Prayer of St. Anthony of Padua that said to have “never been known to fail”

O Light of the world, Infinite God, Father of eternity, giver of wisdom and knowledge, and ineffable Dispenser of every spiritual grace; who knowest all things before they are made, who makest the darkness and the light: put forth Thy hand and touch my mouth, and make it as a sharp sword to utter eloquently Thy words. Make my tongue, O Lord, as a chosen arrow, to declare faithfully Thy wonders. Put Thy spirit, O Lord, in my heart, that I may perceive; in my soul, that I may retain; and in my conscience, that I may meditate. Do thou lovingly, holily, mercifully, clemently and gently inspire me with Thy grace. Do Thou teach, guide and strengthen the comings in and goings out of my senses and my thoughts. And let Thy discipline instruct me even to the end, and the counsel of the Most High help me through Thine infinite wisdom and mercy. Amen

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Powerful Prayer to the Holy Magi (to be said with faith three times. For spiritual and financial intercession.)

O Almighty God, we raise our voices to You, that You may hear and have pity on us. You can assist us in a wonderful manner. God of sanctity, God of strength, immortal God, have pity on us. We implore You through the merits of Jesus Christ, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Saint Joseph, of the Holy Magi Kings, Kasper, Melchior, and Baltassar, and all Your Angels and Saints, to grant us here below, temporal blessings, and above, the blessings of eternal life. Amen    Below is one another prayer, part of a longer novena to the Magi that is often said in preparation for the feast of Epiphany. O Holy Magi, you were living in continual expectation of the rising of the Star of Jacob, which would announce the birth of the true Son of justice; obtain for me an increase of faith and charity, and the grace to live in continual hope of beholding, one day, the light of heavenly glory and eternal joy.(Share your request …)Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. AmenPrayer to the Infant Jesus:Infant Jesus, meek and mild,look on me a little child.Pity mine and pity me,suffer me to come to Thee.Heart of Jesus, I adore Thee.Heart of Mary, I implore Thee.Heart of Joseph, pure and just.In these three hearts, I put my trust.Help us Joseph in our early strife,ever to lead a pure and blameless life.O, Holy Magi, Pray for Us (Source:Aleteia)

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Prayer to St. Joseph by Pope Leo XIII

favored to be recited at the end of the Rosary, and in October To thee, O blessed Joseph, we have recourse in our affliction, and, having implored the help of thy thrice holy Spouse, we now with hearts filled with confidence earnestly beg thee also to take us under thy protection. By that charity wherewith thou wert united to the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God, and by that fatherly love with which thou didst cherish the Child Jesus, we beseech thee and we humbly pray, that thou wilt look down with gracious eye upon that inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and wilt succor us in our need by thy power and strength. Defend, O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ. Keep from us, O most loving Father, all blight of error and corruption. Aid us from on high, most valiant defender, in this conflict with the power of darkness. And even as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the peril of His life, so now defend God’s Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Shield us ever under thy patronage, that, imitating thy example and strengthened by thy help, we may live a holy life, die a happy death, and attain everlasting bliss in heaven. Ad te beate Ioseph, in tribulatione nostra confugimus, atque, implorato Sponsae tuae sanctissimae auxilio, patrocinium quoque tuum fidenter exposcimus. Per eam, quaesumus quae te cum immaculata Virgine Dei Genetrice coniunxit, caritatem, perque paternum, quo Puerum Iesum amplexus es, amorem, supplices deprecamur, ut ad hereditatem, quam Iesus Christus acquisivit Sanguine suo, benignus respicias, ac necessitatibus nostris tua virtute et ope succurras. Tuere, o Custos providentissime divinae Familiae, Iesu Christi sobolem electam; prohibe a nobis, amantissime Pater, omnem errorum ac corruptelarum luem; propitius nobis, sospitator noster fortissime, in hoc cum potestate tenebrarum certamine e caelo adesto; et sicut olim Puerum Iesum e summo eripuisti vitae discrimine, ita nunc Ecclesiam sanctam Dei ab hostilibus insidiis atque ab omni adversitate defende: nosque singulos perpetuo tege patrocinio, ut ad tui exemplar et ope tua suffulti, sancte vivere, pie emori, sempiternamque in caelis beatitudinem assequi possimus.

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Holy Name Prayer from ‘the Rural Life Prayerbook’

LORD JESUS, we humbly pray You to give us all a great reverence and respect for Your most holy name. Forgive us for ever having used the name of Jesus in vain, or without due respect. Help us remember how reverently and lovingly Your Mother Mary used the name of Jesus, and how humbly Saint Joseph called You and spoke to You by name. Your name, dear Jesus, is above every other name in heaven or on earth, because You are Jesus, the Savior of all men. You have saved us, and You have told us to ask God anything in Your name, and it would be granted. We ask You, humbly and confidently, to bless us and our work, and give us the rich treasures of Your divine grace, without which we cannot even so much as pronounce the name of Jesus.

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Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue

Lovely Lady dressed in blue-Teach me how to pray!God was just your little boy,Tell me what to say! Did you lift Him up, sometimes,Gently on your knee?Did you sing to Him the wayMother does to me? Did you hold His hand at night?Did you ever tryTelling stories of the world?O! And did He cry? Do you really think He caresIf I tell Him things-Little things that happen? AndDo the Angels’ wings Make a noise? And can He hearMe if I speak low?Does He understand me now?Tell me- for you know? Lovely Lady dressed in blue-Teach me how to pray!God was just your little boy,And you know the way.

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Midnight Praises of the Coptic Monks

I sought after You: from the depths of my heartMy Lord Jesus: help me.Loosen for me: all the bonds of sinMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Be a help to me: so that You may save meMy Lord Jesus: help me.May Your goodness: come speedily to meMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Overshadow me: with the shadow of Your wingsMy Lord Jesus: help me.In six days You have made: all the creationMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Seven times everyday: I will praise Your NameMy Lord Jesus: help me.All the creation: glorifies Your NameMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Yours is the Lordship: and the AuthorityMy Lord Jesus: help me.Make haste, O my God: so that You may save meMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Every knee: bows down before YouMy Lord Jesus: help me.All the diverse tongues: together bless Your NameMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Turn away Your face: from all of my sinsMy Lord Jesus: help me.Blot out, O God: all my iniquitiesMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. You know my thoughts: and You search my depthsMy Lord Jesus: help me.Create in me: a clean heartMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Your Holy Spirit: do not take away from meMy Lord Jesus: help me.Incline Your ears: make haste and hear meMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Set before me a law: in the way of Your justiceMy Lord Jesus: help me.Your Kingdom O my God: is an eternal kingdomMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. You are the Son of God: I believe in YouMy Lord Jesus: help me.You Who carries the sins of the world Have mercy upon meMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Forgive me the multitude: of my iniquitiesMy Lord Jesus: help me.All of the souls: together bless Your NameMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Have patience with me: do not hasten to destroy meMy Lord Jesus: help me.Early in the morning: I will rise and Bless Your NameMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Your yoke is sweet: and Your burden is lightMy Lord Jesus: help me.In the accepted time: hear meMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Oh, how beloved: is Your Holy NameMy Lord Jesus: help me.Disperse away from me: all of the devilsMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Sow within me: the seed of Your righteousnessMy Lord Jesus: help me.Grant us Your true peace: and forgive us our sinsMy Lord Jesus Christ: help me.

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Seven Thanksgivings for the Seven Sheddings of Our Lord’s Blood

Against the Seven Deadly SinsI. O Most humble Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, eternal praise and thanksgiving be to Thee, because in Thy tenderest age, on the eighth day of Thy mortal life, Thou didst vouchsafe to shed Thy precious and innocent Blood for us, and as a true Son of Abraham to bear the pain of circumcision.By this most holy shedding of Thy Blood, I beg of Thee the grace of humility against all pride and wordly vanity.Our Father. . .O Saviour of the world, who by Thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us: save us, and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.II. O THOU whose love is like the pelican’s for her young, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, eternal praise and thanksgiving be to Thee, because in the Garden, out of exceeding anguish of Thy Heart, Thou didst pour forth a bloody sweat, and, wholly resigning Thyself to death, didst offer it to Thy Father.By this most holy shedding of Thy Blood, I ask of Thee the grace of liberality against all covetousness and avarice.Our Father. . .O Saviour of the world, who by Thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us: save us, and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.III. O MOST chaste Spouse, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, eternal praise and thanksgiving be to Thee, because Thou didst suffer Thyself to be mercilessly bound in Pilate’s judgement hall, and Thy virginal flesh to be cruelly scourged and mangled.By this most holy shedding of Thy Blood, I implore Thee the grace of chastity against all sensuality and lust.Our Father. . .O Saviour of the world, who by Thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us: save us, and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.IV. O MOST meek Lamb, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, eternal praise and thanksgiving be to Thee, because Thou didst suffer Thy sacred Head to be crowned with piercing thorns and struck with a hard reed.By this most holy shedding of Thy Blood, I pray Thee for the grace of meekness against all anger and desire of revenge.Our Father. . .O Saviour of the world, who by Thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us: save us, and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.V. O MOST sweet Jesus Christ, Pattern of temperance and self-denial, true God and true Man, eternal praise and thanksgiving be to Thee, because Thou didst allow Thy garments to be torn from Thy bleeding body both before and after the carrying of Thy Cross, which opened Thy wounds again, and caused them to bleed afresh.By this most holy shedding of Thy Blood, I beseech of Thee the grace of temperance and abstinence against all greediness and gluttony.Our Father. . .O Saviour of the world, who by Thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us: save us, and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.VI. O GOOD and faithful Samaritan, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, eternal praise and thanksgiving be to Thee, because out of Thy burning love for us Thou didst suffer Thy sacred Hands and Feet to be pierced and nailed to the Cross for our redemption.By this most holy shedding of Thy Blood, I beg of Thee the grace of brotherly love against all envy and jealously.Our Father. . .O Saviour of the world, who by Thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us: save us, and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.VII. O Most zealous High-Priest, true God and true Man, eternal praise and thanksgiving be to Thee, because Thou didst suffer Thy sacred side to be pierced, opened, and wounded with a spear.By this most holy shedding of Thy Blood, I earnestly pray Thee for the grace of holy zeal and fervor against all sloth and weariness in Thy service, and in every religous exercise.Our Father. . .O Saviour of the world, who by Thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us: save us, and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord. Amen.

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Prayer to Bind & Blind Demons

Most gracious Virgin Mary, thou who wouldst crush the head of the serpent, protect us from the vengeance of the evil one. We offer our prayers, supplications, sufferings and good works to you so that you may purify them, sanctify them and present them to thy Son as a perfect offering. May this offering be given so that the demons that influence us (could influence us or name the person) do not know the source of the expulsion and blindness. Blind them so they know not our good works. Blind them so that they know not on whom to take vengeance. Blind them so that they may receive the just sentence for their works. Cover us with the Precious Blood of thy Son so that we may enjoy the protection which flows from His Passion and Death. We ask this through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. Source

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Before Confession…

Be truly sorry for your sins. The essential act of Penance, on the part of the penitent, is contrition, a clear and decisive rejection of the sin committed, together with a resolution not to commit it again, out of the love one has for God (which is reborn with repentance). Understood in this way, contrition is, therefore, the beginning and the heart of conversion, of that evangelical metanoia which brings the person back to God like the Prodigal Son returning to his father, and which has in the sacrament of Penance its visible sign, and which perfects attrition (imperfect contrition-born of the consideration of sin’s ugliness or the fear of eternal damnation and other penalties threatening the sinner).2 The resolution to avoid committing these sins in the future (amendment) is a sure sign that your sorrow is genuine and authentic. This does not mean that one has to promise never to fall again into sin. A resolution to try to avoid the near occasions of sin suffices for true repentance. God’s grace in cooperation with the intention to rectify your life will give you the strength to resist and overcome temptation in the future. Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. or: My God,I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.In choosing to do wrongand failing to do good,I have sinned against youwhom I should love above all things.I firmly intend with your help,to do penance,to sin no more,and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.Our Savior Jesus Christsuffered and died for us.In his name, my God, have mercy. You are now ready to go to Confession. The rite is presented on p. 336. Read more…

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