Prayer to the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Oh holy souls in purgatory, you are the certain heirs of heaven. You are most dear to Jesus as the trophies of His Precious Blood and to Mary, mother of mercy. Obtain for me through your intercession the grace to lead a holy life, to die a happy death and to attain to the blessedness of eternity in heaven.Dear suffering souls, who long to be delivered in order to praise and glorify God in heaven, by your unfailing pity help me in the needs which distress me at this time, particularly… so that I may obtain relief and assistance from God.In gratitude for your intercession I offer to God in your behalf the satisfactory merits of my prayer and work, my joys and suffering of this day (week, month, or whatever space of time you wish to designate).Amen. Assist at Mass and have a Mass offered for them, if possible. Offerings of the Precious Blood and the Way of the Cross are also powerful means of helping them and obtaining their help.

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Act of Consecration to Our Lady of the Blessed Trinity

With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all angels and saints in Paradise, Daughter of the Eternal Father, and I consecrate to Thee my soul with all its faculties. Hail Mary. . . With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all angels and saints in paradise, beloved Mother of the Son of God. I consecrate to Thee my body with all its senses. Hail Mary. . . With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all angels and saints in Paradise, beloved Spouse of the Holy Ghost, I consecrate to Thee my heart, with all its affections and beseech Thee to obtain for me from the Most Holy Trinity all the graces necessary for salvation. Hail Mary. . .

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Virgin Mary Appears to a Man Who Wanted to Kill the Pope

There were celebrations throughout the city of Rome for an anniversary dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. On this day in 1947, a Protestant who later said he planned to assassinate the Pope saw the Blessed Virgin several times in Rome. She called herself the Virgin of Revelation and her words caused him to convert to Catholicism. 9 years later, Pope Pius XII approved the construction of a chapel on the site sometimes called Tre Fontane, because it is near 3 fountains. Member of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation, Sister Emanuela Edwards, joins to tell us what the celebrations were like. Sr. Emanuela takes us back to the Virgin’s appearance on this date in 1947. She shares what more we know about the appearance and the man to whom she appeared. Sr. Emanuela discusses how this apparition is relevant for the faithful today.

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The Mingling of Faith and Reason: Miracles and the Catholic Church 

As a medical doctor and professor at Queen’s University, Dr. Jacalyn Duffin has an interesting CV. Her specialty? Miracles. In her career, Dr. Duffin has surveyed more than 1,400 miracles pertaining to 229 different canonizations and 145 beatifications from 1588 to 1999. In this edition of Catholic Focus, host Jenna Murphy will examine the place of miracles in the Church and their impact on the lives of those affected by them.

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What to Do on Divine Mercy Sunday? Are You Ready to Receive Special Graces?

By Marian Fathers Are you discouraged that you will not be able to receive the special graces of Divine Mercy Sunday promised directly by our Lord through St. Faustina in the 1930s? Don’t be. Even though churches are closed and you cannot go to Confession and receive Holy Communion, you can receive these special graces this Sunday, April 19, Divine Mercy Sunday. And we’re going to tell you how. Let’s begin by reading what is arguably the most important passage in St. Faustina’s Diary, when Jesus tells St. Faustina: I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet (699). There it is: Jesus promises that the soul that’s been to Confession and receives Holy Communion will be completely wiped away of the two stains that are on our soul. Those stains are sin and the punishment due to sin. The special grace promised by our Lord for Divine Mercy Sunday is nothing less than the equivalent of a complete renewal of baptismal grace in the soul. But how can you receive this complete forgiveness of sins and remission of all punishment? After all, churches are closed and Confession and Communion are not available.  There is, however, still a way to receive this grace. Do these three things on Divine Mercy Sunday with the intention to turn away from sin in your life: Make an Act of Contrition Since you are unable to get to Confession, make an Act of Contrition, instead. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Among the penitent’s acts contrition occupies first place. Contrition is ‘sorrow of the soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again’” (1451). You thereby will be completely forgiven of all sins, even “mortal sins if it includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental confession as soon as possible” (Catechism, 1452).   Make a Spiritual Communion Since churches are closed and you cannot receive Holy Communion, make a Spiritual Communion instead, asking God to come into your heart as if you received Him sacramentally — Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. For instance, you can say this: Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You were already there, I embrace You and unite myself to You; permit not that I should ever be separated from You. Amen.  Again, do this act of trust with the intent to return to the sacrament of Holy Communion as soon as possible.    Say a prayer like this: Lord Jesus Christ, You promised St. Faustina that the soul that has been to Confession [I’m unable, but I made an Act of Contrition] and the soul that receives Holy Communion [I’m unable, but I made a Spiritual Communion] will receive the complete forgiveness of all sins and punishment. Please, Lord Jesus Christ, give me this grace. Finally, please remember that this extraordinary promise of Divine Mercy Sunday is for everyone. Tell your non-Catholic friends about it. Everyone can ask Jesus to forgive their sins. Everyone can make a Spiritual Communion. And everyone can ask for this grace to completely wipe their slate clean of not only all sin, but all punishment due to sin. Normally, the punishment is not remitted unless one has absolute perfect contrition. And unlike a plenary indulgence, there is no requirement of having perfect detachment from sin. In other words, as long as we have a desire for this grace and intention to amend our lives, we can be completely cleansed with grace similar to our original Baptism. It is a way to really start over in our spiritual life!  Read more…

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Dedication of the Rural Family to the Divine Mercy

Almighty and merciful Father,whom Your only-begotten Son,our Lord, Jesus Christ,has named the Husbandman, or Farmer,graciously accept our praise and adoration.All things were made by Youand all that we have is Yours. Our lives and our talents,our home and furnishings,the soil and its fruits,the animals and their abode,sunshine and rain,fruit and harvest are all from You.By their use we are to come more securely to You.For all Your gifts, O God,we offer You our thanks. You have made us branches of Your Son,the true Vine,members of Your kingdom,and sheep of Him who is our Good Shepherd.In gratitude and lovewe promise to remain ever closeto the Divine Heart of Him who is the Way,the Truth, and the Life. We humbly beseech You to look with favor upon this Your familyand to sanctify its members.Bless also our home,our flocks and herds,our fields and labors.Keep from us all attacks of Satanand preserve us from all evil,through Your beloved Son in the charity of the Holy Spirit. With filial affection and reverencewe humbly dedicate ourselves to the Blessed Trinity,the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.Keep us ever in Your love,faithful and true unto death. We place this our dedicationin the pure hands of the Immaculate Mother of God,the patroness of our beloved country.May the Most Holy Virgin Marycarry this offering of ourselvesand all that is ours to the throne of Your Divine majesty.Grant us through her intercession,we beseech You,the grace to pass through things temporalthat we may not lose those which are eternal.Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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These People Receive Wounds Of The Stigmata

Meet the extraordinary people who claim to receive open wounds of the stigmata from Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. A fascinating documentary examining evidence from people claiming to receive the open wounds of the stigmata – the wounds of Christ’s Crucifixion which appear physically on the hands, feet and side of a rare and, some would say, chosen few. The programme features stigmatics from around the world, including the three from the UK, and throughout history – from St Francis to Padre Pio. It covers the various theories that have been put forward to explain this mysterious phenomenon: multiple personality disorder, self-infliction of wounds, and the possible psychosomatic reproduction of traumatic injuries years after the event.

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