A Heartbreaking Story of Parents Daniel and Layla Abdallah from Sydney Australia Who Lost Three Children & Forgave The Killer!

August 18, 2022 Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE A Heartbreaking Story of Parents Daniel and Layla Abdallah from Sydney Australia Who Lost Three Children & Forgave The Killer! We would like to share with you a heartbreaking story of parents Daniel and Layla Abdallah from Sydney Australia who lost three of their six children to a tragic accident along with a niece. On the 1st of February 2020 the family was celebrating a birthday when the parents permitted their kids to walk down the street to buy some ice cream.  A 30 year old under the influence of alcohol,  cocaine and other drugs lost control of his car,  drove over the sidewalk at a high speed and hit their children and niece. None of them survived. Despite their  tremendous suffering and pain the abdallah family did not hate the driver who was  sentenced to 21 years in prison.  In a move that shocked the news media, Layla publicly forgave him. She said, if Jesus can forgive me then of course I can forgive the driver. Our Lord on the cross said ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do’. When the media asked how they can help Layla requested people to come to the site and pray the stations of the Cross and the Rosary.  Incredible Grace poured out as thousands came to the site daily praying even after the funeral was over. Daniel said that despite the unbearable pain and sleepless nights the only path to healing was by forgiveness first to forgive himself for telling his kids to go for the walk and secondly to choose to forgive the offender. Danny says there’s power in forgiveness freedom in forgiveness forgiveness allows you to achieve greatness and leads you to  holiness .  In memory of their kids  the parents have turned this tragedy into a day of forgiveness this day has been endorsed by the Australian government and is now recognized as a national day of forgiveness All praise and glory be  to God, Amen.  Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

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Preview of Mother & Refuge Interview With Mystic Gisella Cardia: A Message To The People of America!

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE Preview of Mother & Refuge Interview With Mystic Gisella Cardia: A Message To The People of America! The full interview with Gisella Cardia will be released to our YouTube in the coming week. Here is one of the highlights of the interview. A powerful message by the Mystic to the people of the USA

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Our Lady Leads Us as the Storms Rise

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE Our Lady Leads Us as the Storms Rise By Patricia Brower Over the last few weeks there has been extreme weather in Mexico with amazing shelf cloud formations in the sky. The power of God is demonstrated in these magnificent formations which are extreme weather and very unusual. An Adoration group at the Immaculate Conception parish in Tamaulipas, Mexico, (just South of Texas along the Gulf of Mexico) witnessed one of these shelf cloud formations during their pilgrimage. As they walked along the beach with the Virgin of Carmel they witnessed marvelous things. They saw what they described as “different signs” in the sky that they viewed as a blessing from the Virgin Mary. The pilgrims described how they walked with our lady in front of a “big whirlpool of wind and water.” When it turned evening they witnessed a strange red light shining in the sky. The beautiful formations of water remind us of the times of Moses, and the parting of the Red Sea. Our Lady walks ahead of us and guides us in these tumultuous times – keeping us ahead of the storms. Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid! Stand still and watch how the LORD will deliver you today, because you will never again see the Egyptians whom you’re looking at today. 14 The LORD will fight for you while you keep still.” …”Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD caused the water to retreat by a strong east wind all night, turning the sea into dry land. As the waters were divided, 22 the Israelis went into the middle of the sea on dry land, and the waters formed a wall for them on their right and on their left.”Exodus 14:10-22 Lord, you are our creator. You are in control of all the water, the winds, the storms, the seas. At Medjugorje you told us that you are in the winds. We are not afraid because you have promised us that we are your children and we are sheltered in your heart in every storm. Our Lady of Carmel, keep us close to your heart in these perilous times. We trust and we love you. The Lord will fight for us as we keep still. Amen

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Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE EXORCIST FR CHAD: DEMONS PARTICULARLY HATE THE BROWN SCAPULAR! On July 16, 1251, the Blessed Virgin Mary handed St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite, the Brown Scapular saying, “This shall be a sign to you and to all Carmelites: whosoever dies wearing this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire [hell].” In a Papal Bull written in 1322, Pope John XXII revealed the promises given to him in a vision, by the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mother of God promised that she will save from hell those who wear the Brown Scapular. She also promised to protect them from trials and temptations of the devil and to shorten their stay in purgatory. On the Saturday after their death, whosoever she finds in purgatory, she shall free and bring to heaven. Wearing the Carmelite Brown Scapular, as a sign of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and praying the Holy Rosary are daily efforts that help us imitate Mary’s sinless example of living in complete union with God. The more we pray the Rosary, the more we think about Jesus and we want to be like Him, the more we reject sin. This is why the devil hates the Scapular. Venerable Francis Yepes made the devil admit that there are three things which demons are most afraid of: the Holy Name of Jesus; the Holy Name of Mary and the Holy Scapular of Carmel. Fr. Chad Ripperger, exorcist and trainer of exorcists, testifies to the demon’s hatred of the Brown Scapular. He relates an exorcism where, during an expulsion, the demon of impurity when manifesting, tried to remove the Brown Scapular from the possessed woman. In times likes these, when the world is inundated with fear and confusion, we can attain inner peace and comfort from the promises of Our Lady. “The Rosary and the Scapular are inseparable,” said Sr. Lucia (one of the Fatima shepherds). On October 13, 1917, during the Miracle of the Sun, Our Lady held the Brown Scapular in Her hands urging mankind to wear the Brown Scapular, a promise of our salvation.

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Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE AMAZING MIRACLE – THE CROSS OF FORGIVENESS! JESUS UNRAVELS HAND & DEMANDS PRIEST FORGIVE PENITENT! In a church inside the Monastery of Santa Ana and San Jose in Cordoba, Spain, there is an ancient cross. It is the image of the Cross of Forgiveness that shows Jesus crucified with his right arm stripped of the Cross and down. They tell that one day a sinner went to confess to the priest under this cross. As usual, when a sinner was guilty of a SERIOUS crime, this priest acted very strictly. Not long later, this person fell back and after confessing their sins, the priest threatened: ”This is the last time I’ll forgive you.” Many months passed and that sinner went to kneel down at the priest’s feet under the cross and asked for forgiveness again. But on this occasion, the priest was clear and said, ”Don’t play with God, please. I can’t allow you to keep sinning” But strangely, when the priest rejected the sinner, a noise from the cross was suddenly heard. The right hand of Jesus unravelled and moved by that man’s repentance, the following words were heard: ”I am the one who shed the blood on this person, not you.” Since then, the right hand of Jesus remains in that position, for it continually invites man to ask and receive forgiveness.

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