The Number 13 Belongs to Mama Mary?

Is 13 really that unlucky? Or actually ‘Holy’ for it belongs to Mama Mary? ‘Friday the 13th’ day. The ‘unlucky’ truth is that, most of us are conditioned to think of this day is the unluckiest day for it falls under the ‘unluckiest’ number: 13. The number ’13’ is oftenly associated to badlucks. Several buildings either don’t have a 13th floor or 13th room. Some people even go the distance of not traveling on the 13th day or hosting important events on this day because of the fear that something will go wrong. However, the belief that the number 13 is bad luck or an unlucky number is essentially a superstition. And as Catholics, we should never engage ourselves in believing such. There’s more ‘Holy’ events to the number ’13’ that we need to consider. Aside from the traditional 13 Tuesdays Novena to St. Anthony of Padua, there are other holy events that actually belong to Mama Mary, specifically, to her title as the ‘Our Lady of Fatima.’ It’s not a trivial matter that she appeared on May 13. May is the month dedicated to Our Lady, but furthermore she appeared at Fatima on the thirteenth of every month for six months and confided three secrets in the children as well as asking them to make known her requests, that we were to offer a daily rosary and make reparation for our sins.  The Miracle of the Sun also occurred on October 13, which is the month dedicated to the rosary. Our Lady entrusted the rosary to St. Dominic in the 13th Century. During the descent of the Holy Spirit, Our Lady was the thirteenth person in the room. Also, ‘m’ is the 13th letter in the English alphabet. This might be coincidence, or it may owe to England’s Catholic days, when the letter ‘m’ for Mary was placed at number 13 in the series of letters because it honoured Our Lady, the thirteenth witness to the descent of the Holy Spirit. St John Paul II credited Our Lady with the miracle that saved his life – after he was shot three times by Mehmet Ali Agca on May 13 1981.Miraculously surviving the gun blast, the Polish Pope later placed the bullet into Our Lady’s crown at the shrine in Fatima on May 13 1982. St John Paul II could have chosen another day, but he decided on May 13 because it is the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. It would appear that Our Lady has a method of marking her presence on our earthly calendars. It’s a system that uses a certain number and one day a month. If so, the number is 13, and the day is the thirteenth of every month. There’s nothing to worry about unlucky 13, because this number is actually Holy, and it belongs to Mama Mary.

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Did You know the Oldest Marian Apparition?

Our Lady of the Pillar (officially in Spanish, Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza,) is recognized as the first Marian apparition in the history of Christianity and is the only one that happened while the Virgin Mary was still alive. Although it was technically a bilocation of Our Lady, because she was living with John the Apostle in Jerusalem, it is still regarded as an apparition by the tradition of the Church. According to tradition, James the Greater, brother of Saint John the Evangelist, traveled with great effort to Roman Hispania (modern-day Spain) to evangelize the local tribes.   He not only confronted great difficulties but he also saw very little apostolic fruits of conversion. Tradition says that when he was at his lowest point of discouragement, in A.D. 40, while he was sitting by the banks of the Ebro river in Zaragoza (back then known as Caesaraugusta) Mary appeared to him accompanied by thousands of angels, to console and encourage him. The Virgin Mary, with the Child Jesus in her arms and standing on a pillar, asked Saint James and his eight disciples to build a church on the site, promising that “it will stand from that moment until the end of time in order that God may work miracles and wonders through my intercession for all those who place themselves under my patronage.” The church of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza, is the first church dedicated to Mary in history and it remains standing to this day, having survived invasions and wars.  During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) the Communists dropped three bombs on the church from an airplane, the bombs tore through the roof and hit the floor, but none of them exploded. The three now deactivated bombs are currently on display in one of the Basilica’s walls.  Our Lady is also said to have given the small wooden statue of the apparition to Saint James, which now stands on the pillar she arrived on. The wooden statue is a relatively simple image 15 inches high, standing on a jasper pillar 5.9 feet tall. But the crown adorning her head is a masterpiece. It was made in 44 days by 33 workmen. The sun-like crown is made of 2,836 diamonds cut triangularly, 2725 roses, 145 pearls, 74 emeralds, 62 rubies and 46 sapphires. The crown of the baby Jesus is identical in shape although not in size. The Basilica was redesigned and expanded several times during its history. The current structure was completed in the 17th century, includes 11 brightly colored tiled domes, and is the second biggest church in Spain. Nuestra Señora del Pilar is not only the patroness of Spain, but also of all Hispanic peoples since it was on Oct. 12, 1492, the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar, that Christopher Columbus arrived at American land and the first Mass in the Americas was celebrated. Read more…

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Prayer to Our Lady of Knock for children in the womb

Lord Jesus, you are the source and lover of life.Reawaken in us respect for every human life. Help us to see in each child the marvelous work of our Creator.Open our hearts to welcome every childas a unique and wonderful gift. Guide the work of doctors, nurses and midwives.May the life of a mother and her baby in the wombbe equally cherished and respected. Help those who make our laws to upholdthe uniqueness and sacredness of every human life,from the first moment of conception to natural death. Give us wisdom and generosity to build a society that cares for all.  Together with Mary, your Mother, in whose womb you took on our human nature,Help us to choose life in every decision we take. We ask this in the joyful hope of eternal life with you,and in the communion of the Blessed Trinity. Amen. Our Lady of Knock, pray for us.All the Saints of Ireland, pray for us.

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Book of Heaven Volume 1 5 – December 8,1922

On the Immaculate Conception of Most Holy Mary I write to Obey, and I Offer everything to my Sweet Jesus, Uniting myself to the Sacrifice of His Own Obedience, in Order to Obtain Grace and Strength to Do it as He Wants… And now, oh my Jesus, Give me Your Holy Hand and the Light of Your Intelligence, and write/read With me. I was thinking of the Great Portent of the Immaculate Conception of my Queen and Celestial Mama, and in my interior I heard Jesus say: “My daughter, the Immaculate Conception of my Beloved Mama was Prodigious and Fully Marvelous; So Much So, that Heaven and earth were Astonished, and made Feast. The Three Divine Persons Competed with each other: the Father made an Immense Sea of Power Overflow; I, the Son, an Infinite Sea of Wisdom, and the Holy Spirit, an Immense Sea of Eternal Love, which, Converging into One, Formed One Single Sea. And in the Middle of this Sea the Immaculate Conception of this Virgin was Formed, Chosen among the Chosen. Therefore, the Divinity Administered the Substance of this Conception, and not only was this Sea the Center of Life of this Admirable and Unique Creature, but it was Around Her, not only to Defend Her from anything which might shadow Her, but to Give Her In Every Instant New Beauties, New Graces, New Power, New Wisdom, New Love, New Privileges, and so on. Therefore, her little nature was Conceived in the Center of this sea, and was Formed and Grew under the Influence of these Divine Waves; So Much So, that the Divinity did not want to wait as It usually does with other creatures: as Soon as this Noble and Unique Creature was Formed, It Wanted Her Embraces, the Return of Her Love Her Kisses, and to Enjoy Her Innocent Smiles. Therefore, as Soon as Her Conception was Formed, I Gave Her the Use of Reason, I Provided Her With All Sciences, I made Her Aware of Our Joys and Our Sorrows with regard to Creation. And even from her Maternal Womb, She came into Heaven, at the foot of Our Throne, to Give Us Her Embraces, the Return of Her Love, Her tender Kisses. Throwing Herself into Our Arms, She Smiled at Us with such Delight of Gratitude and Thanksgiving as to snatch Our Smiles. Oh, how Beautiful it was to see this Innocent and Privileged Creature, Enriched with All of the Divine Qualities, coming into Our midst, All Love, All Trust, Without Fear, because Only sin is what puts distance between Creator and creature, breaking love, dissolving trust, and striking fear. So, She came into Our midst as Queen, Who, with her Love, Given by Us, Drew Us to her Volition, Enraptured Us, put Us in Feast, and Captured yet More Love. And We let Her Do – Enjoying the Love that Enraptured Us, and Constituting Her Queen of Heaven and earth. Heaven and earth Exulted and made Feast Together With Us, in having their Queen after So Many Centuries… The sun smiled in its light, and considered itself fortunate in having to Serve its Queen by Giving Her light. The heavens, the stars, and the whole Universe smiled with joy and made Feast, because they were to delight their Queen, showing Her the harmony of the spheres and of their beauty. The plants smiled, which were to Nourish their Queen; and the earth too, smiled and felt Ennobled in having to provide the residence for its Empress and to be trodden by Her steps. Only hell cried and felt itself to be losing strength by the Dominion of this Sovereign Lady. But do you know what was the First Act of this Celestial Creature when She found Herself before Our Throne for the first time? She Recognized that all of the evil for man had been the split between his human will and That of his Creator, and She trembled; without a moment’s hesitation She bound her human will to the foot of My Throne, without ever wanting to know it; and My Will Bound Itself to Her and became the Center of Her Life, to the extent that All of the currents, All of the relations, All of the communications were Opened between Us and Her, and there was not one secret which We did not Entrust to Her. This was precisely the Most Beautiful, the Greatest, the Most Heroic Act She did – to place her human will at Our feet– an act which made Us, Enraptured, Constitute Her Queen of All. Do you See then, what it means to Bind oneself to My Will and to not know one’s own human will? The Second Act was to Offer Herself for Anv Sacrifice, for Love of Us. The Third Act, to render Us the Honor, the Glory of the whole Creation, which Adam had taken away from Us by Doing his own human will. Even from her Maternal Womb She Cried For Love of Us, in Seeing Us Offended, and Cried With Sorrow over guilty man… Oh, how these Innocent Tears moved Us, and Hastened Redemption, so Longed For! This Queen Dominated Us, Bound Us, and Extracted Infinite Graces From Us. She made Us Bend toward mankind; So Much So, that We could Not Resist, Nor did We Know how to Resist Her Repeated Petitions. But where did So Much Power come from, and So Much Influence over the Divinity Itself? Ah, you have Understood: it was the Power of Our Divine Will Acting In Her, which, while Dominating Her, Rendered Her Dominator of God Himself. Moreover, how could We resist So Innocent A Creature, Possessed by the Power and Sanctity of Our Divine Will? It would be as though resisting Ourselves. We could See Our Divine Qualities In Her; like Waves did the Reflections of Our Sanctity Flow Over Her – Reflections of Divine Manners, of Our Love, of Our Power, and so forth; and Our Divine Will, Which was their Center, Attracted All the Reflections of Our Divine Qualities, and made Itself Crown and defense of the Divinity Dwelling Within Her. If…

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Explanation of Mother of Unity and Hope Image

Bishop Roman Danylak, former bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Toronto, Canada, approved this image. A priest from the Vatican called the image a “complete theology”, and had it blessed by Pope Benedict XVI. Summoning her children with an intensity found throughout the messages given to a privileged soul, Our Mother of Unity and Hope is calling us to “come home in confidence to your Father’s family.” She is inviting her children into her Immaculate Heart to bring us closer to Jesus through her call to unity. “Have no fear,” she says “for unity is you harbor in the storm.” To simplify the message, the following is a summation and explanation of the image, along with an outline of the symbols that Our Mother asked to be depicted in the image. In the message, Our Mother of Unity and Hope said that she is revealing the image as a sign of hope for mankind. The image she tells us, represents the full essence and understanding of her call to unity. Our hope, she says, is found in our complete union with the Most Holy Trinity, with her and with Holy Mother Church, including our brothers and sisters on earth and the angels and saints in Heaven. This image she says is given to us now from the Father “to reaffirm you in hope since its fulfillment is near”

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Explanation of Mother of Unity and Hope Image

By Yves Jacques  Bishop Roman Danylak, former bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Toronto, Canada, approved this image. A priest from the Vatican called the image a “complete theology”, and had it blessed by Pope Benedict XVI. Summoning her children with an intensity found throughout the messages given to a privileged soul, Our Mother of Unity and Hope is calling us to “come home in confidence to your Father’s family.” She is inviting her children into her Immaculate Heart to bring us closer to Jesus through her call to unity. “Have no fear,” she says “for unity is you harbor in the storm.” To simplify the message, the following is a summation and explanation of the image, along with an outline of the symbols that Our Mother asked to be depicted in the image. In the message, Our Mother of Unity and Hope said that she is revealing the image as a sign of hope for mankind. The image she tells us, represents the full essence and understanding of her call to unity. Our hope, she says, is found in our complete union with the Most Holy Trinity, with her and with Holy Mother Church, including our brothers and sisters on earth and the angels and saints in Heaven. This image she says is given to us now from the Father “to reaffirm you in hope since its fulfillment is near” The Symbols of the Image. Alpha and Omega.Impressed upon the Most Holy Eucharist, which brings Heaven and earth together, are the signs of the Alpha and Omega. In all languages, these symbols are universal. They represent God in the Most Holy Trinity, fully combined with the Dove (Holy Spirit) and Jesus upon the Cross. It shows that with the Alpha and Omega that His plan is to reunite His children with Himself, is completed through Jesus’s sufferings upon the cross. These symbols, the Alpha and Omega and Jesus upon the cross, represent all that mankind knows of God through Holy Mother Church and scripture. The Alpha and Omega represent God in the beginning and in the end. It is He who is and will always be. It also signifies that God from the beginning had a fatherly plan for the salvation of mankind. Our Mother says, “It signifies the end of evil, the completion of His plan.” The Dove.The Holy Spirit represents the creation of the universe, of mankind and the angels and all things created good. It is radiant as it expresses God’s love for His children. It was through the workings of the Holy Spirit that Holy Mother Church began and grew. The Dove represents His sending forth His love since the beginning of time. The Dove (Holy Spirit) was sent into the world to teach mankind of God in the Most Holy Trinity. All is done now through the Holy Spirit. He is the entire essence of God’s Trinity. The Holy Spirit issued out from the Father’s heart and gave birth to Jesus, our Savior. He is the presence of God manifested in the flesh and in all His children. “All is connected”, our Mother says. Our Mother says, “These images of the Alpha and Omega and the Dove are embedded in the Most Holy Eucharist, the true presence of Jesus, your food from God, your life and your love.” The Crucifix.The crucifix at the center reminds every soul of the mercy and sacrifice Jesus gave for all. Jesus upon the cross signifies the redemption of mankind, God’s plan from the beginning of time. All radiance and love was sent from the beginning, always issuing forth for mankind. It is unending and salvific. The remembrance of Jesus’s love and sacrifice shall always be seen and commemorated for all eternity. It shall never be forgotten and thus remains upon the image for all eternity. The Golden Ring.The golden ring around the Eucharist represents mankind’s unity with the Most Holy Trinity. It represents the unity of Holy Mother Church on earth from the foundation of the four Gospels which have reached the four corners of the earth. The ring represents God’s children, the Holy Family of God which encircles the Triune God. The Holy Family is gathered around the Most Holy Trinity (Alpha and Omega). The circle of the Eucharist and golden encasement represent complete union, an unending circle where all people are united under one faith and one Triune God. The Golden circle represent our true inheritance. The Rays of Light.The rays of light represent God’s love for mankind as it was from the beginning of time to the present, and for all eternity. These rays not only represent the mercy that God has given to man through the sacrifice of His only Son, but the entire glory of God as the Word made flesh reunites Him with His children. Radiance flows from the heart of Jesus expressing the love of your Father for you. The cataclysm of creation was God’s love, poured out establishing the universe, the angels, and His creatures. At the birth of His beloved Son, the Father’s heart was the brilliant star illuminating the night, drawing the faithful to the stable were He lay. Upon the crucifixion and death of His Son, Jesus’s heart was pierce allowing the love of the Trinity to pour forth in love and mercy. As these rays issue out, they too are at the same time, drawing you back through the heart of Jesus, fulfilling the scripture passage “No one comes to the father except through Me.” Read more…

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