to the Virgin Mary is a major centre of worship and pilgrimage for the country’s Tamil and Sinhalese Catholic population. The image of Our Lady of Madhu was granted a canonical coronation by Pope Pius XI in 1924. Story Behind the Sacred Shrine After the Dutch invasion of Sri Lanka, the persecution of the Catholic Church in 1670 forced a number of Catholic families to flee from their homes in the coastal town of Manthai; despite their haste to escape, they carried the statue of Mary from their local church with them. Meanwhile, around 700 Catholics migrated south from Jaffna into the Vanni forests. The two communities came across each other in Madhu, where they decided to build a new shrine using the statue of Mary that the Catholic families had rescued. Present-day Shrine Once the persecution of the Catholics had ended, the small community at Madhu discovered that their shrine was attracting pilgrims from all around the island. The church that stands with the shrine today was built in 1872, to include a spacious presbytery, a chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, and a grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes.

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