How We Know Jesus Was Actually Born On 25th December?

How We Know Jesus Was Born on December 25 Introduction The Catholic Church, since at least the second century, has celebrated the birth of Christ on December 25. However, some argue that Jesus was not born on this date. Let us examine the usual objections to December 25 as Christ’s birthday and provide theological, historical, and scriptural responses to uphold this sacred tradition. Objection 1: December 25 Was Chosen to Replace the Pagan Festival of Saturnalia Claim: Saturnalia, a popular Roman winter festival, was replaced by Christmas to encourage conversions to Christianity. Reply: While Saturnalia celebrated the winter solstice, it was held from December 17 to December 23. The dates do not align with December 25. Thus, the claim that Christmas replaced Saturnalia is not supported by historical evidence. Objection 2: December 25 Was Chosen to Replace the Pagan Holiday Natalis Solis Invicti Claim: December 25 marks the pagan “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun,” established by Emperor Aurelian in AD 274. Reply: Historical records show that Natalis Solis Invicti is not mentioned on December 25 before AD 354, and the same manuscript also lists December 25 as the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. Emperor Julian the Apostate later tried to establish December 25 as a pagan holiday to rival the Christian celebration. Thus, Christmas predates the so-called pagan holiday, and the attempt to replace it came from anti-Christian efforts, not the Church. Objection 3: Shepherds Would Not Be Herding in Winter Claim: Luke’s Gospel describes shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem, which would be unlikely in the cold of winter. Reply: Bethlehem’s climate is mild during December, comparable to modern-day Dallas, Texas, which is still comfortable for outdoor activities. Historical accounts, such as those of Cornelius a Lapide, confirm that shepherds tended their flocks in the fields during late December. Why December 25? I. Scriptural Evidence Using the Bible, we can approximate Christ’s birth date by first determining the birth of John the Baptist. Priestly Courses in the Temple Zechariah, John’s father, served during the “course of Abias” (Luke 1:5). Historical records place this service in late September. John the Baptist was conceived shortly thereafter, around late September. Adding nine months brings John’s birth to late June, aligning with the Church’s celebration on June 24. Jesus’ Birth in Relation to John The Angel Gabriel informed Mary that Elizabeth was six months pregnant at the time of the Annunciation (Luke 1:36). If John was born in late June, adding six months places Christ’s birth in late December. II. Biological Calculations From John the Baptist’s conception in late September to his birth in late June (nine months), and from June to December (another six months), the timeline confirms a late December birth for Christ. The Annunciation on March 25, nine months before December 25, further supports this calculation. III. Testimony from the Blessed Virgin Mary Sacred Tradition asserts that Mary herself provided the date of Christ’s birth. Mothers never forget the details of their children’s births, and the Virgin Mary, knowing her Son was the Messiah, would surely have shared this with the Apostles. IV. Early Church Fathers Pope St. Telesphorus (AD 126–137) established the tradition of Midnight Mass on December 25. St. Hippolytus (AD 170–240) explicitly stated: “The First Advent of our Lord in the flesh occurred…on December 25.” Church Fathers connected March 25 (Annunciation and Crucifixion) to Christ’s birth, affirming the sacred tradition. Conclusion December 25 as Christ’s birthday is rooted in Scripture, tradition, and historical evidence. The Church’s observance of this date predates any pagan celebrations, and early Christians, guided by Mary and the Apostles, commemorated it with devotion. Ultimately, whether or not Christ was born on December 25, the celebration affirms the profound mystery of God becoming man. Let us rejoice in the Light of the World! Read More…

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I met a miracle : the story of John Traynor, miraculously cured at Lourdes

The Astonishing Miracle of John Traynor: From Broken Veteran to Lourdes Pilgrim On September 10, 1937, Reverend Patrick O’Connor, a missionary of St. Columban, found himself face-to-face with a miracle in the bustling railway station of a French town. That miracle had a name—John Traynor. Towering at five feet ten, with a strong ruddy face and a burly frame, Traynor’s presence stood out. Yet, his mere ability to stand and move, let alone his robust health, was nothing short of miraculous. Years earlier, medical science had written him off as an incurable wreck, destined to remain paralyzed, epileptic, and riddled with unhealing wounds. But by God’s grace, through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes, John Traynor defied the laws of nature. His story, painstakingly verified by newspaper accounts, official medical reports, and eyewitness testimonies, is a testament to faith, perseverance, and the miraculous power of Lourdes. John Traynor’s Early Life and Military Service Born in Liverpool to Irish parents, John Traynor grew up in a home steeped in Catholic faith. His mother, a devout daily communicant, left him a legacy of deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. When World War I erupted in 1914, Traynor was mobilized with the Royal Naval Reserve. During the ill-fated Antwerp expedition, he was severely injured, suffering a head wound from shrapnel. Although he miraculously recovered and returned to duty, his service took him to Gallipoli in 1915, where his life would change forever. At Gallipoli, Traynor faced one of the deadliest battles of the war. Leading men through relentless gunfire, he was struck by machine-gun bullets that wounded his chest, head, and right arm. Despite the bravery that earned him the respect of his comrades, these injuries left him permanently disabled. His right arm was paralyzed, his legs partly immobile, and his skull bore a gaping hole where shrapnel had damaged his brain. Frequent epileptic fits compounded his suffering. By 1923, eight years after Gallipoli, he was declared incurably incapacitated by no less than ten doctors. A Pilgrimage of Faith In July 1923, news of a diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes reached Traynor. Despite his critical condition, he resolved to make the journey, trusting in the Blessed Virgin’s intercession. His decision faced stiff resistance. Doctors warned he would likely die en route, and even the priest organizing the pilgrimage begged him to reconsider. Traynor, however, remained steadfast. “If I die, I’ll die in a good cause,” he said. With the help of neighbors, Traynor scraped together the funds for the trip, even pawning his wife’s few pieces of jewelry. Against all odds, and amid protests from family, friends, and doctors, he embarked on the arduous journey to Lourdes. The pilgrimage itself was grueling. Traynor, severely weakened, suffered multiple epileptic fits and hemorrhages along the way. At several points, attendants feared he wouldn’t survive the journey. Upon arrival in Lourdes, his condition remained critical. Yet, despite the odds, Traynor insisted on participating in all devotions, including being bathed in the waters of the Grotto spring. The Miracle at Lourdes On July 25, 1923, Traynor was wheeled to the baths for what seemed to be his final attempt at healing. His legs, long paralyzed, suddenly began to move violently. Those attending him feared another epileptic seizure. When he was placed in the bath, Traynor experienced a surge of strength. Later that day, during the Blessed Sacrament procession, Archbishop of Rheims blessed him with the monstrance. At that moment, Traynor realized something extraordinary. His right arm, paralyzed since 1915, began to move. The atrophied muscles regained life, and he was able to make the sign of the cross for the first time in years. He stood up, walked unaided, and felt his body restored. His wounds healed, his strength returned, and the epileptic fits ceased completely. The paralytic, the man declared incurable by doctors, was whole again. Medical Verification and the Testimony of Faith Traynor’s healing wasn’t just a matter of personal testimony. His case was thoroughly examined by six doctors, including specialists from England, France, and Belgium. Their official report confirmed the permanence of his cure. The Catholic Medical Bureau in Lourdes declared it a genuine miracle, attributing his recovery to divine intervention through the intercession of Our Lady. What makes Traynor’s story even more compelling is his character. Far from seeking fame, he remained humble, deeply devoted to his faith, and committed to living as a fearless Catholic. His miraculous healing inspired countless others, becoming a beacon of hope for those who suffer and a testament to the power of prayer. Legacy of a Miracle John Traynor’s journey from a broken veteran to a living miracle is a story of unwavering faith and God’s boundless mercy. It reminds us of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s loving intercession and the grace available through the sacraments and devotions of the Church. Today, Traynor’s story continues to inspire Catholics worldwide, a powerful reminder that no matter how dire our circumstances, God’s healing hand can work wonders when we trust in Him. As the Reverend Patrick O’Connor, who documented Traynor’s story, aptly said: “It was a grace to hear and a duty to recall.” Indeed, the miracle of John Traynor remains a profound testament to the enduring power of faith.  

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The Divine Origin of the Human Soul:Exploring Why DNA Reflects Parental Traits in God’s Creation?

From a Catholic perspective, the origin of the human soul is rooted in God’s creative act. The Catholic Church teaches the following about the soul: Direct Creation by God: The soul of each human being is individually and directly created by God. It does not come from the parents or any material process. This is based on the understanding that the soul is spiritual and immaterial. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 366) states:“The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God—it is not ‘produced’ by the parents—and also that it is immortal: it does not perish when it separates from the body at death, and it will be reunited with the body at the final Resurrection.” At the Moment of Conception: The soul is infused into the body at the moment of conception. This belief underscores the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of human life from conception. Made in God’s Image: The soul reflects the image and likeness of God. This gives every person an inherent dignity and the capacity for reason, love, and a relationship with God. Genesis 1:27 supports this: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Immortal and Unique: Each soul is unique and immortal, meaning it will not cease to exist but will live eternally, either in communion with God or separated from Him, depending on one’s choices in life. To explore the Catholic understanding of the soul more deeply, let’s break it down into key themes and expand on each: 1. The Nature of the Soul Spiritual and Immaterial: The soul is not physical. It cannot be seen or touched because it belongs to the spiritual realm, which transcends the material universe. Immortality: The soul does not die. When the body ceases to function at death, the soul continues to exist and awaits the resurrection at the end of time (CCC 1020–1060). Scriptural Basis: “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes 12:7) “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36) 2. The Soul’s Origin Direct Creation by God: Each soul is a unique act of creation, emphasizing its dignity and purpose. This personal creation distinguishes humans from other creatures and highlights their role as stewards of creation (Genesis 1:28–30). Theological Reflection:St. Thomas Aquinas described the soul as the “form of the body,” meaning it animates and gives life to the physical body. Without the soul, the body is lifeless. 3. The Soul’s Purpose Union with God: The soul’s ultimate purpose is to know, love, and serve God in this life and enjoy eternal communion with Him in Heaven. Moral Responsibility: Since the soul is the seat of intellect and will, humans can freely choose good or evil. These choices affect the soul’s eternal destiny. Catechetical Teaching: “The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself.” (CCC 27) 4. The Soul After Death Particular Judgment: At the moment of death, the soul faces a personal judgment based on its choices during life. The soul can enter Heaven (possibly via Purgatory), Hell, or await the resurrection of the body at the Last Judgment. Eternal Destiny: The soul’s eternal fate—whether in union with God or separation—reflects its alignment with God’s will. Scriptural Basis: “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27) “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:46) 5. Practical Implications for Catholics Sanctity of Life: Belief in the soul’s origin and dignity underpins Catholic teaching against abortion, euthanasia, and any act that devalues human life. Sacraments: Baptism cleanses the soul from original sin, and the Eucharist nourishes it. Reconciliation restores it when damaged by sin. Prayer and Virtue: A healthy soul is cultivated through prayer, acts of charity, and the pursuit of virtue. So why DNA build certain characteristics of our parents if soul come from God? Are such characteristics relating to body or soul? Or to behavior? This is a profound question, touching on the relationship between the physical body (shaped by genetics) and the spiritual soul (created by God). Let’s explore this from a Catholic perspective: 1. The Body and DNA: Physical Inheritance DNA is the biological blueprint inherited from parents. It determines physical characteristics (like eye color, height, and even some predispositions to behaviors or abilities). These traits relate entirely to the body, which is formed through the union of the parents’ genetic material. While DNA can influence tendencies in behavior (such as temperament or certain predispositions), these are not deterministic. Human behavior involves choices, which are guided by intellect and free will—faculties of the soul. 2. The Soul: Unique and Created by God The soul is immaterial and not a product of DNA. It is directly created by God at the moment of conception. The soul includes: Intellect (the capacity to reason and understand). Will (the capacity to choose freely between good and evil). These faculties give humans the ability to rise above purely biological or genetic influences. 3. Interaction Between Body and Soul The body and soul are deeply united in the human person, forming a single nature. The soul animates the body and allows it to think, feel, and act. The body expresses the soul. For example, a smile reveals joy, and tears express sorrow. Certain traits may seem to bridge the gap: Temperament and personality: Influenced by genetics and environment but shaped by the soul’s intellect and will. For instance, someone may inherit a short temper but learn to practice patience through moral effort. Talents and inclinations: Physical traits (like dexterity for music) come from DNA, but their cultivation and purpose depend on the soul’s choices. 4. Behavior: Body, Soul, and Free…

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St. Andrew Christmas Novena | Prepare Your Heart!

The feast of St. Andrew has always been closely associated with the beginning of Advent as it usually falls shortly after the First Sunday of Advent.   In light of that fact, for at least the past century a prayer was developed as a daily preparation for Christmas and took November 30 as its starting point. It is sometimes called the Christmas Novena, St. Andrew’s Novena, St. Andrew’s Christmas Prayer, or the Christmas Anticipation Prayer. It is a beautiful prayer that focuses on the moment of Christ’s birth and can act as a great meditation for Advent. The prayer is customarily prayed 15 times a day, but in reality it can be prayed once a day or whenever you remember throughout the next month. If you are looking for a prayer to pray each day of Advent to prepare your heart to receive Christ, try the “Christmas Novena.”   St. Andrew Christmas Novena   Hail and blessed be the hour and momentIn which the Son of God was bornOf the most pure Virgin Mary,at midnight,in Bethlehem,in the piercing cold.In that hour vouchsafe, O my God,to hear my prayer and grant my desires,[here mention your request]through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ,and of His blessed Mother. Amen. Read More with Aleteia

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Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Heart

O Lord Jesus Christ, To your most Sacred Heart, I confide this/these intention: (mention your intention) Only look upon me, And then do What your Sacred Heart inspires. Let your Sacred Heart decide I count on it, I trust in it I throw myself on Your mercy, Lord Jesus! You will not fail me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your love for me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Kingdom come. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have asked you for many favors, But I earnestly implore this one. Take it. Place it in Your open, broken Heart; And, when the Eternal Father looks upon It, Covered with Your Precious Blood, He will not refuse it. It will be no longer my prayer, But Yours, O Jesus. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. Let me not be disappointed. Amen.

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Is 11.11 Wishing a Form of Idolatry?

Basically, the definition of wish is a desire for something. Under that definition, even Jesus Christ expressed wishes at times: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!” (Lk 13:34). Sometimes people express the hope that they have that certain wishes will be granted by stating the wish while doing some specific act (e.g., blowing out candles, watching a shooting star, pitching coins into a fountain). Unless there is a belief that the action will magically bring about the wish, which most people do not entertain, there is no superstition involved (cf. CCC 2111). Certainly, there is no idolatry.

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Are YOU a Cafeteria Catholic??

A cafeteria Catholic is typically defined as one who picks and chooses what Catholic teaching he wants to believe. Catholics are not free to choose which teachings (on faith and morals) to obey. Even when the Church has not spoken on a matter of faith or morals definitively (infallibly), the faithful must give “a religious submission of the intellect and will” to its teachings (CIC 752).

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Know Theology |Why Do Catholic Churches Ring Bells During Communion?

Catholic Theology Series The ringing of bells during Catholic Mass holds a profound significance that transcends mere auditory stimulation. It is a practice deeply rooted in tradition, symbolism, and practicality. The melodic chimes of the bells resonate through the sacred space, serving as a poignant reminder of the spiritual journey undertaken during the Communion service. Understanding the historical, symbolic, and practical aspects of this tradition provides a deeper appreciation for its role within the Catholic faith. In the following sections, we will delve into the historical significance of bells in Catholic tradition, explore the symbolism of bells during Communion, examine the practical reasons for ringing bells during this sacred rite, and consider the controversies and variations in bell-ringing practices. Through this exploration, we aim to unravel the layers of meaning behind the resonant echoes that fill the air during the holiest moments of the Catholic Mass. Symbolism of bells during Communion The ringing of bells during the Communion service holds profound symbolism within the Catholic tradition, infusing this sacred rite with layers of spiritual significance. As the faithful gather to partake in the Eucharist, the melodious peal of the bells serves as a poignant symbol of spiritual awakening and divine presence. At the heart of the symbolism lies the notion of transition and transformation. The Communion service represents a pivotal moment in the liturgical journey, where ordinary elements are imbued with extraordinary significance. The bread and wine, through the act of transubstantiation, are believed to become the body and blood of Christ. The ringing of bells at this juncture serves as a sonic herald, announcing this miraculous transformation and calling the faithful to bear witness to the sacred mystery unfolding before them. Moreover, the bells serve as a call to attentiveness and reverence. As the celebrant elevates the consecrated host and chalice, the chiming of the bells draws the congregation’s focus to the altar, directing their hearts and minds towards the awe-inspiring reality of Christ’s presence. The resounding echoes of the bells create a sacred pause, inviting the faithful to enter into a moment of profound contemplation and adoration. Furthermore, the bells symbolize the unity of the Church, both earthly and heavenly. The harmonious resonance of the bells reverberates through the sacred space, transcending earthly confines and echoing into the realm of the divine. This ethereal connection serves as a reminder of the communion of saints, encompassing the living and the departed in a symphony of faith and devotion. In essence, the symbolism of bells during Communion encapsulates the spiritual depth and transcendent beauty of this sacred sacrament. The melodic peals resound as a testament to the profound mysteries of the Eucharist, inviting the faithful to embrace the transformative power of Christ’s presence and to unite in reverence and adoration. Through the timeless symbolism of the bells, the Communion service becomes a symphony of faith, weaving together the earthly and the divine in a tapestry of sacred significance.   Practical reasons for ringing bells during Communion The practical reasons for ringing bells during the Communion service are deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of Catholic liturgical tradition. While the symbolic and spiritual dimensions of bell-ringing are profound, there are also practical considerations that underpin this time-honored practice. One practical reason for ringing bells during Communion is to capture the attention of the congregation. The chiming of the bells serves as an auditory cue, drawing the faithful into a moment of heightened awareness as the celebrant elevates the consecrated host and chalice. In the midst of the sacred liturgy, where the senses are engaged in acts of worship, the pealing of the bells provides a focal point, guiding the congregation’s reverence towards the pivotal moments of the Eucharistic celebration. Furthermore, the use of bells during Communion serves a practical function in creating a sense of solemnity and reverence. The gentle resonance of the bells permeates the sacred space, enveloping the congregation in an atmosphere of hushed contemplation. This auditory backdrop enhances the overall ambiance of the liturgical setting, fostering an environment conducive to prayerful reflection and spiritual communion. Additionally, the practical significance of bell-ringing lies in its ability to unify the faithful in a shared experience of worship. The reverberating tones of the bells serve as a unifying force, harmonizing the collective consciousness of the congregation as they bear witness to the sacred mysteries unfolding before them. This communal act of listening to the bells creates a sense of cohesion, binding the faithful together in a shared moment of spiritual resonance and contemplative engagement. Moreover, the practicality of using bells during Communion extends to the realm of tradition and continuity. Across generations, the ringing of bells has become an enduring hallmark of the Eucharistic celebration, linking the present-day faithful to the timeless rituals of the Church. This continuity of practice serves to connect the faithful to the broader tapestry of Catholic tradition, fostering a sense of historical rootedness and spiritual continuity. In essence, the practical reasons for ringing bells during Communion encompass the facilitation of attentiveness, the creation of a reverent atmosphere, the fostering of communal unity, and the preservation of tradition. These practical considerations, intertwined with the spiritual and symbolic dimensions of bell-ringing, contribute to the multi-faceted richness of the Communion service, elevating it to a profound expression of faith and worship. Read More…

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