My dear family, beloved children of God, and ‘apostles of these last times’,

As I was praying on where to begin, this message from Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi pierced my heart at such a profound depth. It was as if She spoke directly to me, and Her comforting voice rose from deep within my heart…

“The moment has come for you to come out from your hiddenness

in order to go and shed light upon the earth.” 

As soon as I read those words, I knew that it was true – it was time.

For a while now, my heart has longed to share the messages from Heaven, and I believe this was the affirmation I needed to begin. It is after much prayer and discernment on whether or not to write, how I would do so, and to whom I should direct my writings, that Our Lady seems to have orchestrated everything perfectly – as She always does. And while I now feel the call to “go and shed light upon the earth” as the message exhorts, another prompting presses upon my heart – to keep my identity hidden for the time being. Sounds like a contradiction, right? To spread Heaven’s messages and to write spiritual reflections on them for the world, while simultaneously keeping my identity hidden from the same world? That doesn’t seem to make sense. However, it is what I feel called to do at this present time. I believe that this may change in the future, if that is the Lord’s Divine Will, but for now I hold a deep conviction on two things:

  1. It is time for my messages to be shared with the world. 
  2. My personal identity must remain hidden for the time being. 

As for why I believe that my identity must remain hidden for now, I cannot yet reveal. However, what I do ask with utmost humility, is for your prayers and fasting. I desire to remain faithful to the Divine Will of God, and remaining hidden is a way for me to do that. 

Here is a thought that came to me as I write this introductory reflection:

Jesus remained hidden for the first 30 years of His life. It was only the final three years of His earthly journey where His identity was revealed to the world, and where He began His “public ministry”. There was a reason why His identity was kept private for so long. It was God’s will.

Since my identity must remain hidden for the time being, I thought that a pseudonym would be fitting. I began to think of what would be appropriate, but I was having some difficulty. The ones that came to mind felt forced, they didn’t seem genuine, natural, or from God. Finally after much brainstorming, one struck me, and it’s what I intend to use – Heaven’s Harbinger

What is a “harbinger” you may ask? There are varying definitions and etymological explanations, but the one I relate with the most, and the one which is the motivation for my selection is, “a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another; a forerunner of something.” The idea of being Heaven’s Harbinger really resonated with my soul. The more I pondered the possibility of using it, the more peace prevailed within me. What does it mean to be a harbinger of Heaven? It means to announce the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven; it means to proclaim the promised triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of the Sacred Heart; it means to prepare oneself and others for the glorious Era of Peace; it means to share Heaven’s “Harbingers” (the messages, warnings, instructions, and promises) to a humanity that is depending upon them. That’s what it means to be a harbinger of Heaven. If it is the Lord’s Divine Will, I long to be a forerunner of the forthcoming “Second Pentecost”, of the “New Advent”, and of the Church’s “most beautiful springtime” in her history. Heaven has told us countless times that what awaits us is the most glorious period of the Church in her entire existence! Saints of old have long wished they could live in the times that we have been given. The times we are living in are unlike anything ever experienced, and the times ahead of us are beyond imagination – they are the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer, the greatest prayer ever made.

As I hope to be Heaven’s Harbinger, I will strive to live in the Divine Will, to proclaim that Will to the ends of the earth, and to prepare the world for the coming of God’s Kingdom. I pray that my writings will speak to your souls, offer you peace and hope, inspire you to grow in holiness, encourage you to remain in the faith, embolden you to rely on the Lord’s plan, help you to trust in His divine mercy, and ultimately to assist you in living in the Divine Will of God.

Join me in praying for the coming of God’s Kingdom and for His Divine Will to be done “on earth as it is in Heaven.”

For the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, and for the reign of the Sacred Heart,

– Heaven’s Harbinger

2 thoughts on “HEAVEN’S HARBINGER

  1. God bless your dear soul and the struggle you are experiencing – let it be all for His great Glory!
    We so much need each other and I thank God and hope that your messages are for His children. Much confusion abounds everywhere. We need firmness of faith and clarity.
    Please do not be overly concerned about your message because only what is true will remain. If you haven’t already done so please ask Heaven to provide you will a Spiritual Director for guidance and speak to a priest so that it can be known that you are in submission to Church authority.
    All you can do is to be obedient to the Divine Inspiration within you.
    Of course I will pray

  2. Fascinating to me that I too remain hidden, and your message today is exactly the one I have been given. The new era is promised. It must be called upon and brought down from Heaven onto earth by the children of God to bring this new time. The more that call the faster it descends. Don’t be surprised when nobody seems to have the ear to hear nor the perseverance and fortitude to commit to the joyful burden. So we must do it for them and wait while not getting tired of the waiting.

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