The Georgia church where Flannery O’Connor heard God

Sacred Heart in Milledgeville owes its existence to author’s forebears and will continue because of her. Sixty years after the death of Flannery O’Connor (August 3, 1964), the small Georgia church where she was a daily Communicant continues to focus on that which was perhaps most important to her: the Eucharist.   Sacred Heart Church in Milledgeville, about a 10-minute drive from Andalusia, where O’Connor wrote most of her novels and short stories, is the spiritual home for some 340 Catholic families today. In some ways, the parish still faces the kind of challenge it did in O’Connor’s day: to strengthen the faith of its members in the face of a predominantly “Bible Belt” culture. Faithful Catholics are not wholeheartedly embraced in many Evangelical, Protestant, and fundamentalist circles, and those who are not well-formed in their faith are seen as easy prey. But even before the Ethan Hawke film Wildcat brought renewed attention to Flannery O’Connor – without downplaying her strong Catholic faith – and before “The Chosen” star Jonathan Roumie appeared on stage at the National Eucharistic Congress sporting a t-shirt with a famous Eucharistic quote from “F. O’Connor,” Sacred Heart was intent on strengthening its parishioners’ relationship with the Source and Summit of Christian Life. “For Flannery O’Connor, the Eucharist was the center of her life,” said Fr. Bryan Kuhr, Sacred Heart’s 43-year-old pastor. “She was a daily Mass-goer, and that source of grace helped her carry that cross” of living with the disease that ultimately killed her at 39 – lupus.  Adoration in a culture that doesn’t recognize Eucharist Fr. Kuhr encourages parishioners to spend more time in Eucharistic adoration. When he was appointed to Sacred Heart in 2023, he expanded adoration to all day on Fridays and restored the practice of a Corpus Christi Eucharistic procession in town. “People, when they’re not devoted [to the Eucharist], don’t realize the gift that we’ve been given,” he told Aleteia on a recent visit to the church. “I think there’s a lot of pressure, especially in a small town like this, to come to the Baptist church or the feel-good megachurch. And we have a lot of fallen-away Catholics.” Victoria Basilio, who wrote a history of the parish for its 150th anniversary this year, said plainly,   “We have to fight for our children to remain Catholic. It is a constant battle because they usually find themselves the only Catholic in their grade. There’s very strong peer pressure on them to not be Catholic.”   Basilio and her husband, Deacon Cesar Basilio, were youth ministers at Sacred Heart for many years. “The way we countered [the lure of non-Catholic congregations in town] was we built a youth group that was not only strong in the faith but welcoming of their friends who were not Catholic, so that their friends came here rather than them going to their friends’ [churches]. And it worked. We kept our children Catholic.” As someone who has researched Sacred Heart’s history, Basilio knows that the struggle is nothing new. She has found that “there were priests who were always exhorting the parishioners to remember that they are Catholic.” Flannery’s pew By all accounts, that was never a danger for Flannery O’Connor.    “She was a daily parishioner, and she was known to sit with her mother [Regina Cline O’Connor] in the front pew,” Victoria Basilio told Aleteia. “It was part of her daily routine. Every morning, she would come, start her day that way, and then after that return to Andalusia, where she would write. I understand that she was a very disciplined writer; she always made sure she would spend an hour or two writing something every day.” The pew where Flannery and Regina sat and the Communion rail where they knelt are still in place in the smallish brick church. So is Flannery O’Connor Hall, next door. It was built in the mid-1950s, when the parish ended up in the territory of the new Diocese of Atlanta, which was carved out of the Diocese of Savannah; the social hall was renamed for the author in 1985. In some respects, the entire parish could be named for O’Connor and her family, as so much of its history depended on them. “For us at Sacred Heart, I guess her most felt influence is the fact that we have a church,” Basilio said. “It was through the generosity of her family that we have a church.” Deep Georgia roots The family tree goes back to the time of the first Catholic settlement in Georgia, in a small town called Locust Grove, about an hour to the northeast of Milledgeville. Georgia was the first state to enact religious freedom, so Catholics flocked to the area.  “Some of her ancestors were part of that community,” Fr. Kuhr said. “As the capital was being moved West, Catholics also started to move out.” Milledgeville was Georgia’s capital from 1807 to 1868. The first Catholic resident of Milledgeville was Hugh Donnelly Treanor, Flannery O’Connor’s great-grandfather. It was in his room in the Newell Hotel that the first Catholic Mass on record was celebrated in April 1845. When the state legislature voted to move the capital to Atlanta in 1868, local businesses in Milledgeville suffered. A March 25, 1871, editorial in a local newspaper, The Union Recorder, encouraged the building of a Catholic church to encourage “desirable immigrants” to settle here. “Many of the best mechanics and most useful citizens from abroad are Catholic,” the newspaper said. Coincidentally, the date of the editorial, the feast of the Annunciation, would turn out to be the birthday – in 1925 – of Flannery O’Connor. On March 30, 1873, a meeting of Milledgeville Catholics and other interested citizens was called with Flannery’s grandfather, Peter James Cline, presiding. The construction of a church was discussed and approved. The following month, according to The Union Recorder, advertisements for bids were issued, and a firm from Augusta was awarded the contract. Flannery’s great-grandmother, Mrs. Hugh Donnelly Treanor, paid for the land.  On February 8, 1875, the first…

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Letter of Bishop Regarding Seer Pedro Regis (English Translation)

Download as PDF below Powered By EmbedPress Archdiocese of Feira de Santana Pastoral Letter to the Catholic faithful about the presumed apparitions of Our Lady in Anhanguera Bahia/BR. Ladies and Gentlemen, Grace and peace in Christ Our Risen Lord!“Devotion to the Virgin Mary originates, reflects and finds complete expression in the cult of Christ and, through him, in the Holy Spirit, leads to the Father, thus becoming a qualifying element of the genuine piety of the Church” (Marialis Cultus, Introduction). Dear believers, faced with the phenomena of Marian apparitions, we must take a stance that overcomes the extremism of an exaggerated appreciation of the messages of the “seers” as if it were the best and the only way to update divine Revelation, losing focus on the centrality of Christ and, on the one hand, to avoid another extreme, which is tounderstand these phenomena only from the perspective of human sciences.“Visions” or “appearances” are considered by the Catholic Church to be “private revelations” or “particulars” that are subordinate to the biblical Revelation of God, in Jesus Christ. Revelation also known as Christian, historical and public, and which reached its fullness in the person of the incarnate Word of God, Jesus Christ, which is condensed in theSacred Scriptures and the Sacred Apostolic Tradition. This public Revelation has already ended with the death of the last apostle of Christ, Saint John the Evangelist. But, from the point of view of interpretation and its transmission, the understanding of the historical Revelation of God to Humanity, which was fully given by Jesus Christ, is progressingTherefore, it is the Holy Spirit who leads us to the full truth until the end of time. After a long process of discernment, the Church can recognize and approve the content of the messages, the result of the phenomenon of visions/appearances, according to the mystical experience of some visionaries. And, in this sense, what does this recognition and approval consist of? It consists of: a) not stating that Mary of Nazareth,the mother of Jesus, appeared in a specific place, nor forcing the faithful to follow the messages of the “seers”, as this is a “private revelation”; b) proclaim that the phenomenon is “worthy of human faith”; c) the Blessed Virgin Mary can be venerated with a certain title. For example: Queen of Peace; d) authorize the construction of a sanctuary in honor of Our Ladyon the site) allow this devotion to spread throughout the world. (CF. Doctrinal Subsidies, n.01, Apparitions and Private Revelations of the CNBB). In recent years, the number of people in different parts of the world has increased, claiming to be “seers” of Our Lady, as well as other Saints of the Catholic tradition. As a result, the phenomenon of “apparitions” and “private revelations”, mainly related to the Blessed Virgin Mary, have multiplied significantly in Brazil and elsewhere. In this way, manypeople in a sincere search for God have followed these “seers” as if they were the only reference of Catholic faith and, even, the only authorities, with regard to Catholic doctrine and as if they were a qualified witness of the Church’s own faith tradition. In this sense, many people follow them without the necessary discernment, such as theological-doctrinaltraining, accurate catechesis, critical sense and prudent ecclesiastical attention. It is also, in this context, that the phenomenon of the well-known “appearances” of Our Lady, in the Municipality of Anguera, in the Archdiocese of Feira de Santana/BA, is growing. The archdiocese has cautiously monitored the phenomenon of “apparitions” in Anguera and, above all, through a theological-pastoral Commission constituted by the Metropolitan Archbishop, with the purpose of observing and discerning about this phenomenon, from an theological-doctrinal point of view, ecclesiological-pastoral andpsychic-spiritual. That is, analyzing it in the light of the entire Tradition of the Church, in its biblical, patristic, liturgical and theological expression. Tradition that is transmitted, taught and updated, uninterruptedly, by its living Magisterium.The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on the norms for proceeding in the discernment of presumed apparitions and revelations of 1978, number 3, indicates criteria for discernment on the phenomena of particular apparitions and revelations, which are under the competent ecclesiastical authority of the local Bishop . Dear Catholic faithful, for these reasons, we address you with the desire to guide you, so that you are not, as Paul teaches, Apostle of Christ, “dragged by any wind of doctrine, deceived by these presumed seers and by them, with cunning, led into error. You are no longer children, allowing yourselves to be carried from here to there like toys, left to the wind and the waves (cf. Eph 4:14). It is with this pastoral sensitivity and ecclesialresponsibility that we would like to offer you elements and criteria for discernment for such phenomena.According to the discernment of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, regarding these phenomena, an essential element, for their possible acceptance, in view of the spiritual pastoral good of the people of God, is that they are in communion with the entire Tradition of the Catholic faith (cf. Rules for proceeding in the discernment of presumed apparitions and revelations – Criteria for judging, at least with a certain probability, thecharacter of presumed appearances or revelations, Part I). How to welcome and understand these messages? The most important thing is to follow Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Savior, listen to his calls, discern his will through faith, hope, charity and solidarity. God speaks to us in many ways: He speaks to us in the prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture, in biblical circles, in the appeal of a social orecological reality, in spiritual retreats, in personal prayer, in liturgical celebrations, in ecclesiastical meetings, in the practice of charity , human solidarity and, also, through extraordinary manifestations, such as visions, apparitions, interior and exterior locutions, intuitions and dreams.From a spiritual point of view, they all have value, as they are in tune with the divine Project for us and the world. All must be discerned and monitored by the Church; They are opportunities…

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Satan And His Attributes – Know Your Enemy

Satan And His Attributes By Bella Francis The Bible teaches that Satan is a fallen angel tempted by pride. He is said to be a seducer originally created as good and whose rebellion against the divine will is reflected in the temptation that he offered to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.The scene is the garden of Eden. The characters are God, the serpent, Adam, and Eve. The devil has just deceived Eve, and through her, Adam. With demonic pride in destruction, he has successfully marred God’s handiwork of creation, and dragged human beings—for whom God has a special love—into death and misery. God starts by addressing Satan, telling him he is going to eat dirt for the rest of his days. Then he reveals something that makes Satan cringe in horror—his ultimate defeat will come at the hands of a woman. God said ” I will establish a feud between thee and the woman, between thy offspring and hers; she is to crush thy head, while thou dost lie in ambush at her heels” Satan is a master theologian. He’s talked to God, interacted with God, believes in God’s existence, and knows more about God’s attributes and abilities than most…and yet Satan doesn’t love God.  Very few people believe in the devil these days,” stated Fulton Sheen in 1958, “which suits the devil very well. Do not be deceived. Satan is real and we must resist him, strong in our faith. However, do not be so terrified that you forget that God, His angels, and the grace He bestows on us are more powerful and that God limits what demons can do. Trust God; call to Him; frequently recite the 91st Psalm. Be sober and watchful and stay distant from the once-glorious fallen angels we rightly call demons. Let us ask St. Michael, the Archangel for protection St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.Amen. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times Warning in May 2024? Luz de Maria Novena to Holy Spirit🕊️DAY 02-Pray With Us! Pentecost Novena begins today🕊️DAY 01-Pray With Us! Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Pieta of the Apocalypse: Essential End Time Prayers and Promises BUY NOW! Happiness and the Path of Spiritual Abundance (A Living Spring Book) BUY NOW! Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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New French Mystic, Sulema – “I See So Much Suffering”

About her… Born in El Salvador in 1954 but living in Quebec, Canada, Sulema Gomez has been receiving messages attributed by her to Jesus and the Virgin Mary for many years, which came to wider attention with the publication of three volumes of locutions received between 2010 and 2013, entitled I have come to prepare you for this event: the Illumination of Conscience. The title is a reference to the coming “mini-judgment”, also known as the Warning, prophesied by a considerable number of mystics over several decades, foretelling a unique occurrence in the history of humanity when all people on earth (with the exception of small children) will see their spiritual state as God sees it. Mary Queen of Peace to Sulema on October 26, 2023: Now is the time to turn to the Lord for mercy and to alleviate the consequences of war. If you pray with all your heart and offer sacrifices, the time will be shortened. Take my words seriously and pray for peace in the world. Pray, pray, pray day and night to thwart the forces of evil that want to destroy much of humanity. Do not be discouraged on seeing all the evil around you. Be strong, courageous and go forward. The holy Angels and all the saints are accompanying you in these hours of tribulation. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: the Lord watches over those who fear him. I have left you the most powerful weapon to defend yourself: the Holy Rosary. Pray it with all your heart and you will be protected in this time of great suffering for all humanity. Receive my special blessing in the Name of the Father + in the Name of the Son + and in the Name of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Alleluia! October 15, 2023: My Immaculate Heart is torn when I see so much suffering, when I see how far cruelty has gone in the hearts of men. Love no longer exists among the peoples of the earth. There is more desolation day by day. Families are divided, destroyed by the suffering of death and hunger. They have to abandon everything in order to try to survive. My Maternal Heart bleeds againon seeing that a large number of [my] childrenhave not believed and, worse still, no longerbelieve in our words, to our warnings.How many times have I asked you topray for peace in the world,in families? The Lord will be with all His children who say “yes” to Him from the bottom of their hearts, with those who have believed in Him, who have chosen to follow Him by respecting His Word, His Commandments, with those who have chosen Him out of love. Dear children, take courage, be at peace, because the Holy Spirit comes to enlighten your steps… October 7, 2023: …Rejoice, for the Lord is coming to meet each of His children on earth. The hour of His coming is very near; you will all see it – some with joy and love, others with great astonishment, still others with fear and anguish and finally others with great indifference. My Immaculate Heart bleeds again on seeing this indifference, this lukewarmness, because man has closed his heart to the Lord. You are about to experience very great events and yet you act as if nothing is going to happen. You do not want to believe that time, as you [currently] experience it, is coming to an end. [1] You will experience this in tears because of all the suffering that will be around you, because the facts will speak to you for themselves, but then it will be too late to go back. You will experience the consequences of your choices, because it will have been your sins that started everything. Be faithful in prayer, in adoration, in receiving the sacrament of Forgiveness [Reconciliation], in order to receive peace, strength and discernment, so as not to succumb to temptation. I have left you the most powerful weapon there is to protect you: the Holy Rosary… Jesus, October 5, 2023:  …Look around you and see how everything is being fulfilled… You have just begun a new stage of the End Times. This Autumn will be very special, not to mention winter; you will see then how events will speak for themselves… Prepare yourselves therefore to experience everything that has been announced to you… I say to you again […] pray to the Lord with all your heart, pray to your Holy Mother, offering her the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, ask Saint Michael to come with the Heavenly Court to protect and guide you in this time of tribulation… You will understand the gravity of this moment as you look at all that is going to happen in the world… Wake up, pray, adore and remain in a state of grace! Pray for the thousands of children[2]people : the French “enfants” is not restricted to minors but denotes God’s children in these messages. Translator’s note who will perish in the days to come, especially for those children who have not taken the time to prepare to meet Me. Pray for all victims of human violence, but also of war. I will be with all My faithful children, those who have truly chosen Me. I know those who are with Me and all those who are against Me – never forget this. Ask the Holy Spirit for the grace of perseverance to see this battle through to the end and also for the discernment necessary in this time when lies and confusion reign, when there are so many wolves in sheep’s clothing. Remain at peace and pray at all times. Read More with Countdown to Kingdom

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Urgent Message from Manuela Strack

“Behold, in the love of God I come to you to strengthen you. Have courage, have no fear. Remain faithful to the Holy Church! Know that you live in the time of tribulation. But you are marked and protected by the Precious Blood of my Lord Jesus Christ. Deus Semper Vincit” words of Saint Archangel Michael from September 19, 2023The King of Mercy always says it. The Mother of God, Mary the Immaculate, told me so many times. TheHoly Archangel Michael says it. The angels and saints say so. They always say the same thing. Do you know what heaven tells us?Stay loyal to the church!!!!Did we listen correctly? Can this be the case at this time? Yes!!!! We are in the time of trouble and our beloved church has also fallen into the time of trouble. This time should be endured with prayer and sacrifice. It is the time of the passion of our beloved Church, following her Lord. Our church is purified through suffering. Unfortunately, this means that the entire decay becomes apparent to the outside world. This is the turn towards the spirit of the times that has so far remained dormant in the church. We, on the other hand, are called to steadfastness in our faith in the unadulterated Catholic teaching, the teaching of our fathers of faith. Let’s not listen to all the agitators in the media. Let us look at our own soul, not at the soul of other people. Let us see our mistakes, not those of other people. We are not allowed to accept a false teaching or a wrong path and can reject any sin. Because making a sin a commandment is not Catholic teaching. Here the Holy Scripture is always our standard. With the Holy Scripture our soul can grow because the Holy Scripture is the Word of God.The other day I said to a young man who was complaining about the Pope:”Oh, please tell me if everything you have told me about the Pope prevents you personally from repentance and living a holy life yourself? Please tell me how the Pope in Rome prevents you from doing that? You will one day Stand alone before God and give an account, then there is no one else there. It is your life.Sure, we complain sometimes. It’s human. But is it really holy and Christian? Forget all YouTubers! Walk the path of your holiness!” A recommendation for us: Away with all ideological things. Pray! Live in the sacraments and love God! Padre Pio did that before you. He gave himself away to God. Oh, he loved the church. But What did she do to him? He initially received bans and conditions. He could have rebelled, gone public, made a fuss about injustice and so on. What did he do, our padre? He humbly followed his instructions Holy Church. This is the way of holiness! This is the way of grace! Well, this way is the way of the Lord. No rebellion. Prayer, penance, sacrifice, these are the paving stones that lead us to the sacraments of our beloved church. We are not a remnant church. There is no church of the pure and self-righteous. The Cathars spread this heresy even back then. We are called to repent because we are all sinners. Without exception. It’s about saving souls for the Lord. Let’s stay loyal! Serviam!

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Filipino teenager is being considered for canonization

By Aleteia 13-year-old Niña Ruiz-Abad is now recognized as a “Servant of God.” She was known for her deep love of the Eucharist during her short life. Born in Quezon City, Niña Ruiz-Abad was attracted to the Catholic faith at a young age, which was fostered by her mother’s devotion to Divine Mercy. Niña eventually attended Holy Angels Montessori School in Quezon City, before moving with her mother to Sarrat. According to Agenzia Fides, “She was described as having a strong devotion to the Eucharist and devoted her life to distributing rosaries, Bibles, prayer books, holy images and other religious items. An unwavering faith encouraged her, even though she was beginning to feel the effects of heart disease.” She was “diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at the age of 10 and she lived three years of illness, always with joy and deep faith.” Niña died on August 16, 1993, after suffering from cardiac arrest while attending school. Cause for canonization The local bishops approved a cause for canonization to be initiated in 2023 and submitted their proposal to the Vatican. On March 16 the Vatican granted the “nihil obstat” (“nothing stands in the way”) for the local bishops to continue their investigation into her life. The local bishops will now look more intensely into her life to determine if she lived with “heroic virtue.” If the Vatican similarly finds that she lived heroically, she will be granted the title of “venerable.” Until that time, she will be known as “Servant of God.” Read more…

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Exclusive! Latest Update on Fr. MICHEL RODRIGUE with Xavier Ayral

“My dear children, The time you live now is a gift to allow all those of good will to celebrate the birth of my Son Jesus. I have opened this space for you in order to give comfort to your hearts and to allow you to respond, through your faith, to the Love of Jesus who took flesh to save you. On this day of the Holy Family, may all the families of the earth be blessed who welcome my beloved Son in hope. Take the Holy Family into your home, It alone will protect you in these coming times. Remember, I already told you: “the punishment will stop for the houses where the Holy Family is exposed and prayed with respect. » Yes, the Love of my Son who suffered for you, born from the virginal purity of my daughter Mary and protected by the very pure and powerful love of the just and loyal Joseph, is your protection. Hold your heart ready and awaken! Have what you need to nourish your body and treat it with the remedies that I have already given to many of my saints to protect you. Use holy water regularly to chase away the bad angels who lurk near your homes. It is not a coincidence that the last day of this year falls on the feast of the Holy Family. She is the sign to remind you of everything I told you. It is the sign of your protection. It is not in vain that the Church celebrates the motherhood of Mary, Mother of my Son Jesus on the first of the year. Because, in this time of yours, her Immaculate Heart will triumph. This year, which begins tomorrow, is a year of pure faith. All the signs have been given. John, the apostle, lifted the veil. Blinded are those who do not believe, deaf are those who do not hear, and dumb are the lukewarm. The spirit of a spiritual amaurosis invades humanity: there is no longer any vision, no understanding, no sense. Humanity does not see what is coming. My children will not be affected by this darkness. Events will speak. Blessed are those who hear the Word of God! Yes, dedicate yourself to my Most Holy Family; to Jesus my Son, to Mary his Mother and my Daughter, to Joseph my son whom Jesus called father on earth. Consecrate yourself for the fidelity of my Church. Everything will be accomplished and not one iota of what my Son Jesus taught and which the Church has solemnly declared will be lost. Amen! Your heavenly Father who loves you!“.

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3 Powerful Sacramentals to Have in Your Home

the Catholic Church. Even if they have been part of the Church’s life from the very beginning, they are commonly (and mistakenly) viewed as some sort of superstition. This is largely due to the fact that many Catholics over the centuries have used sacramentals in a superstitious way as they were not taught how to use them properly. Instead of using them with faith, some Catholics used them as magic charms, rather than instruments of grace. This is unfortunate, as sacramentals are meant to enrich the spiritual lives of believers, not hinder them. They have been instituted by the Church to draw us into a deeper relationship with Christ and are focused on sanctifying every part of our lives. Sacramentals are extensions of the seven sacraments and bring the grace of God into everything that we do. 1 HOLY WATER   Holy water has a double meaning of reminding us of our baptism as well as a symbol of spiritual cleansing. Holy water is said to have great power over the devil as the devil cannot stand this “clean” water, since he is entirely unclean for all eternity.It is a reminder of the water that flowed out of Christ’s side, which is a symbol of Baptism, and brings to mind the day of the devil’s defeat (that is, Christ’s crucifixion). It is an ancient custom to have what are called “holy water stoups” or “holy water fonts” on the walls of a home. They are elaborate or simple cups that hold holy water, which can then be used to bless oneself throughout the day. It is especially helpful to have them at the doors that lead outside the house as well as in the bedrooms of family members. That way we keep ourselves always fixed on Christ and remind ourselves to remain pure. It also keeps the holy water handy when needed to ward off any influence of the Evil One. 2 BLESSED SALT If possible, it is also good to have a small container of blessed salt in your home. You would have to specifically ask your parish priest to provide that for you and odds are likely that your parish priest would not be familiar with it. This is one sacramental that is often neglected and is not typically used in parishes. However, it is a powerful weapon against evil as can be seen by the following portion of the blessing said by the priest found in the Roman Ritual. Almighty and everlasting God, we humbly implore you, in your immeasurable kindness and love, to bless (+) this salt which you created and gave to the use of mankind, so that it may become a source of health for the minds and bodies of all who make use of it. May it rid whatever it touches or sprinkles of all uncleanness, and protect it from every assault of evil spirits. Through Christ our Lord. 3 CRUCIFIX Another very powerful sacramental that is more typically found in our homes is the crucifix. Not only does a crucifix remind us of the great love that God had for us, but it also is a strong deterrent to spiritual enemies. The crucifix is the bane of Satan’s existence and is the sign of everything that he despises. It is beneficial to have a crucifix in every room in your house (or apartment) so that you can frequently meditate on Jesus’ great sacrifice of love as well as have an image to remind you what you need to focus on during times of temptation.   Read more…

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Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by St. Gertrude the Great

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of eternal life, Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love. You are my refuge and my sanctuary. O my adorable and loving Savior, consume my heart with the burning fire with which Yours is aflamed. Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your love. Let my heart be united with Yours. Let my will be conformed to Yours in all things. May Your Will be the rule of all my desires and actions.

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