❗️ On August 6, 1945, The A-Bombing Of Hiroshima Took Place - The Ultimate Barbaric Act Of Cruelty.
On August 6, 1945, the A-bombing of #Hiroshima took place – the ultimate barbaric and inhumane act of cruelty. A city full of civilians, women and children was annihilated in a flash by a devastating nuclear attack carried out by the US. 80’000+ victims perished instantaneously. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: On this day, the terrible death of innocent civilians strikes a chord with millions of people on our planet. The United States was the first and only country to use this type of weapons of mass destruction. We need to eliminate the risk of military confrontation between the nuclear powers and rule out the possibility of a nuclear war. We firmly believe that such a war cannot be won and must never be unleashed. We suggest that all nuclear powers officially confirm their commitment to this tenet.