Dreaming of A Co-Housing of Christ Followers in Australia?

Dreaming of A Co-Housing of Christ Followers in Australia? Have you ever considered the possibility of being part of a housing development that Lives, Glorifies and Celebrates Christ the King? A place where there is scope for private family living surrounded by opportunities for community, connection, sharing and exchanges with other families and individuals dedicated to the values of Biblical teachings living with a Love of Christ as the corner stone and core foundation of their life. Our family is interested in investigating the possibilities of creating such a community with other Christ families and individuals living in Australia or wanting to establish roots hear. We have identified a large parcel of land which includes 5 cottages and 16 Motal Units (suitable for conversion into studio apartments), a convention hall with commercial kitchen and a second Octagonal Meeting Hall waiting to be transformed and consecrated into a Church. This property located at the border of Victoria and New South Wales backs on to High Country State forests, has several water catchments, fruit orchids and organic gardens set up and ready for rejuvenation. If you are wondering how private and communal can be brought together formally under an umbrella of Christian values please see Co Housing Australia’s web site:-  https://cohousing.com.au/ and also Tasman Village Co Housing https://tasmanecovillage.org.au/ and https://www.visitecovillagefindhorn.uk/ as examples of what can be created by people coming together with common values and a common vision of ideal living. If you are inspired to commence conversations and investigations please contact Christabel via email: – [email protected]  

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Saint Therese: Herald of the Apocalypse?

Who could describe as “sweet” the reading of a book that gives an account of the rise of the Anti-Christ, the tribulations that will mark the end times, followed by meditations on death, judgment, Heaven and Hell? “Reading this book was one of the greatest graces of my life …The impression I received from it is too sweet to express. All the great truths of religion and the mysteries of eternity plunged into my soul a happiness not of this earth.” So wrote Saint Thérèse in her autobiography about End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life, a book she cherished for preparing her for the trials of monastic life as well as the happiness of Heaven. Here we might be inclined to dismiss Saint Thérèse. We might say: “Sure—Saint Thérèse would enjoy a book like that! She’s a great saint in Heaven who had a high tolerance for pain and suffering in this life!  She was confident in the glory that awaited someone with her sanctity—but what about the rest of us?” Such statements, I believe, misread Therese, misread the book, and misunderstand the sovereignty of God. Thérèse had no illusions about either the trials or the brevity of life; she was no stranger to physical and interior suffering; her discipleship shielded her from no cross. What made the book “sweet” for her was its account of Christ’s inevitable triumph—the victory won at Calvary, a victory confirmed by the Resurrection, a victory we are offered a share in by grace. More than that: Saint Thérèse was sure, in a way that I think most of aren’t, that Christ the King—crucified, risen and returning—is our King who is reigning right now. Read More with Aleteia  

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A powerful prayer to defeat the work of Satan

It is a truth of the Catholic faith that Satan and his minions are real and are actively engaged in a battle against us. They eagerly want our demise, but we must fight back against them. Pope Francis explained this reality during a daily Mass homily in 2014. The devil exists and we have to fight against him. Paul says so — I’m not the one saying it. The word of God says it … However, do not be discouraged. (Have) courage and strength because the Lord is with us. Among the many prayers that the Church provides for us in this battle against Satan, here is one simply called “Prayer to Defeat the Work of Satan.” It is a powerful prayer, one that begs God to cast out the darkness from this world once and for all. O Divine Eternal Father, in union with your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg You to destroy the Power of your greatest enemy — the evil spirits. Cast them into the deepest recesses of hell and chain them there forever! Take possession of your Kingdom which You have created and which is rightfully yours. Heavenly Father, give us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I repeat this prayer out of pure love for You with every beat of my heart and with every breath I take. Amen

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Warning in May 2024? Luz de Maria

Checkout St Michael’s and Our Lady’s recent message to Luz de Maria about May 2024.   They both said this May 2024 will be a test for every human being on the planet. Our Lady said she is not allowed to reveal what this test will be.  Will it be the Warning? St Michael mentions; Italy invaded (which is the Garabandal prophecy), England suffering due to the war and drought, the USA will hit by an earthquake, war will spread, supervolcanoes will awaken, the sea willflood certain countries,  Message of Saint Michael The Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on May 1, 2024: Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you by Trinitarian Will, in command of the heavenly legions. I protect you with my heavenly legions. Humanity is being persecuted by the legions of evil in their desire to steal souls as their spoils. Our struggle does not let up, being continual in the defence of souls. You are beginning the month of May dedicated to Our Queen and Most Holy Mother; a month of fierce trials for humanity. The forces of evil will test human beings, children of our Queen and Mother, whom the Devil from hell is persecuting without admitting defeat. (cf. Gen 3:15; Rev. 12:1-9) In this month of special prayer to Our Queen and Mother, the Devil’s plan is to bring down the greatest possible number of souls, and with his pride and arrogance, he will tempt the human race as never before, in order to take with him souls that are lukewarm and weak in faith. Faced with this constant threat, I call you to remain firm in your faith, being humble. (James 4:6-10) So many of you are wondering, how do I stay firm in the faith? And I say to you, by being humble and continuing to give pride of place to your love for God and neighbour. (cf. Mt. 22:37-39) So many of God’s creatures have filled themselves with envy and hatred and are losing everything that Our King and Lord Jesus Christ gave them in order that they would testify to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. They are losing the opportunity that they had in being chosen, due to the pride that feeds on their arrogance. How Heaven grieves over this, how it grieves! Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, how much will be fulfilled in this race towards disaster for humanity! Pain and betrayal will lead to the invasion of Italy in this time of war. From there pain and blood will flow to other countries. I call on you not to forget what has been announced to you and to keep watching the Balkans. Now is the time when the Devil will succeed in removing from the Divine plans some people called to be part of those plans, due to their works and behaviour, which are almost unconscious, and their hardness of heart. They will suffer when they see what they have done with their hardened free will. This is why Our King and Lord Jesus Christ calls you to be children with a heart of flesh and to be creatures of faith. In the midst of the war, an unthinkable catastrophe will occur that will weaken the war itself. I am warning you by Divine Order. Paris will rise up in revolution and will be without the attraction for which humanity used to come to this country. As the war between nations will lead to a religious war, Our Queen and Mother is attentive to all her children, being the Mother who will defend the children of her Son. England will suffer in the midst of the war; it will suffer what it did not even imagine and will be affected by the lack of water. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico; they will suffer due to an earthquake. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters in the United States; the earthquake is approaching. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ; pray for hearts of stone that are incapable of asking for forgiveness. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ; pray for your brothers and sisters who do not believe in or obey Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters in Haiti and Jamaica; they will be flooded. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters in Brazil and Argentina; people will rise up in revolts. Pray to Our Queen and Mother; pray with strength, not forgetting that prayer achieves what the human race considers impossible. The prophecies are subject to humanity’s response. You are heard if you respond as Heaven asks. Keep in mind that when men think that they have the strength and power to dominate the greater part of humanity by force, the Most Holy Trinity will “disarm the powerful and exalt the humble” (Lk. 1:51- 52) with a single glance. Our Queen and Mother is Mother of all humanity: welcome her with love. Our Queen is the intercessor of humanity, which is why from this month onwards, greater action by evil against humanity is to be anticipated. Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention! With my sword raised in defense of God’s children. Saint Michael the Archangel   Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin (countdowntothekingdom.com) This weekend Europe (Ireland and England) and parts of America are seeing the Northern Lights in stunning displays.  Last time the Northern Lights came down over various parts of Europe and America, world war 2 happened almost immediately afterwards, which was Our Lady’s prophecy.  Is this now repeating itself? My uncle took this photo of the Northern Lights in Ireland last night. We live near the centre of Ireland and have never ever seen the…

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New French Mystic, Sulema – “I See So Much Suffering”

About her… Born in El Salvador in 1954 but living in Quebec, Canada, Sulema Gomez has been receiving messages attributed by her to Jesus and the Virgin Mary for many years, which came to wider attention with the publication of three volumes of locutions received between 2010 and 2013, entitled I have come to prepare you for this event: the Illumination of Conscience. The title is a reference to the coming “mini-judgment”, also known as the Warning, prophesied by a considerable number of mystics over several decades, foretelling a unique occurrence in the history of humanity when all people on earth (with the exception of small children) will see their spiritual state as God sees it. Mary Queen of Peace to Sulema on October 26, 2023: Now is the time to turn to the Lord for mercy and to alleviate the consequences of war. If you pray with all your heart and offer sacrifices, the time will be shortened. Take my words seriously and pray for peace in the world. Pray, pray, pray day and night to thwart the forces of evil that want to destroy much of humanity. Do not be discouraged on seeing all the evil around you. Be strong, courageous and go forward. The holy Angels and all the saints are accompanying you in these hours of tribulation. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: the Lord watches over those who fear him. I have left you the most powerful weapon to defend yourself: the Holy Rosary. Pray it with all your heart and you will be protected in this time of great suffering for all humanity. Receive my special blessing in the Name of the Father + in the Name of the Son + and in the Name of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Alleluia! October 15, 2023: My Immaculate Heart is torn when I see so much suffering, when I see how far cruelty has gone in the hearts of men. Love no longer exists among the peoples of the earth. There is more desolation day by day. Families are divided, destroyed by the suffering of death and hunger. They have to abandon everything in order to try to survive. My Maternal Heart bleeds againon seeing that a large number of [my] childrenhave not believed and, worse still, no longerbelieve in our words, to our warnings.How many times have I asked you topray for peace in the world,in families? The Lord will be with all His children who say “yes” to Him from the bottom of their hearts, with those who have believed in Him, who have chosen to follow Him by respecting His Word, His Commandments, with those who have chosen Him out of love. Dear children, take courage, be at peace, because the Holy Spirit comes to enlighten your steps… October 7, 2023: …Rejoice, for the Lord is coming to meet each of His children on earth. The hour of His coming is very near; you will all see it – some with joy and love, others with great astonishment, still others with fear and anguish and finally others with great indifference. My Immaculate Heart bleeds again on seeing this indifference, this lukewarmness, because man has closed his heart to the Lord. You are about to experience very great events and yet you act as if nothing is going to happen. You do not want to believe that time, as you [currently] experience it, is coming to an end. [1] You will experience this in tears because of all the suffering that will be around you, because the facts will speak to you for themselves, but then it will be too late to go back. You will experience the consequences of your choices, because it will have been your sins that started everything. Be faithful in prayer, in adoration, in receiving the sacrament of Forgiveness [Reconciliation], in order to receive peace, strength and discernment, so as not to succumb to temptation. I have left you the most powerful weapon there is to protect you: the Holy Rosary… Jesus, October 5, 2023:  …Look around you and see how everything is being fulfilled… You have just begun a new stage of the End Times. This Autumn will be very special, not to mention winter; you will see then how events will speak for themselves… Prepare yourselves therefore to experience everything that has been announced to you… I say to you again […] pray to the Lord with all your heart, pray to your Holy Mother, offering her the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, ask Saint Michael to come with the Heavenly Court to protect and guide you in this time of tribulation… You will understand the gravity of this moment as you look at all that is going to happen in the world… Wake up, pray, adore and remain in a state of grace! Pray for the thousands of children[2]people : the French “enfants” is not restricted to minors but denotes God’s children in these messages. Translator’s note who will perish in the days to come, especially for those children who have not taken the time to prepare to meet Me. Pray for all victims of human violence, but also of war. I will be with all My faithful children, those who have truly chosen Me. I know those who are with Me and all those who are against Me – never forget this. Ask the Holy Spirit for the grace of perseverance to see this battle through to the end and also for the discernment necessary in this time when lies and confusion reign, when there are so many wolves in sheep’s clothing. Remain at peace and pray at all times. Read More with Countdown to Kingdom

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“What’s the Point?”: End Times and Using the Time We Have Left

What is the purpose of the Christian life? Or we might ask even more simply: What’s the point? As the Church year comes to an end, this essential question is brought into sharp focus. The answer is as simple as it might be unpopular: we’re waiting for the fulfillment of time and of hope-filled promises of an untold future. We are awaiting the return of Christ. We “wait in joyful hope,” or something vital is missing from our individual faith. Talk of heaven and hell, death and judgment can be uncomfortable for Christians, and if the naive concepts of heaven’s “streets paved with gold” and hell’s “fire” shape the lives of some believers, these Sunday school images are neither what we are about, nor the best foundations for a way of living. So we have to be careful not to allow “end times” imaginings to overshadow the truth of God’s kingdom. Still, in the final weeks of the liturgical year, “end times” readings permeate our liturgical worship to a point that might seem unnecessarily negative and even macabre, especially for those Christians who have had the threat of judgment used as a weapon against them, like a divine hammer hovering always just above their heads, and ready to strike. The liturgical texts for the end of the Church year, like the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14–30) and the Lesson of the Fig Tree (Mark 13:24–32), offer us important insights into what our expectant waiting should be like. In the Parable of the Talents, a wealthy man gives talanton to his slaves—five, two, or one, “according to their ability.” One “talent” was worth 6,000 days’—or 16 years’—wages. The slaves with five and two talents succeeded in doubling their master’s money; the slave with the single talent buried it in the ground to avoid the risk of losing it. The master in the parable rewards the first and second slaves, but the third slave who buried the money out of fear was condemned as being “wicked and lazy” and thrown “into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.” Some might use this passage from the Gospel as an opportunity to reflect on economic inequality but we can’t ignore that the Church has chosen this text at the end of the year, and paired it with a passage from Proverbs 31, which praises the productive activity of the God-fearing woman. She stands in stark contrast to the timid servant of the Gospel who was so frightened of failure that he chose not to act at all. The point of the pairing is that we are supposed to use the time we have to do something. We not only have to foster and develop the unique gifts that have been entrusted to each of us, we must also allow those gifts to enrich the world around us. Each day is itself a gift, and if we are truly living for the future, we have an obligation to make the most of today. But these last days of the Church year should also inspire us to act with urgency because, as Paul reminded the Thessalonians, the Lord will return “as a thief in the night.” We will hear the same theme repeated in Advent, as we watch and wait for the coming of Christ in the celebration of his birth in history, in his presence among us today in mystery, and in his final coming in majesty. Amid talk about the decline of Christianity and of a post-Christian society, I wonder whether so many branches of Christianity are in decline because so many Christians have lost a sense of purpose and the urgency of now in the work we have been called to: feeding and clothing the poor, comforting those who mourn, protecting the innocent and the victimized, healing the sick and addicted, and raising up those who have fallen down. Acts of selfless charity and hospitality are the most effective means of spreading the Gospel. Government can’t do it all, nor should we want it to, because we are called to minister to the world, and we mustn’t consign that responsibility elsewhere. We do well to remember and take comfort in the words of the Basil Hume, a Benedictine monk and Cardinal-Archbishop of Westminster, who is remembered as a wise, faithful and compassionate pastor: A priest started his homily at a funeral by saying, “I am going to preach about judgment.” There was dismay in the congregation. But he went on: “Judgment is whispering into the ear of a merciful and compassionate God the story of my life which I had never been able to tell.” It is a very great encouragement to think of being in the presence of God who is both merciful and full of compassion, because God knows me through and through and understands me far better than I could ever know and understand myself, or anyone else. Only he can truly make sense of my confused and rambling story … The time will come for each of us to appear before our God to render an account of our lives. It will not be a frightening moment, unless to the bitter end we have turned away from him or consciously ignored him. Instead it will be a moment of deliverance and peace when we can whisper into his merciful and compassionate ear the story of all our years, and be forgiven and made whole. The Gospel requires us to be open to change, and to a way of life that is far different from what we might choose for ourselves. This is what Dietrich Bonhoeffer called “the cost of discipleship” and what Søren Kierkegaard was thinking of when he wrote of admirers and followers of Christ: A follower is or strives to be what he admires. An admirer, however, keeps himself personally detached. He fails to see that what is admired involves a claim upon him, and thus he fails to be or strive to be what he admires. These final days of the Church year provide the answer to our question to the “point” of…

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