Virgin Mary Appears to a Man Who Wanted to Kill the Pope

There were celebrations throughout the city of Rome for an anniversary dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. On this day in 1947, a Protestant who later said he planned to assassinate the Pope saw the Blessed Virgin several times in Rome. She called herself the Virgin of Revelation and her words caused him to convert to Catholicism. 9 years later, Pope Pius XII approved the construction of a chapel on the site sometimes called Tre Fontane, because it is near 3 fountains. Member of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation, Sister Emanuela Edwards, joins to tell us what the celebrations were like. Sr. Emanuela takes us back to the Virgin’s appearance on this date in 1947. She shares what more we know about the appearance and the man to whom she appeared. Sr. Emanuela discusses how this apparition is relevant for the faithful today.

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The Mingling of Faith and Reason: Miracles and the Catholic Church 

As a medical doctor and professor at Queen’s University, Dr. Jacalyn Duffin has an interesting CV. Her specialty? Miracles. In her career, Dr. Duffin has surveyed more than 1,400 miracles pertaining to 229 different canonizations and 145 beatifications from 1588 to 1999. In this edition of Catholic Focus, host Jenna Murphy will examine the place of miracles in the Church and their impact on the lives of those affected by them.

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These People Receive Wounds Of The Stigmata

Meet the extraordinary people who claim to receive open wounds of the stigmata from Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. A fascinating documentary examining evidence from people claiming to receive the open wounds of the stigmata – the wounds of Christ’s Crucifixion which appear physically on the hands, feet and side of a rare and, some would say, chosen few. The programme features stigmatics from around the world, including the three from the UK, and throughout history – from St Francis to Padre Pio. It covers the various theories that have been put forward to explain this mysterious phenomenon: multiple personality disorder, self-infliction of wounds, and the possible psychosomatic reproduction of traumatic injuries years after the event.

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The Greatest Moment in History: Revealed by an Exorcist – Our Lady’s Most Glorious Act

As the Church teaches, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the greatest of all God’s creatures. She is the one who was chosen by God to bring His only Son into the world, and her role in salvation history is unparalleled. But what is Our Lady’s greatest glory?   In the history of humanity, there have been many moments of triumph and honour. But according to an exorcist, Father Chad Ripperger, one moment stands above all others.   During an exorcism, Fr Ripperger encountered a demon who admitted that he had been the angel created by God to head the hierarchy of angels meant to serve Our Lady as Queen of Heaven.   This demon had been reduced to tears when Father pointed out that his name would never be written in Heaven next to Our Lady’s.   It was the Feast of the Assumption, and upon the demon denying Father’s assertion that the Assumption is Our Lady’s greatest glory, Father Ripperger commanded him to reveal the truth: What is Our Lady’s greatest glory?   Why isn’t it her Assumption into Heaven, free from the stain of sin?   The demon explained that our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven is her greatest triumph. She was taken from this life into the next, having completed her life absolutely sinless.    She entered Heaven as the Queen of Angels, perfectly pure and holy. Assumed body and soul into Heaven, she now reigns with her Son as Queen of Heaven and Earth.   To get back to our question… Could it be her Crowning as Queen of Heaven and Earth perhaps? No.   According to the demon, Our Lady’s Coronation is the moment of her greatest honour. It is the recognition of her excellence by which God drew attention to her perfections.   The crowning also has a very specific meaning in spiritual warfare. “It means that she rules, and whenever she asks for something, she gets it because she never offended God and always did everything to please Him. As a result of that, He will never deny her anything.”   “We’ve all offended (God) to some degree or another,” says Fr. Ripperger, “and as a result of that, His level of trust in us is only proportionate to how much He knows He can trust us.” But Our Lady never hurt Him. Everything she did was purely for Him.   The demon revealed that never once did she count the personal cost of any of her sacrifices, and that was because, as Spouse of the Holy Ghost, her pure love for Him consumed her. This relationship with God is unique to Our Lady and gives her a powerful intercessory role as a warrior for God.   But there’s more. Mary’s crowning also makes her powerful against demons. In spiritual warfare, demons are terrified of her, for they know that she is their greatest adversary. She is the one who was chosen to crush the head of the serpent, and she has been given the power to defeat him and all his minions.   Indeed, the demon was forced to reveal that Our Lady’s most glorious moment was something else entirely…   The most glorious moment, in all of history in fact, aside from Christ’s Passion is when Our Lady stood in perfect virtue at the foot of the Cross.   It was there that she participated in her Son’s redemption of mankind.   It was there that she united her sufferings to His, and it was there that she became our Mother.   She intercedes for us and protects us from the devil. Her standing at the Cross shows us the depth of her love for us and her willingness to suffer for our salvation. This moment has been etched in the hearts of believers for centuries, and it continues to inspire us to this day.   “What do we mean by glorious?” Father explains. “Saint Thomas defines glory as the manifestation of excellence. And just by looking at Our Lady at Calvary, we see the manifestation of the greatest excellence in all of creation, aside from Christ.”   Our Lady’s standing at the foot of the Cross is powerful and profound as she models for us what it means to love God with every fibre of our being… what it means to be a true disciple of Christ.   Our Lady’s Assumption, crowning, and standing at the foot of the Cross are all important aspects of her glory. Each reveals a different facet of her perfection and her love for God and for us. Let us turn to her in times of need and ask for her intercession.   She is Our Lady, Our Mother, and Our Queen.   Let us remember this moment of glory.   Let us remember the sacrifice that Our Lady made for us.   Let us honour her as Queen of Heaven and Earth and let us strive to follow her example of perfect virtue and pure love for God.   Join us in praying to Our Lady and experiencing her powerful intercession against the forces of evil.   Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

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5 Benefits of the Entire Rosary

When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have Our Lady’s hand in your hand. When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have the power of God in your hands. “Consueverunt Romani Pontifices” is a papal bull by Pope Pius V issued on September 17th, 1569 on the power of the Holy Rosary, even before the great Catholic victory at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. The darkness of heresy began to be dispelled, and the light of the Catholic Faith to be revealed. Sodalities for this form of prayer began to be instituted in many places by the Friars of the same [St. Dominic] Order …

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Miraculous Infant of Prague Prayer

Composed by Rev. Cyrillus a Matre DeiThe first and most devoted venerator of the Holy Infant of Prague Jesus unto Thee I flee,Through Thy Mother praying Thee,In my need to succor me.Truly, I believe of TheeGod Thou art with strength to shield me;Full of trust, I hope of TheeThou Thy grace wilt give to me.All my heart I give to Thee,Therefore, do my sins repent me;From them breaking, I beseech Thee,Jesus, from their bonds to free me.Firm my purpose is to mend me;Never more will I offend Thee.Wholly unto Thee I give me,Patiently to suffer for Thee,Thee to serve eternally.And my neighbor like to meI will love for love of Thee.Little Jesus, I beseech Thee,In my need to succor me,That with Joseph and with MaryAnd the angels, I may TheeOnce enjoy eternally.

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Noah’s Ark Discovered Documentary! Evidence for Its Location, Genesis Flood! Proof Bible Is True!

Many people today believe Noah’s Ark and the Flood are just myths or some altered version of ancient beliefs. Of all the stories in the Bible, Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood is one of the most controversial. Is it all true? Did it really happen? How did it happen? And if it’s true, is there evidence of the Flood and the existence of Noah’s Ark today?  In this video, we’ll be looking at overwhelming evidence that supports the location of Noah’s Ark. We’ll also end with a faith lesson about what God would desire for us to learn from this event. I really believe this video will be life-changing and transforming to your life.

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White Roses Fall Inside Roman Basilica to Mark 4th Century Marian Miracle

White rose petals fell from the ceiling of St. Mary Major Basilica Monday, as Romans celebrated the anniversary of a 4th century Marian miracle. The miracle, which inspired the construction of the papal Marian basilica, involved a miraculous snowfall in Rome on Aug. 5 in the year 358. According to tradition, the Virgin Mary appeared to both a nobleman named John and to Pope Liberius (352-366) in a dream foretelling the August snow and asking for a church to be built in her honor on the site of the snowfall. The church was rebuilt by Pope Sixtus III (432-440), after the Council of Ephesus in 431 declared Mary to be the Mother of God. Cardinal Stanislsw Rylko, archpriest of the Basilica of St. Mary Major, celebrated the Mass to mark the 1,661th anniversary of this “miracle of the snow.”

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