These People Receive Wounds Of The Stigmata

Meet the extraordinary people who claim to receive open wounds of the stigmata from Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. A fascinating documentary examining evidence from people claiming to receive the open wounds of the stigmata – the wounds of Christ’s Crucifixion which appear physically on the hands, feet and side of a rare and, some would say, chosen few. The programme features stigmatics from around the world, including the three from the UK, and throughout history – from St Francis to Padre Pio. It covers the various theories that have been put forward to explain this mysterious phenomenon: multiple personality disorder, self-infliction of wounds, and the possible psychosomatic reproduction of traumatic injuries years after the event.

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O Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Heaven

hymn from the Roman Brieviary, 5th century O Christ, whose glory fills the heaven, our only hope, in mercy given; Child of a Virgin meek and pure; Son of the Highest evermore: Grant us Thine aid Thy praise to sing, as opening days new duties bring; that with the light our life may be renewed and sanctified by Thee. The morning star fades from the sky, the sun breaks forth; night’s shadows fly: O Thou, true Light, upon us shine: our darkness turn to light divine. Within us grant Thy light to dwell: and from our souls dark sins expel; Cleanse Thou our minds from stain of ill, and with Thy peace our bosoms fill. To us strong faith forever give, with joyous hope, in Thee to live; That life’s rough way may ever be made strong and pure by charity. All laud to God the Father be; All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee; All glory, as is ever meet, to God the Holy Paraclete. Aeterna caeli gloria, beata spes mortalium, celsi Parentis Unice, castaeque proles Virginis: Da dexteram surgentibus, exsurgat et mens sobria. flagrans et in laudem Dei grates rependat debitas. Ortus refulget lucifer, ipsamque lucem nuntiat, cadit caligo noctium, lux sancta nos illuminet. Manensque ostris sensibus noctem repellat saeculi omnique fine temporis purgata servet pectora. Quaesita iam primum fides radicet altis sensibus, secunda spes congaudeat, tunc4 maior exstat caritas. Sit, Christe, rex piissime, tibi Patrique gloria, cum Spiritu Paraclito, in sempiterna saecula. Amen.

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The Greatest Moment in History: Revealed by an Exorcist – Our Lady’s Most Glorious Act

As the Church teaches, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the greatest of all God’s creatures. She is the one who was chosen by God to bring His only Son into the world, and her role in salvation history is unparalleled. But what is Our Lady’s greatest glory?   In the history of humanity, there have been many moments of triumph and honour. But according to an exorcist, Father Chad Ripperger, one moment stands above all others.   During an exorcism, Fr Ripperger encountered a demon who admitted that he had been the angel created by God to head the hierarchy of angels meant to serve Our Lady as Queen of Heaven.   This demon had been reduced to tears when Father pointed out that his name would never be written in Heaven next to Our Lady’s.   It was the Feast of the Assumption, and upon the demon denying Father’s assertion that the Assumption is Our Lady’s greatest glory, Father Ripperger commanded him to reveal the truth: What is Our Lady’s greatest glory?   Why isn’t it her Assumption into Heaven, free from the stain of sin?   The demon explained that our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven is her greatest triumph. She was taken from this life into the next, having completed her life absolutely sinless.    She entered Heaven as the Queen of Angels, perfectly pure and holy. Assumed body and soul into Heaven, she now reigns with her Son as Queen of Heaven and Earth.   To get back to our question… Could it be her Crowning as Queen of Heaven and Earth perhaps? No.   According to the demon, Our Lady’s Coronation is the moment of her greatest honour. It is the recognition of her excellence by which God drew attention to her perfections.   The crowning also has a very specific meaning in spiritual warfare. “It means that she rules, and whenever she asks for something, she gets it because she never offended God and always did everything to please Him. As a result of that, He will never deny her anything.”   “We’ve all offended (God) to some degree or another,” says Fr. Ripperger, “and as a result of that, His level of trust in us is only proportionate to how much He knows He can trust us.” But Our Lady never hurt Him. Everything she did was purely for Him.   The demon revealed that never once did she count the personal cost of any of her sacrifices, and that was because, as Spouse of the Holy Ghost, her pure love for Him consumed her. This relationship with God is unique to Our Lady and gives her a powerful intercessory role as a warrior for God.   But there’s more. Mary’s crowning also makes her powerful against demons. In spiritual warfare, demons are terrified of her, for they know that she is their greatest adversary. She is the one who was chosen to crush the head of the serpent, and she has been given the power to defeat him and all his minions.   Indeed, the demon was forced to reveal that Our Lady’s most glorious moment was something else entirely…   The most glorious moment, in all of history in fact, aside from Christ’s Passion is when Our Lady stood in perfect virtue at the foot of the Cross.   It was there that she participated in her Son’s redemption of mankind.   It was there that she united her sufferings to His, and it was there that she became our Mother.   She intercedes for us and protects us from the devil. Her standing at the Cross shows us the depth of her love for us and her willingness to suffer for our salvation. This moment has been etched in the hearts of believers for centuries, and it continues to inspire us to this day.   “What do we mean by glorious?” Father explains. “Saint Thomas defines glory as the manifestation of excellence. And just by looking at Our Lady at Calvary, we see the manifestation of the greatest excellence in all of creation, aside from Christ.”   Our Lady’s standing at the foot of the Cross is powerful and profound as she models for us what it means to love God with every fibre of our being… what it means to be a true disciple of Christ.   Our Lady’s Assumption, crowning, and standing at the foot of the Cross are all important aspects of her glory. Each reveals a different facet of her perfection and her love for God and for us. Let us turn to her in times of need and ask for her intercession.   She is Our Lady, Our Mother, and Our Queen.   Let us remember this moment of glory.   Let us remember the sacrifice that Our Lady made for us.   Let us honour her as Queen of Heaven and Earth and let us strive to follow her example of perfect virtue and pure love for God.   Join us in praying to Our Lady and experiencing her powerful intercession against the forces of evil.   Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

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Prayer to Our Lady of Pity

favored by Pope Pius IX Kneeling at thy holy feet, O gracious Queen of Heaven, we offer thee our deepest reverence. Thou art the daughter of the eternal Father, the mother of the Divine Word, and the spouse of the Holy Ghost. Full of grace, of virtue, and of heavenly gifts thou art the chaste temple of God’s mercies. Thy loving heart is filled with charity, sweetness, and tender compassion for poor sinners, and we call thee Mother of Holy Pity. With the utmost trust I come to thee in my sorrow and distress. Give me confidence in thy love, and grant me what I ask if it be God’s will, and for the welfare of my soul. Cast thine eyes of pity upon me and upon all with whom I am in any way connected. Shield me from the attacks of the world, the flesh and the devil. Remember, O fondest of mothers, that I am thy child, purchased with the precious blood of thy Divine Son. Pray without ceasing that the adorable Trinity may give me the grace ever to triumph over the devil, the world and my passions. I ask this, O most pure Virgin, through the infinite bounty of the Most High, through the merits of thy Divine Son, by the care with which thou didst nourish Him, by the devotion with which thou didst serve Him, by the love with which thou didst cherish Him, by thy tears and anguish in the days of thy pilgrimage. Obtain that the whole world may be made one people and one Church, which shall give thanks, praise and glory to the most Holy Trinity, and to thee who art its mediator. May the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son and the virtue of the Holy Ghost grant us this blessing. Amen

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Heartbeat Reparation Prayer

Eternal Father, I desire to rest in your heart this night.I make the intention of offering you every beat of my heart, joining to them as many acts of love and desire.I pray that even while I’m asleep, I will bring back to You souls that offend You.I ask forgiveness for the whole world,especially for those who know You and yet sin.I offer to You my every breath and heartbeat,as a prayer of reparation.

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Mary the Dawn, Christ the Perfect Day

Mary the dawn, Christ the Perfect Day;Mary the gate, Christ the Heavenly Way! Mary the root, Christ the Mystic Vine;Mary the grape, Christ the Sacred Wine! Mary the wheat, Christ the Living Bread;Mary the stem, Christ the Rose blood-red! Mary the font, Christ the Cleansing Flood;Mary the cup, Christ the Saving Blood! Mary the temple, Christ the temple’s Lord;Mary the shrine, Christ the God adored! Mary the beacon, Christ the Haven’s Rest;Mary the mirror, Christ the Vision Blest! Mary the mother, Christ the mother’s SonBy all things blest while endless ages run.

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Face of Christ Prayer |by St. Therese the Little Flower

by St. Therese the Little Flower (often said while meditating upon an image of the face of Christ) O Jesus, who in Thy bitter passion didst become “the most abject of men, a man of sorrow,” I venerate Thy sacred Face whereon there once did shine the beauty and sweetness of the Godhead; but now It has become as it were the face of a leper! Nevertheless under those disfigured features, I recognize Thine infinite Love, and I am consumed with desire to love Thee and make Thee loved by all men. The tears which well up so abundantly in Thy sacred eyes appear to me as so many precious pearls that I love to gather up, in order to purchase the souls of poor sinners by means of their infinite value. O Jesus, whose adorable Face ravishes my heart, I implore Thee to fix deep within me Thy divine image and to set me on fire with Thy love, that so I may be found worthy to come to the contemplation of Thy glorious Face in Heaven. Amen

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A Prayer Before the Reading of Any Part of the Holy Scriptures

Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts and minds of thy faithful servants, and inflame them with the fire of thy divine love. Let us pray O God, who by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, didst instruct the hearts of thy faithful servants; grant us in the same Spirit, to discern what is right, and enjoy his comfort for ever, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth one God, with thee and the same Spirit, world without end. Amen.

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Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

O Jesus, Divine Saviour, deign to cast a look of mercy upon Your children, who assemble in the same spirit of faith, reparation, and love, and come to deplore their own infidelities, and those of all poor sinners, their brethren. May we touch Your Divine Heart by the unanimous and solemn promises we are about to make and obtain mercy for ourselves, for the world, and for all who are so unhappy as not to love You. We all promise that for the future: For the forgetfulness and ingratitude of men, we will console You, O Lord.For the way You are deserted in Your holy tabernacle,For the crimes of sinners,For the hatred of the impious,For the blasphemies uttered against You,For the sacrileges that profane Your Sacrament of Love,For the outrages against Your divinity,For the injuries of which You are the adorable Victim,For the coldness of the greater part of your children,For the contempt of your loving invitation,For the infidelity of those who called themselves Your friends,For the abuse of Your grace,For our own unfaithfulness,For the incomprehensible hardness of our hearts,For our long delay in loving You,For our tepidity in Your holy service,For Your bitter sadness at the loss of souls,For Your long waiting at the door of our hearts,For the heartless scorn that grieves You,For Your loving sighs,For Your loving tears,For Your loving imprisonment,For Your loving death, Let us pray O Jesus! Divine Saviour, from whose Heart comes forth this bitter complaint, “I looked for one that would comfort me, and I found none,” graciously accept the feeble consolation we offer You, and aid us so powerfully by your grace, that we may, for the time to come, shun more and more all that can displease You, and prove ourselves in everything, and everywhere, and forever Your most faithful and devoted servants. We ask it through Your Sacred Heart, O Lord, who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit one God, forever and ever.

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