Fr. Gabriele Amorth’s Deliverance Prayer

O Jesus our Savior, my Lord and my God, my God and my all, with your sacrifice on the Cross you redeemed us and defeated the power of Satan. I beg you to deliver me from every evil presence and every evil influence. ​ I ask you in your name, I ask you for the sake of your wounds, I ask you for the sake of your blood, I ask you for the sake of your Cross, I ask you through the intercession of Mary, Immaculate and Sorrowful. ​ May the blood and the water that flow from your side wash over me to purify me, deliver me, heal me.  Amen.

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Prayer for Break Unholy Ties, Curses, Spells, Seals & Consecrations Prayer

Prayer To Break Unholy Ties This prayer is used when the victim has had a long-standing relationship with person(s) involved with the occult or has communicated with “imaginary friends,” spirit guides, ascended masters, “elementals, ” “wandering souls,” etc. In the Name of Jesus, I break any unholy ties, links, and bondages between myself and X and all evil sources and spirits.(3 times) And I command all spirits affecting me associated with these unholy ties, links, and bondages to go immediately and directly to the foot of the cross. O Most Holy Spirit, enter into the empty spaces left by these spirits and fill me with your presence, love, and protection. Please do not allow these spirits to return. Prayer to Break Curses and Spells This prayer is used when the victim has been a target of curses and spells. In the Name of Jesus, I break all curses sent against me and all spells around me.(3 times)  And I command all evil spirits affecting me associated with these curses and spells to go immediately and directly to the foot of the cross. O Most Holy Spirit, enter into the empty spaces left by these spirits and fill me with your presence, love, and protection. Please do not allow these spirits to return.  Prayer To Break Seals and ConsecrationsRenounce all occult involvement three times. In the Name of Jesus, I break the seals around me and the consecrations upon me.(3 times) And I command all evil spirits affecting me associated with these seals and consecrations to go immediately and directly to the foot of the cross, O Most Holy Spirit, enter into the empty spaces left by these spirits and fill me with your presence, love, and protection. Please do not allow these spirits to return. (adapted from Syquia, pp. 76-80)

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How to bless your home with Epiphany chalk

ach year around the feast of the Epiphany many parishes throughout the world participate in an annual blessing of chalk. It is an ancient tradition that not only places God at the entrance of your home, it places your entire family under his protection.   The Epiphany blessing of chalk and homes is a centuries old tradition where priests would visit each home in their parish after the Feast of the Epiphany. Over time it became more difficult to accomplish such a feat as parishes became larger and larger and priests were stretched thin. For this reason it became an accepted tradition that a member of the household is able to lead this blessing in place of the priest. The blessing has biblical roots, deeply tied to the Passover in the book of Exodus. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt … “take some of the blood [of the lamb], and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat them. They shall eat the flesh that night, roasted; with unleavened bread and bitter herbs they shall eat it … The blood shall be a sign for you, upon the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall fall upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:1-13 It is no coincidence that the Epiphany blessing is traditionally written on the lintel of the main doorway and even some of the prayers echo God’s words of protection that he gave to Moses. While the Epiphany blessing was not given in the same manner as it was to Moses, the Church provides it for our own spiritual benefit. The Church desires our salvation and so gives us beautiful sacramentals to assist us along the path to Eternal Life.   Traditionally a priest blesses chalk on the Feast of the Epiphany by saying the following prayer (from the Roman Ritual): Bless, + O Lord God, this creature, chalk, and let it be a help to mankind. Grant that those who will use it with faith in your most holy name, and with it inscribe on the doors of their homes the names of your saints, Casper, Melchior, and Baltassar, may through their merits and intercession enjoy health in body and protection of soul; through Christ our Lord.   The chalk is then distributed after Mass. If your local parish does not administer such a blessing, inquire around and see if any neighboring parishes do. Parishioners then take the chalk home and use it while invoking God’s blessing upon their home. It is a beautiful blessing, one that brings many graces upon those who practice it in faith and is an added protection against any spiritual enemies that may be lurking around.   How to bless your home with Epiphany chalk Once you acquire the blessed chalk, either a priest or another member of the household can bless the home in the following manner (adapted from the Roman Ritual): Upon entering the house [or at the front door]: Priest/Head of Household: Peace be to this house.All: And to all who dwell herein.Priest: From the east came the Magi to Bethlehem to adore the Lord; and opening their treasures they offered precious gifts: gold for the great King, incense for the true God, and myrrh in symbol of His burial.   During the Magnificat, the room is sprinkled with holy water and incensed. All: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,my spirit rejoices in God my Saviorfor he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.From this day all generations will call me blessed:the Almighty has done great things for me,and holy is his Name. He has mercy on those who fear himin every generation.He has shown the strength of his arm,he has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,and has lifted up the lowly.He has filled the hungry with good things,and the rich he has sent away empty. He has come to the help of his servant Israelfor he remembered his promise of mercy,the promise he made to our fathers,to Abraham and his children forever. After this is completed:   All: From the east came the Magi to Bethlehem to adore the Lord; and opening their treasures they offered precious gifts: gold for the great King, incense for the true God, and myrrh in symbol of His burial. Priest: Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead and lead us not into temptation,All: But deliver us from evil.Priest: All they from Saba shall comeAll: Bringing gold and frankincense.Priest: O Lord, hear my prayer.All: And let my cry come unto Thee. Priest:Let us pray. O God, who by the guidance of a star didst on this day manifest Thine only-begotten Son to the Gentiles, mercifully grant that we who know Thee by faith may also attain the vision of Thy glorious majesty. Through Christ our Lord. All: Amen.Priest: Be enlightened, be enlightened, O Jerusalem, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee– Jesus Christ born of the Virgin Mary.All: And the Gentiles shall walk in thy light and kings in the splendor of thy rising, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee. Priest: Let us pray. Bless, O Lord God almighty, this home, that in it there may be health, purity, the strength of victory, humility, goodness and mercy, the fulfillment of Thy law, the thanksgiving to God the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. And may this blessing remain upon this home and upon all who dwell herein. Through Christ our Lord.All: Amen. After the prayers of the blessing are recited, walk through the…

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Catholic Exorcism Prayers for the Laity: Official Prayers for Protection and Deliverance!

Below Catholic exorcism prayers for the laity are approved by the Catholic Church, with references to official Church teachings and documents. These prayers are meant for personal protection, deliverance, and spiritual healing. Catholic Exorcism Prayers for the Laity: Official Prayers for Protection and Deliverance The Catholic Church offers a rich spiritual tradition of prayer for those seeking protection from evil and spiritual oppression. While the formal rite of exorcism is reserved for clergy, the laity can also engage in powerful prayers that have been officially approved by the Church. These prayers, while not formal exorcisms, are rooted in Scripture, Tradition, and the Church’s teachings and can be used for personal spiritual defense or for the protection of others. 1. The Rite of Exorcism and Its Boundaries First, it’s important to note that the formal, Church-approved exorcism—a sacramental rite—is only performed by a priest who has been specifically authorized by the bishop. This rite is governed by the Rite of Exorcism (Latin: Rituale Romanum), which was revised in 1999 under the guidance of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. According to the Church, exorcism is a grave matter and must be approached with discernment. The prayers included here are not a replacement for a formal exorcism but are for lay use. They are recommended for spiritual protection, healing, and deliverance from evil spirits, in accordance with the teachings and prayers that the Church has approved for such uses. 2. St. Michael the Archangel Prayer One of the most common and powerful prayers for protection against evil is the St. Michael Prayer. Approved by the Vatican, this prayer calls upon the Archangel Michael, the chief of the heavenly hosts, to protect and defend us from the snares of the devil. It was composed by Pope Leo XIII in 1886 after he reportedly experienced a disturbing vision of spiritual warfare. Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel(Approved by the Vatican) St. Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,by the power of God,thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spiritswho prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.Amen. This prayer is often recited after Mass or before bed and is considered a spiritual shield against any form of demonic influence or temptation. 3. Prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ The Precious Blood of Jesus is a central symbol in Catholicism, representing Christ’s sacrifice for the salvation of humanity. The Church has long used prayers invoking the Precious Blood for protection and deliverance. The power of Christ’s Blood is invoked to protect individuals, families, and homes from the influence of evil. Prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus(Approved by the Church) Lord Jesus Christ,I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus over myself, my family, my loved ones,and all those in need of Your protection.By the power of Your Blood, I ask You to cleanse us from all sin,deliver us from evil, and protect us from the powers of darkness.May Your Precious Blood cover us and shield us from all harm,as we place our trust in You.Amen. This prayer, based on Catholic tradition, is recommended for laity who seek spiritual protection or healing. 4. The Prayer of Deliverance (from the Rituale Romanum) Although the formal Rite of Exorcism is performed only by authorized priests, the Church also offers the Prayer of Deliverance, which can be prayed by the laity for personal spiritual protection and healing. This prayer calls on the power of God to break any spiritual bondages, asking for deliverance from evil spirits or unclean influences. Prayer of Deliverance(Approved by the Church) Lord Jesus Christ,You are the Light of the world.We call upon Your holy Name to free us from the shadows of darkness.In Your name, we reject and renounce all spirits of evil,and ask for the strength to resist temptation.We plead the blood of Christ over our lives,over our homes, and over all who are in need of deliverance.May Your Holy Spirit fill us with peace,healing, and freedom from all oppression.Amen. This prayer is especially useful for personal spiritual warfare or for intercessory prayer on behalf of others. It is recommended that one pray it regularly for protection against evil. 5. Blessing of Objects or Homes: Catholics often use blessed objects as a means of protection, calling on the Church’s authority to sanctify homes, personal items, or spaces. These objects—such as crucifixes, rosaries, and medals—are considered tools that draw the believer closer to God and protect them from the influence of the evil one. Prayer for Blessing of a Home(Approved by the Church) O Lord,we ask You to bless this home and all who live here.May this dwelling be a place of peace,a sanctuary from the world’s temptations and distractions.Protect this home from all evil influences,and may Your angels watch over it.May the love of Christ fill this house,and may all who enter experience Your presence.We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.Amen. This prayer can be said by the head of the household or by anyone seeking to bless their living space. The blessing of homes and objects is an important part of Catholic devotion and spiritual protection. 6. A Prayer for Protection: This prayer, commonly referred to as a “prayer of spiritual armor,” is a plea for God’s protection from all harm, both seen and unseen. It is not a formal exorcism, but rather a plea for God’s assistance in the daily struggle against the forces of evil. Prayer for Protection(Approved by the Church) Heavenly Father,I come before You today,seeking Your protection from all that is evil.I ask that You surround me with Your heavenly angels,and that You shield me from all attacks,both physical and spiritual.May the armor of God protect me in every moment,and may Your grace be my constant defense.In the name of Jesus Christ,I pray.Amen. This prayer is a great daily prayer of protection,…

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Fr. Gabriele Amorth’s Deliverance Prayer

O Jesus our Savior, my Lord and my God, my God and my all, with your sacrifice on the Cross you redeemed us and defeated the power of Satan. I beg you to deliver me from every evil presence and every evil influence. I ask you in your name, I ask you for the sake of your wounds, I ask you for the sake of your blood, I ask you for the sake of your Cross, I ask you through the intercession of Mary, Immaculate and Sorrowful. ​May the blood and the water that flow from your side wash over me to purify me, deliver me, heal me.  Amen.

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The Three R’s for Casting Out Demons?

“He turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan!’” Mt 16:23 After a recent online deliverance session with us, a woman shared her experience: I’ve been able to attend most of the sessions and have found that with each successive one, I have been increasingly able to attain spiritual healing. For many years, I have been afflicted with an evil spirit that causes me to hate God and to curse Jesus. I have sought deliverance for a long time. I am learning with each session how to better deal with evil attacks from the devil. I have learned, in particular, that I must do the 3 Rs…I am now able to relate with the Lord Jesus in a loving way, without any sense of the previous hostility,   resentment or anger.     These three R’s of casting out demons are: reject, renounce, and rebuke. In our online sessions, as well as our face-to-face solemn exorcisms, we ask afflicted people to identify the evil spirits present and then say the three R’s. So, for example, if an individual identifies the presence of an evil spirit of lust, the person would then say: “In the holy name of Jesus, I reject, I renounce, and I rebuke the spirit of lust. In Jesus’ holy name, I cast it out!”   To “reject” is to make an act of the will which says in effect: “I do not want this evil spirit.” To “renounce” is to give back any benefits desired or received in the demonic relationship. To “rebuke” is sharply denouncing the evil spirit. In deliverance work, an important step in the process of liberation is cutting the relationship between the individual and the evil spirit. While a simple rejection would likely suffice, we have found these three R’s to be a bit more thorough and decisive.   After the afflicted person has formally rejected the evil spirit, the Exorcist can then invoke the authority of the Church and more easily cast it out. While the entire process of casting out demons can take some time, this formal process of rejecting the evil spirits, using the three R’s, is an important step along the way.   I have also found these three R’s helpful in overcoming the normal temptations of life, which are often fueled by evil spirits. Whenever we are tempted, we can say: “In the holy name of Jesus, I reject the evil spirits of [name the temptation]. I reject them; I renounce them; I rebuke them. In Jesus’ holy name, I cast them out!” I have personally found it helpful. I suspect others would as well. Read more…

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