Host on Chalice of White Statue of the Mother of the Eucharist Bleeds for the Ninth Time in Rome!

On Thursday, November 11, 1999 in [Via delle Benedettine] a new great Eucharistic miracle happened. A host, that had been previously put by Our Lady on the chalice of the white statue of the Mother of the Eucharist, bled; it was the 9th time that the Eucharist bled in the thaumaturgical place.
The host bled in three different moments. We quote the witnessing of Don Claudio Gatti, the Bishop ordained by God, who was the first to see the Eucharist bleeding: “It was about 1 p.m. when I went to pray before the host that on 3rd november had been put by Our Lady on the chalice of the white statue. I saw immediately a round spot of blood inside the host and some drops that were gurgling and coming out of its inside. I immediately called the people who were in the house so that they could see and witness the Eucharistic miracle. We prayed and sang, then everybody came back to their ordinary activities”.