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With Their Queen Mary, our Guardian Angels and the Sealed Angels for the Last Times, United with the Whole of Heaven, all will Help God’s children far beyond all human measure, to abandon all things and submit
unconditionally to God, so that all that God’s Love Wills may be accomplished in them. The main task of some Angels is the apocalyptic battle, while others Seal the communities of God in the Last Times against the terrors of the infernal powers. The Angels will enclose in these communities love and fidelity, duty and measure, growth, beauty, and the Mercy of God, when outside everything falls in ruin. Through this Love of God, the children will be protected and safe. There will flourish holiness and purity, and a maximum of love in the Church undreamt of
before. And that time will Dawn of which it is written in the Gospel, that young men will have visions and men will be permitted to look upon the Glory of God’s Kingdom. What is, after all, the Work of the Angels and the
knowledge of the Angels, if not such a Gracious Descent of the Kingdom of God?
God has made His Covenant also with you, O man! Every day the Priest lays the pledge of God’s Fidelity
upon your lips. Take care that the broken crown of Divine Childhood does not one day lay at the feet of
your Angel.

2 Timothy 2:19 – “But the Sure Foundation of God standeth Firm, having this Seal: the Lord Knoweth who are His; and let everyone depart from iniquity who nameth the Name of the Lord.”
The Return of Christ – Mark 13:24-27 – “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give its light, and the stars shall be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken. Then they shall see the Son of Man Coming in Clouds with Great Power and Glory. And then He shall send forth the Angels and shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven.”

Our Lady to Father Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests #63 – Dongo (Como, Italy); December 7, 1974 – “Therefore, in order to recognize this Action of Mine, you Must have the eyes of a little child, the mind of a little
child, the heart of a little child. You Must again become simple, humble, recollected, poor, innocent. You Must truly become once again those little children to whom alone will be Revealed the Plans of God, the Mysteries
of the Kingdom of God.”

From The Apostles by Pope Benedict XVI – “The subject of one of the most important visions of the Book of Revelation is this Lamb in the act of opening a Scroll, previously closed with Seven Seals that no one had
been able to break Open.

Of the nine choirs of Holy Angels, one choir are Angels of Love, who go over all of Creation. And precisely in this choir, Almighty God brought together the Sealed Angels of the Last Times; we know them out of the
Apocalypse: the seven who go out to Seal the communities of God, and the three who call to judgment; and again seven, who pour the bowls of God’s Wrath over the earth, and three, who go out to harvest. The Angels
with the seven trumpets (Apocalypse) come from other choirs. The Seals signify a locking up. Seven Angels go out to Seal the communities.
These Sealed Angels are Angels of the Last Times, which means they will have their greatest force and their actual work in the Last Times: seven of them go out to Seal the communities of God from the horrors of the Last
Times; against the onslaught of the Evil One in the Last Time; against the horrors of the devastation.

The Seven Angels to Seal the Communities:
1. Seals Love – Seals growth in those in the Church persevering in love and fidelity in God.
2. Seals the Gates – Protects those striving and longing in affliction.
3. Seal-Angel of the Bride of Christ – Preserves the beauty of the Spouse of Christ.
4. Seals Duty – Locks up the consciousness of duty and fidelity to God.
5. Angel of Mercy – Throws out Mercy and bring in the catch of God.
6. Seals Dark Faith – Seals the ship of the Angels with Mary, for the community to be a guiding light for others.
7. Seals Order and Measure – Connects love and measure, justice and law for Judgement.

Before the Judge Comes upon the Clouds, once more He will send out very Powerful Angels, to Shake the earth and Remind it of the Omnipotence and Sovereignty of God. These Actions of the Holy Angels can be recognized in the Good works of Popes throughout time, and certainly in these times.

From the Book of Heaven – the writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:
V14 – 4.25.22 – “I, Jesus, place thousands of Angels as Custodians of One Single Act done in My Will. In fact, since these Acts done in My Will are Seeds so that My Will may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, All are
Jealous of these Acts. Their Dew is My Breath; their Shadow is My Light. The Angels remain Enraptured by them and, Reverent, they Adore them, because in these Acts they see the Eternal Will, that Deserves All their
Adoration. And only when I find other souls who, picking them as Divine Fruits, make of them Food for their souls, then are these Acts Left. O! the Fecundity and Multiplicity of these Acts! The creature herself who does
them cannot count them.”

V14 – 11.11.22 – “Therefore I tell you, True daughter of My Volition, First Happy Birth from My Will – Be Attentive and Faithful to Me. Come into My Eternal Volition – My Acts await you, Wanting the Seal of yours;
those of My Mama await you; the Whole of Heaven awaits you, wanting to see all of their Acts Glorified in My Will by a creature of their own stock; the present and future generations await you, to be given back the Lost
Happiness. Ah! no, no, the generations shall not end until man Returns into My Womb, Beautiful, Dominating, just as he came out of My Creative Hands. I AM not content with having Redeemed him; even at the Cost of
Waiting, I shall still have Patience, but he Must Return to Me as I Made him, by Virtue of My Will. By doing his own human will, he descended into the abyss and transformed himself into a brute; by doing My Will, he shall
Ascend and Acquire the New Transformation into the Nature Created by Me. Then shall I be able to say: ‘I have Accomplished Everything; the Order of the Whole Creation has Returned to Me, and I shall Rest in It.’”

V15 – 7.11.23 – “The Most Blessed Trinity thrice has Decided to Act “Ad Extra”. The First was in Creation, when there was no need of created beings to bring it about. The Second was in Redemption, and the Lord Chose the collaboration of a Woman, the Most Holy, the Most Beautiful Woman who became the Mother of God, Channel and Instrument of God until such time as the Work of Redemption should come to pass.

“The Third is the Fulfillment of God’s Divine Will; that His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. This is the Seal of the Work of Creation and of Redemption, these are Divine Decrees that must come to Full
Completion, and God makes use of another woman to put these things in order.
“Therefore, just as We Entrusted Our Mama to St. John, that She might Deposit in him, and from him into the Church, the Treasures, the Graces and all of My Teachings which I had Deposited in Her during the course
of My Life, when She was Entrusted to Me and I Acted as Priest to Her – as I Deposited in Her, as in a Sanctuary, all the Laws, the Precepts and the Doctrines which the Church was to Possess; and She, Faithful as She was, and Jealous of even One Word of Mine, Deposited them in My faithful Disciple John, so that they might not be lost; and therefore My Mama has Primacy over the whole Church – so I have done with you, Luisa: since the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ Must Serve the whole Church, I Entrusted you to a Priest of Mine, that you may deposit in him
everything I Manifest to you about My Will – the Goods Contained in It, how the creature must enter into It, and how the Paternal Goodness wants to Open another Era of Grace, placing His Goods, which He Possesses in Heaven, in common with the creature, and giving Back to her the lost Happiness.”

V15 – 12.1.22 – “And not only My (Jesus) Pains, but also My Words – because they were Spoken in My Will – Reached Everyone. As for example, when Pilate asked Me whether I was a king, I answered: ‘My Kingdom is not of this world, for if It were of this world, millions of legions of Angels would Defend Me’.”

V16 – 11.10.23 – “Then, My Will had Its Life on earth in My Humanity, by Virtue of which I Formed the Redemption. Not only this, but by Virtue of My Will, I Laid Myself over all the works of the human generations,
Sealing them with My Divine Acts, and I Beseeched My Father not only to Redeem man, but that, at the appropriate time, man might win the Favor of Our Will, as when he was Created, so as to Live according to the
Purpose Wanted by Us: that the Will of Heaven and that of the earth be One. Therefore, Everything was done by Me: the Plane of Redemption and that of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.”
V16 – 12.6.23 – “My little one, in order for the Will of Heaven to Descend upon earth, it is Necessary that all human acts be Sealed and Glazed with Acts of Divine Will, so that, in seeing that all the acts of creatures are
Smothered with Its Will, Drawn by the Powerful Magnet of Its Own Volition, the Supreme Will may Descend upon earth and Reign on it. To you, then, as firstborn daughter of Our Will, is this Task Given.
“Know that in order to Draw the Word from Heaven, My Mama took on this Commitment of Going Around through All generations; and making All the acts of human will Her Own, She Placed the Divine Will in them, since She Possessed So Much of this Capital of the Supreme Volition as to Surpass Everything that All creatures together would possess. And for each Round She did, She Multiplied this Capital. So, in seeing that one of Our Most Faithful creatures had Smothered, with So Much Grace and Love, All the human acts with the Divine Will, taking to Heart what was Needed in order to do this, and in seeing that Our Will was Present in the
world, I, Eternal Word, Drawn, Descended from Heaven.

“The Second Commitment Befitted Me in order to Form the Redemption. How much I had to Go Around, through All human acts, taking them All as though in My Hand and Covering them, Sealing them, Glazing them with My Divine Will, in order to Draw My Celestial Father to look at All the human acts Covered with that Divine Will that man had rejected into the Celestial Regions, so that My Divine Father might Open the
Doors of Heaven, that had been closed by the human will. There is no Good that Descends if not by Means of My Will.
“The Third One is yours, Luisa. It Befits you, as Firstborn daughter of Our Will, to add the Third Seal of Our Will upon All human acts to the First and the Second, in order to Draw Kingdom of My Will to Come upon earth. Therefore, make your Round, My daughter, over All the human acts of creatures. Penetrate even into the hearts; bring to each heartbeat the Heartbeat of My Will, to each thought the Kiss, the Knowledge
of My Will. Impress in each word the Omnipotent Fiat; Invade Everything; Overwhelm Everyone into It, that My Kingdom may Come upon earth. Your Jesus shall not leave you alone in these Rounds, I shall Assist you
and Guide you in Everything.” And while He was saying this, I continued my Flight, making my Round through Everything and Everyone. But who can say what I would do? Jesus Alone can say it, Who made me do it. So I
spent a night Always with Jesus, and while making my Round, I would bring Him now All thoughts, now All words, now All works, steps, heartbeats, Invested by His Will; and Jesus would Receive Everything with Love and would make Feast.”

V17 – 5.21.25 – “Now, since My Will is in you, Luisa, All Heaven, the Most Holy Virgin, All the Saints and Angels, are Bound to you, because My Will is Life of Each One of Them.”

V17 – 8.14.24 – “The souls who Live in My Will are My True Repeaters, My Inseparable Images, that are Portrayed in them and Absorbed Again in Me, so that Everything they do may Remain with the Seal that those
are My Works, as they continue My Own Office.”

V17 – 9.17.24 – “Then, afterwards, my Sweet Jesus went on taking all the Books written on His Divine Will; He United them together, then He Pressed them to His Heart, and with Unspeakable Tenderness, He added: “I Bless these Writings from the Heart. I Bless Each Word; I Bless the Effects and the Value they Contain. These Writings are Part of Myself.” Then He Called the Angels, Who Prostrated Themselves, Their Faces to the ground, to Pray. And since two Fathers were there Present, who were supposed to see the Writings, Jesus told the Angels to Touch
their foreheads in order to Impress in them the Holy Spirit, so as to Infuse in them the Light in order to make them comprehend the Truths and the Good that are in these Writings. The Angels Executed that, and Jesus, Blessing us all, Disappeared.”

V18 – 10.1.25 – “The one who does My Will and Lives in It maintains whole the Bonds of Creation that exist between Creator and creature, the Bonds of Redemption, and the Bonds between the Sanctifier and the ones who
are being Sanctified. My Will Seals all these Bonds and Renders the creature Inseparable from Me. Therefore, be sure that your Jesus does not leave you.”

V19 – 5.23.26 – “So, the Whole of Heaven, the Celestial Mama, the Angels and Saints – All are Turned Toward you, Luisa, for the Triumph of My Will, because Their Glory in Heaven shall not be Complete if My Will does not have Its Complete Triumph on earth.”

V20 – 1.30.27 – “Therefore, the Kingdom of My Will in the midst of creatures shall bring the Echo of the Happiness of Heaven, because One shall be the Will that Must Reign and Dominate in both one and the other.
And just as My Humanity was Formed from the Most Pure Blood of the Crucified Heart of the Sovereign Queen, and Redemption was Formed from My Continuous Crucifixion, and on Calvary I Placed the Seal of the Cross on the Kingdom of the Redeemed ones; in the Same Way, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat shall Come out of a Crucified heart, as My Will, Crucifying yours, Luisa, shall Issue Its Kingdom, and Happiness for
the children of Its Kingdom.”

V20 – 2.16.27 – “Therefore, the Operating in My Will is the Greatest Miracle, and the Fullness of All Acts United Together, and the Triumph of the Divine Act in the human act, because My Will was as though sterile in the midst of creatures, and is now Made Happy by Its First Daughter, in whom It Sees the Many Births from Itself that will Come to Light. So, It will Live no more as a sterile mother in the midst of the people, but as a Mother Fecund with Many Children. It once was a widow, because in Creating the First Man It Espoused the Human Nature, Dowering it with the Immense Riches of Its Will, as the Seal of the Marriage It Formed with Man. As he withdrew from It, It Remained a Widow for many centuries; but now It has Removed the Mourning of Its Widowhood and, Marrying Again, has taken on Its Garments of Bride Again, and has Put Out, Once Again, Its Dowries into the Field; and the Seal of the Dowries are the Knowledges about It, Through which It Gives the Gift of the Riches It Possesses.”

V23 – 11.23.27 – “My daughter, hear how All of Heaven Echoes your petition, and the Angels, the Saints, the Sovereign Queen repeat among themselves: ‘Fiat! Fiat! Voluntas Tua, on earth as It is in Heaven’. Because it is Petition of Heaven – it is the Kingdom that Interests Everyone – they all feel the Duty to Ask for what you want; they feel within themselves the Same Strength of the Power of My Same Divine Will by which All of them are Animated. And they Repeat: ‘May the Will of Heaven be One with the earth.’ O! how Beautiful it is – how Harmoniously it Resounds when an Echo from the earth Invests All of Heaven and Forms One Single Echo, One Single Will, One Single Petition. And All the Blessed say among themselves, taken by Admiration: ‘Who is she who is Carrying the Whole Cortege of the Divine Works before the Divinity, and with the Power of the Divine Fiat that she Possesses, She Overwhelms us All, and makes us Ask for a Kingdom So Holy? No one has had this Power, no one until Now has asked for the Kingdom of the Fiat with Such Power and Empire. At the most, some have asked for the glory of God, some for the salvation of souls, some for the reparation of many offenses – all things which refer to the External Works of God. But Asking for the Kingdom of the Divine Will is about His Internal Works, the Most Intimate Acts of God, and the Destruction of sin. It is not just Salvation, but Divine Sanctity in the creatures (Linked to Luisa); it is Liberation from All evils, spiritual and corporal; it is Transporting the earth to Heaven so as to make Heaven Descend upon earth.’ Therefore, Asking for the Kingdom of My Divine Will is the Greatest, the Most Perfect, the Holiest Thing; and this is why, Reverently, All Answer your Echo, and in the Celestial Fatherland Resounds the Beautiful Harmony: ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth
as It is in Heaven’.”

V23 – 2.28.28 – “My daughter, just as I have the Hierarchy of Angels, with nine Distinct Choirs, so shall I have the Hierarchy of the children of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. It shall have Its Nine Choirs, and they shall
Distinguish themselves from one another according to the Varieties of Beauties that they have Acquired by Knowing, some more, some less, the Knowledges that pertain to My Fiat. Therefore, Each Additional Knowledge about My Divine Volition is One New Creation that It Forms in creatures, of Happiness and of Unreachable Beauty, because it is a Divine Life that Runs Within it, Bringing Within Itself All the Shades of the Beauties of the One Who Manifests Them, and All the Keys and Sounds of the Joys and Happinesses of Our Divine Being.”

V26 – 4.28.29 – “My daughter, it is a Prerogative of My Divine Volition to place Everything It Possesses in Safety. When It Enters into the soul, as the Possessor of her, It places All things in Safety: It places Sanctity,
Grace, Beauty, All Virtues, in Safety; and so that everything may be Safe, It Substitutes them in the soul with Its Own Divine Sanctity, Its Beauty, Its Virtues – All in a Divine Manner; and placing on her Its Seal, that is
Untouchable by any change, It Renders the creature Untouchable by any danger. So, for the one who Lives in My Will there is nothing to fear anymore, because It has Secured everything with Its Divine Security.

V29 – 4.4.31 – “Now, if there is the Origin and the Means, there Must be the End. The End of man is Heaven, and for the One who has My Divine Will as Origin, All of her acts Flow into Heaven, as the End that her soul
Must Reach, and as the Origin of her Beatitude which shall have No End. And if you have My Divine Will as End, you shall give Me the Glory and the Requital of Love for having Prepared a Celestial Fatherland for
creatures, as their Happy Dwelling. Therefore, be Attentive, My daughter, and I Seal in your soul My Divine Will as Origin, Means and End, that shall be for you Life, the Safe Guide, the Support, and shall Lead you
in Its Arms to the Celestial Fatherland.”

V29 – 4.16.31 – “Therefore, Good daughter, Courage, do not fear. And besides, what do you fear? I Gave you six Angels for your Custody; each of Them has the Task to Guide you through the Interminable Ways of
My Eternal Volition, so that you may Requite with your Acts, with your Love, what the Divine Will did by Pronouncing Six Fiats in Creation. So, each Angel is Entrusted one Fiat and what came out of this Fiat, to Call
you to Requite each of these Fiats, even with the sacrifice of your life. These Angels Gather your Acts and Form with them a Crown, and, Prostrate, they Offer it to the Divinity as Requital for what Our Divine Will did, so that It may be Known and Form Its Kingdom upon earth. But this is not all; I Myself AM at the Head of these Angels, Guiding you and Watching Over you in Everything, and Forming in you the Very Acts and that Love which is Needed so that you may have Sufficient Love to be able to Requite So Many Great Works of Our Supreme Volition. Therefore, do not stop, you have Much to do – you have to Follow Me Who never stops; you have to Follow the Angels, because They want to Fulfill Their Task Entrusted to Them; you have to Fulfill your Mission
of daughter of the Divine Will.”

V29 – 5.16.31 – “My daughter, All the acts done by the creature in the Divine Will are Confirmed by God as
Divine Acts, and this Confirmation Forms the Life of the Same Acts, and they are Sealed with the Divine Seal
as Everlasting Acts, Always New, Fresh, and of an Enchanting Beauty. The Acts done by the creature in My
Will I could Call ‘New Creation’ that I Make in the creature. As she keeps doing her Act in It, My Fiat Asserts
Itself with Its Creative Strength, and Forms in it Its Act, and, by Right, It Confirms it.”
V30 – 6.17.32 – “O! how Beautiful it is to see this creature Espoused to All – the Dear, the Favorite, the Beloved
of All. And, with Right, Everyone wants her, they Yearn to Enjoy her and to Keep her Together with them; and
she Loves All, Gives to All the Right Over her, and Gives herself to All – it is the New and Extensive Family of
her Creator that she has Acquired. O! if it could be seen from the earth, they would see that God Carries her in
His Arms, the Sovereign Queen Nourishes her with the Choice Food of the Divine Volition, the Angels and
Saints Form the Cortege Around her, the Heavens Extend Over her to Cover her and Protect her – and
Woe to those who touch her. The sun fixes on her with its light and kisses her with its heat, the wind caresses
her; there is not one thing Created by Us which does not Offer itself to Perform its Office Around her. My Will
Moves Everything Around her, so that Everyone and Everything may Serve her and Love her. Therefore, the
One who Lives in It Gives Everyone something to do, and All feel the Happiness of being able to Extend their
Field of Action inside and outside the Fortunate creature. O! if all creatures would Comprehend what it means
to Live in My Divine Will – O! how All would aspire and compete, to make in It their Celestial Dwelling.”
V31 – 9.18.32 – “My daughter, it is the Strength of the Unity of My Will that flings you over all and over
everything, to love in everything and give Me the Requital of the Love of All; and if they do not love Me, I cannot
say that I do not receive your Love. On the contrary, in your Love I feel the Notes of Love that all should give
Me, and – O! how Happy I AM! You Must Know that this is Our Divine Office: from the Height of Our Sole
and Only Act that We never interrupt, Our Light, Love, Power and Goodness descend, and go on tracing all the
acts, the heartbeats, the steps, the words, the thoughts, in order to Mold them, Invest them, Seal them with Our
Love. We feel the Irresistible Need of Love to go in search of everything and of everyone, and We let nothing
escape Us – not even a heartbeat, without giving the creatures an ‘I Love you’ of Ours. Yet they do not Love Us;
even more, there are some who escape from under the Rain of Our Love. But in spite of this We continue, We
do not stop, because Our Divine Nature is Love and it Must Love, and We feel the Contentment, the Happiness
that Our Love gives Us by Loving, as it has the virtue of Loving all, of extending to all and everywhere.”
V33 – 5.14.35 – “Now, the Angels, the Saints, in seeing the Celestial Father, the Sovereign Queen and their King,
all Intent on Working in this creature, They too want to Help Us in the Work; and Lining themselves up Around
the Fortunate creature, They Work by Defending her, They Drive Away the enemies, They Free her from
dangers, and Form Walls of Fortitude, so that No one may bother her.”
V33 – 5.31.35 – “And as My Humanity Triumphed over death, so did My Will Rise Again and Triumph in the
creatures, Waiting for Its Kingdom. Had My Humanity not Risen Again, had It not had this Power, Redemption
would have failed, and one could doubt that it was truly the Work of a God. It was My Resurrection that made
Me Known for Who I was, and Placed the Seal over All the Goods that I Came to Bring upon earth. In the Same
Way, My Divine Will shall be the Double Seal, the Transmission into creatures of Its Kingdom, that My
Humanity Possessed. More so, since it was for the creatures that I Formed this Kingdom of My Divine Will
within My Humanity. Why not give It then? At the most, it shall be a matter of time, and for Us the times are
one single point; Our Power shall make Such Prodigies, Lavishing upon man New Graces, New Love, New Light,
that Our dwellings shall Recognize Us, and they themselves, of their own spontaneous will, shall give Us
Dominion. So shall Our Life be placed in Safety, with Its Full Rights in the creature. With time you shall see
what My Power Knows how to do and can do, how it can Conquer everything and knock down the most obstinate
rebels. Who can ever resist My Power, such that with One Single Breath, I Knock down, I Destroy and I Redo
Everything, as I Best Please? Therefore, you – Pray, and let your cry be Continuous: ‘May the Kingdom of Your
Fiat Come, and Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.’”
V33 – 6.6.35 – “Now, while He was Saying this, my Dear Jesus Showed me, with Facts, how the Sovereign
Queen Descended from Heaven with an Unspeakable Majesty, and a Tenderness Fully Maternal; and She went
Around in the midst of creatures, throughout all nations, and She Marked Her dear children and those who were
not to be touched by the Scourges. Whomever My Celestial Mama Touched, the Scourges had No Power to
Touch those creatures. Sweet Jesus Gave to His Mama the Right to Bring to Safety whomever She Pleased.
How moving it was to see the Celestial Empress Going Around to All places of the world, Taking creatures in
Her Maternal Hands, Holding them Close to Her Breast, Hiding them Under Her Mantle, So that no evil could
harm those whom Her Maternal Goodness Kept in Her Custody, Sheltered and Defended. O! if All could see
with how Much Love and Tenderness the Celestial Queen Performed this Office, they would cry of consolation
and would love She Who So Much Loves us.”
V33 – 10.20.35 – “It is My Love that, like cement, can Fill Up all the cracks of the human will, and can Render
it soft, in Such a Way as to Give it the Shape It Wants and be Impressed in it as the Seal of the Divine Life.
Therefore, Divine Will and Love are Inseparable; if you do My Will, you shall Love, and if you Love you Place
My Will in Safety within you.”
V34 – 12.20.36 – “But this is nothing; in fact, Acting as True Mother, Mary, She Called All Her children, and
Covered and Hid All of their acts Within Hers, and She Covered them with Her Triumphs and with Her Victories,
Endowing them with All of Her Acts Together with All Her Victories and Her Triumphs. And then, with a
Tenderness and a Love such as to break hearts and make Us Feel Conquered, She would say to Us: ‘Adorable
Majesty, Look at them, they are All My children. My Victories and My Triumphs belong to My children – these
are My Conquests that I Give to them; and if the Mama has Won and Triumphed, So have Her children won and
triumphed.’ And She Obtained So Many Triumphs and Victories in God, for as many Acts as All creatures would
do, so that All might be able to say: ‘I am endowed with the Acts of my Queen Mama; and as a Seal, She
has Invested them for me with the Triumphs and Victories that She Achieved with Her Creator.’ Therefore,
whoever wants to become a Saint finds the Endowment of his Celestial Mother and Her Triumphs and Victories,
to be able to reach the Greatest Sanctity: one who is weak finds the Strength of the Sanctity of his Mama and Her
Triumphs in order to be Strong; one who is afflicted or suffering finds the Endowment of the Pains of his Celestial
Mother in order to obtain the Triumph and Victory of Resignation; the sinner finds the Victory and Triumph of
Forgiveness. In sum, All find in this Sovereign Queen the Endowment, the Support, the Help for the state they
are in. And, O! how Beautiful it is – it is the Scene Most Moving, Enrapturing and Enchanting – to see this
Celestial Mother in each creature Acting as their Mama; We feel Her Loving and Praying in Her children. This
is the Greatest Prodigy between Heaven and earth – a Greater Good We could not Give to the creatures…
“And since She Acquired these Endowments by Virtue of the Divine Fiat that Reigned in Her and Loved
Her So Much as to let Her do whatever She wanted, and Reach wherever She wanted to Reach for the Good of
creatures, it will therefore be My Divine Will Reigning that shall make creatures aware of these Celestial
Endowments and shall let them take Possession of them. Pray, then, that So Great a Good may be Known and
Wanted by creatures.”
V35 – 3.28.38 – “Therefore, My daughter, in order to be Perfect and Complete, the act of the creature Must Begin
and End in Our Will, that Administers Its Very Life of Light and of Love, so that the act may be Complete, and
nothing Beautiful, Holy and Good may be lacking to it. If it does not Begin in Our Will, it shall lack Order,
Sanctity and Beauty, therefore the human act cannot be Marked with the Seal of Our Will, as an Act that Belongs
to It.”
V35 – 8.9.37 – “Indeed, with My Celestial Mother, because She Lived in and Possessed the Life of My Divine
Fiat, We Love each other with One Single Love, and We (The Holy Trinity and the Celestial Mother) Love souls
with a Twin Love. And Our Love for Her is So Great, that Just as We have Our Hierarchy of Angels in Heaven,
as well as the Diversity of Orders of the Saints, since the Celestial Empress is the Heiress of the Great Inheritance
of Our Will, when this Kingdom is Formed upon earth, the Great Lady shall Call Her Own children to Possess
Her Inheritance, and We shall Give Her the Great Glory of having Her Form the New Hierarchy that shall
be Similar to the Nine Choirs of Angels. So, She shall have the Choir of Seraphim, of Cherubim and So Forth,
as well as the New Order of the Saints who have Lived Within Her Inheritance. After She has Formed them on
earth, She shall Take them to Heaven, Surrounding Herself with the New Hierarchy, Generated Anew in the
Divine Fiat, in Her Same Love, having Lived in Her Inheritance.
“This shall be the Fulfillment of the Work of Creation – Our ‘Consummatum Est’ – because We shall have
the Kingdom of Our Will in the creatures by Virtue of the Celestial Heiress, Who Wanted to Give Her Life for
each of them, in order to let It Reign. O! how Glorified and Happy We shall Be, because the Sovereign Queen
shall have Her Own Hierarchy, Just as We Do; Even More So, since Our Own Hierarchy shall be Hers too, and
Hers shall be Ours, because all that is Done in Our Will is Inseparable.”
V36 – 5.15.38 – “At the right time these Acts shall Show their Light inside that soul – brighter than the Sun – and
Sanctity is there in its Place of Honor; Virtues are All there Ready to Act Heroically in case of Need. My Will
Knows how to Maintain Harmony and Its Divine Order. Wherever It Reigns and whatever It does Acquires
the Seal of Eternity. Therefore, Live in It and do not worry about anything. My Will shall Take Care of you
Better that you would yourself.
V36 – 6.26.38 – “Therefore, this creature, Luisa, is the Conqueror of Our Life and Acts. This Happy creature,
with her Conquering Act, becomes Our Continuous Expression of Love, Our Very Happiness, Our Rest. Her
Conquests are Continuous Seals on Our Decree of the Coming of the Kingdom of Our Will on earth. These
Conquests shorten the time, and, even more, Our Operating Life is not a Stranger on earth anymore, but it Already
Exists, having Formed Its Kingdom in this Lucky creature. Therefore, Be Attentive; Never Stop, and I shall take
Everything into Account, even your breath, to Love you More and to make you do Many Conquests, One More
Beautiful than the other.”
V36 – 11.13.38 – “Now, You Must Know that the Acts done in My Will are Inseparable, although Distinct
among themselves – Distinct in their Sanctity, in their Beauty, in Love and in Wisdom. They shall Carry the
Seal of the Most Holy Trinity, for while the Divine PerSons are Distinct Among Each Other, They Remain
Inseparable: One is the Will, One the Sanctity, One the Beauty, and So Forth. In the Same Way, these Acts (of
Luisa, and the souls Linked to Luisa) shall be Inseparable yet Distinct, Enclosing within themselves the
Seal of the Supreme Holy Trinity, One and Three, Three and One. Even More, these Acts shall Possess It
as their own Life. They shall be the Greatest Glory for Us, and the Whole of Heaven, in Seeing in them
Our Divine Lives being Multiplied for as Many Acts Performed in Our Will.”
1. He Seals Love
In the nine Angelic choirs, there are Angels of the Father, Angels of the Son, and Angels of the Holy Spirit.
They are to be found in each choir, although entire choirs are ordered either to the Father, to the Son, or to the
Holy Spirit. Since, however, in the Triune God, the Father and Son and Spirit are always in the same way One
and yet Three, likewise in each choir, there are three kinds of Angels, although all of them are ordered to one
Divine Person.
So it is also in this choir, this Holy Angel, whom the Lord presents to us today. This tall and slender
Angel, whose eyes are blindfolded to indicate that he is Sealed, belongs to the fourth choir of Angels. The
entire choir is subordinated to the Holy Spirit, and for this reason all are Angels of love in this choir. They stand
under the first choir and receive from them the Grace-Current of love streaming forth from the Heart of God.
This choir is divided in three parts: the first of the three divisions is conducted by the love of the Spirit,
the second by the love of the Son, and the last by the love of the Father. Those Angels in the middle, who are led
by the love of the Son, are all Sealed for the Last Times, and therefore Angels of the Love of our Lord Jesus
Christ. There are twenty-four of them; their Seals will be broken only when the flames leap from the earth
upwards to Heaven. Then they will go forth over the earth with the reflection of the flames on their faces, bearing
just as much Love as Justice. They are partitioned among themselves in three and seven and again three and
seven, with the four Corner-Pillars standing between. The first three are the judgment Angels, and the second
three are the harvest Angels. The first seven are those who will set out to Seal the communities of God against
the assaults of the Evil One; the second seven are the Angels with the bowls of wrath.
This Angel belongs to that group which will Seal the communities of God. He is the Angel of Love,
growth, and becoming. When the Red Cock of the Evil One sets the world ablaze, the Seal of the Angel will be
broken and he will Seal all the communities of God in Love against the assaults of the Evil one. He will Seal the
growth of the earth such that it will cease, but he will Seal it for the communities of God, that this growth might
remain in them and prosper and bring forth fruit, while outside, the world and all its order will be thrown out of
2. He Seals the Gates
As we know them from the Apocalypse, the Angels of the Last Times fill us with fear and dread. And yet,
they are Angels of Love. They are from the choir which stands directly beneath the first choir, and receive from
this first of all Angelic choirs the Current of Love rushing down from the Heart of God. How difficult it is for us
to grasp that the love of God can also strike and severely wound, and that it also speaks to us through God’s
Justice. As humans, it is actually easier for us to understand the Justice of God than the Love of God.
Today, such an Angel of the Last Times is our intercessor. What is he doing among us? Have the Last
Times already dawned? No, but we should become acquainted with him as well as with his brothers, and we
should learn to love him; for not all the Angels of the Last Times are such that we beg them: “Pass us by—spare
This Angel belongs to the Angels Sealed for the Last Times. Three of these are Angels of Judgment and three are
Angels of Harvest. Seven are the Angels with the bowls of wrath, and seven are those Angels who will go out to
Seal the communities of God in the Last Times against the terrors of the infernal powers. This Angel belongs to
these last seven. He is the Angel of Love, longing and striving. When his Seal is broken, he will go forth in order
to Seal up in the communities of God all striving which resembles the striving of the children of the world; there
will remain in these communities nothing but waiting for the Lord. He will Seal up all the gates of these
communities and their strivings towards the outside, towards the world, so that love might continue to dwell
inside. He will Seal the love of God in these communities, and through this love of God they will be protected
and safe. Thus he will preserve the communities of God for his Lord—this he will do in the power of the Current
of God’s Love, which comes to him over a first choir Angel of the Spirit and Angel of adoration out of love, and
over another, Angel of the Holy Spirit and bearer of the waters of Grace. Love will protect all.
3. Seal-Angel of the Bride of Christ
The Love of God is at work everywhere, at the beginning and at the end of time, in the Creation, the
Redemption and the Sanctification of man. It is the Love of the Father, and the Love of the Son, and the Love of
the Spirit, which Creates. It is One Love, and each Creates differently in space and time and in its essence—who
can ever exhaust it?
This Angel is one of the seven, who, as Angels of the love of the Spirit, turned to the Son as the Eternal Judge,
are Sealed for their task in the Last Times. He Seals the communities of God in the beauty of the Spouse of Christ
against the assaults of the infernal powers, against the terrors of the Last Times.
Often there is talk about beauty in the Kingdom of Christ, and it would be false to believe that the Holy
Church denies beauty and stamps it as a slave and a deception of the Evil One. It is true that divine beauty is the
very opposite of the so-called beauty of the world. The beauty that the Cherub carries is the force and beauty of
the life, the teaching and the whole being of the God-Man Jesus Christ. The beauty carried by the is the peace,
majesty, and purity of the Word of God. The beauty carried by another Angel is the beauty of the Work of God,
of the Creation in general. The beauty which is carried by a different Angel into the blossoms of all Creation is
the inner tone, the colorfulness and joyousness of all God-Created things.
The beauty of all beauties is, however, Mary. Her beauty lies symbolically inherited in the Holy Church
as the Spouse of Christ. The beauty of the Holy Church lies in the beauty and perfection of her Saints, her Liturgy,
her Churches, and monasteries. And this beauty, which the Holy Church will bear within herself until the end of
time, has been Sealed by today’s Angel; and it will abide in the Church, and no horror of the Last Times will ever
be able to destroy it.
4. He Seals Duty
Once again, an Angel from the fourth choir stands before the Lord as intercessor, an Angel from the choir
division which bears the Seal for the Last Times; he is one of the seven Angels who go out to Seal the communities
of God for their Lord against the onslaught of the Devil.
The Angels of the Last Times are also Angels of Love, as strange as it may sound. Love and Justice are
the two arms of the scale upon which every man will be weighed after his last hour on earth. And we know well:
if we deliver ourselves voluntarily to the Justice of God, we will encounter the Love of God. But if we
presumptuously count upon the indulgent Love of God and sin, we will be handed over to God’s Justice.
There are the seven Angels with the Seal of the Last Times. They stand under the seven high Angels with
the bowls full of flames and light and water and oil and wine and incense and heat, in which the seven gifts of the
Holy Spirit rest. They stand over the seven Angels with man’s bowls of sacrifice: the sacrifice of praise,
consecration, thanksgiving, blood, petition, expiation, and reconciliation. They themselves go out and Seal the
peoples, the countries, and communities for the Lord.
This Angel stands in the middle of the seven; he is the fourth. He who Seals first is named last: he Seals order
in the communities of God. The Law of God will no longer reign over the world, but instead the law of the Prince
of the world, which leaves as much place for disorder as for weeds. He who Seals last will Seal growing and
becoming, all growth upon the earth. Of him it is written: “he will disjoint the course of time,” but he will Seal
the hearts of the children of God from the assault of the Devil. This Angel Seals fidelity and duty in the
communities of God. In them, fidelity will be at home, while the world remains in infidelity. Therefore, all
should be reminded of the duty of letting oneself be Sealed by this Angel for the Lord of Heaven and earth, that
our work on earth may not be done in vain. Our first duty of fidelity is to God. Infidelity cannot be healed without
visible scars.
As a visible symbol, he wears a crossed stole and has a fishing net in his hand. O Angel, is that a warning
for us to work in love, full of fidelity and the knowledge of our duty?
5. Angel of Mercy
The Angel of the Sealed Love of God as Mercy over the children of the Last Times, is today before the
Throne of God as our intercessor. Hanging over his shoulder, toward the front, are five Seals, and one sees that
two are missing: the fourth and the sixth. Two paths of light issue from his feet: one goes back into the past, the
other forward into the future. It is this Angel, the fifth of the seven Angels who go out to Seal the communities
and protect them for the Lord.
He is from the fourth choir, of the nine choirs and also the highest of the three middle choirs, which extend
over all of Creation in the Ring of God’s Order and Omnipotence. This Angel belongs to the Angels of the Last
Times, who are like a nucleus in the center of this choir, Sealed and Bound, awaiting the Command of God. In
this choir-division, there are three and seven and again three and seven and the four Corner-Pillars: three
Judgment Angels and seven Angels of the Communities, three Harvest Angels and seven Angels with the Bowls
of Wrath. The Angels with the seven trumpets (cf. Apocalypse) do not come from the this choir division, but
instead are called from other choirs. The Seals signify a locking up.
Seven Angels go out to the communities:
The first will Seal growth and becoming in the love of God in these communities, that wherever in the
Church people are persevering in love and fidelity, this growth may remain in safety.
The second is the Angel of striving and longing in all affliction; he will Seal the communities and protect
them for the Lord.
The third will destroy the beauty of the world, which has fallen to the devil and preserve only the beauty
of the Spouse of Christ.
The fourth locks up the consciousness of duty and fidelity to God in the community, for it is dying out in
the world.
The fifth, who is today our intercessor, he will throw out Mercy like a net from the Ship of the Angels,
and bring in the catch of God, that it may be preserved, for the works of the world are cold and dead.
The sixth is the Angel of dark faith, the View of God. He Seals the Ship of the Angels, which tows with
Mary; he Seals the community, that its eye not be turned from God, so that dark faith may become a bright,
Guiding Light for others.
The seventh connects the love and measure of the beginning with the love and measure of the end; love
and measure and justice and law are the Scales of the Judgment.
6. He Seals Dark Faith
One can see God with the eyes of Faith, with the eyes of the Fear of God, with the eyes of readiness or
the will of expiation; with eyes full of tears of repentance or full of love. But one can also see God without eyes,
in Dark Faith: “God is,” and that is a mystery. This mystery is carried by today’s Angel.
He is from the fourth choir, of the nine choirs of Angels, which has its place beneath the first and above
other Angels. The seven of this choir carry the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are especially ordered to the Holy
Spirit. The seven others of this choir carry the answer of man to God in seven sacrificial bowls; the sacrifice of
praise, consecration, thanksgiving, expiation, petition, reconciliation, and the sacrifice of the God-Man Jesus
Christ. These seven are especially ordered to the Father.
The seven Angels from this Sealed choir, however, are especially ordered to the Son. They will go out to
Seal peoples and countries, the communities of God. To these seven belongs today’s Angel.
He is the Angel of knowledge, the knowledge of Love, the View to God. Thus he stands in the middle
between a Cherub, and a Prince. He carries the clear view to God and the whole Heavenly Hierarchy. He is like
a wide passageway: one has a view over the whole Kingdom of God. Another Angel carries the view to God in
only one sense: one thing alone is needful—God! For him, everything else is incidental; for him their is only one
field of vision, one way, one knowledge—God!
Today’s Angel stands in the middle: his field of vision is God in the heart of His creatures; his way is the
way of Justification, Expiation and Love; his knowledge is the Mystery of Dark Faith in God, Dark Hope in God,
and Dark Love for God. This Mystery is Sealed by him in the days of lament, and thereby separates good and
evil. The good will live in Dark Faith; from the others, even this Light will be taken, the Light of inner vision
and warning conscience. He is still Sealed, like his brothers, and each of these seven carries his task as a symbol
(one as a band over the eyes, the other as a rope over his hands, the third as a chain on his feet, etc.).
He passes his task on, over the Angel with the sacrificial bowl of the force of expiation, downwards into
the Ring of Incarnation, to the Angel of the power of the depth and interior spirit of love.
7. He Seals Order and Measure
The Angels from the fourth choir-division, who are Sealed for the Last Times, carry as their main task the
apocalyptic battle. To this group of Angels belong the four Corner-Pillars. It is they who one day will burst forth
over the earth from all the four ends of the world, when, at a certain time, the black Angels of the Euphrates (that
is, at the banks of the living life of the earth) are released to sweep over the face of our planet as Apocalyptic
Reapers. To this group also belong the seven Plague Angels. It is after the completion of their work that the great
battle of all spirits will break loose, in which every earthly creature will perish. Also in this group we find the
three great Judgment-Angels and the three last Harvest-Angels. However, this choir-division includes also seven
great, quiet and good Angels, who will Seal the communities of God as property of God, and enclose in these
communities love and fidelity, duty and measure, growth, beauty, and the mercy of God, when outside everything
falls in ruin.
One of these seven great Seal-Angels stands here today as our advocate, who will be the first to Seal. He
is the Angel of the order and lawfulness of love, of measure. Order and lawfulness, measure and moderation—
these will be the first to be taken out of the disordered earth, as it shakes in the confusions of war as if in a feverish
fit, and be Sealed in the rather small communities of God. The fury of war will lay waste to vast countries and
render them sterile, and the communities of God will take refuge to catacomb-years. But in them, there will
flourish a holiness and purity, and a maximum of love in the Church undreamt of before. And that time will dawn
of which it is written in the Gospel, that young men will have visions and men will be permitted to look upon the
glory of God’s Kingdom. What is, after all, the Work of the Angels and the knowledge of the Angels, if not such
a gracious descent of the Kingdom of God?
Abba Father,
In the Name of Jesus,
In the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,
Under the Mantle of Mary, Queen of the Angels
With All the Holy Angels and Saints,
Through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,
the little daughter of the Divine Will, we pray,
Angels of God, when it becomes dark on earth, Preserve us from the menacing assaults of Godlessness. Enclose
the Love of God in our hearts and our communities and Seal it there, that it may remain with us, until God
Himself Opens the Gates and brings us Home.
Holy Angels, when you go out to Seal the communities and the hearts of men in Love, that they might keep their
fidelity and never forget their duty; O remember Luisa’s little children and stoop down to Seal our hearts with
the Everlasting Seal of God’s Love, that we may once be known by the Lord and His Angels and be brought
Home for all Eternity.
Great Angels, you will come to Seal the communities of the Lord; as little children of Luisa, we ask you, Seal us
also and preserve us in Dark Faith, in Dark Hope, and in Dark Love for our Lord and God, that when the Lord
Comes, we might be found faithful, and be able to Rise to Eternal Life at your hand.
You, O Lord, are True. One with Luisa, You will Seal us against the infernal attacks and Grant us to grow and
prosper and bring forth fruit for You in Your Most Holy Divine Will. May you be Divinely Praised in all Eternity.
Lord, Your Beauty is Mary, Your Most Holy Mother! Through Luisa, and with You, let Our Lady Live in our
hearts, in our communities, in our time; that through Her, we may be Live in Your Kingdom on earth as in Heaven!
Lord, you have shown us the Signs of the Last Times only in images, but the heart perceives with certainty that
Your Holy Angels will Safely Guide us through these times. Let Your Holy Angels Seal our hearts, our lips, and
our eyes, and let them lead us together as a community in Your Most Holy Divine Will and lock us up for You,
that we might be Yours for all Eternity.
Lord Jesus Christ, You Came to us as a poor, shivering Infant, to Save us from the disgrace of our sin and need.
As Judge of the World, You will one day Come to the earth again, with Your Holy Angels. Lord, we beg You,
through Our Lady and our little mama Luisa, let us stand in the Protection of those You have Sent us to Seal Your
communities against the final, dreadful assault of hell. Let us be Sealed, so that in Your communities we may
await You in Joy.
Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command.
May All be Accomplished and Completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will.

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