Miracle! St. Padre Pio Provides Long Distance Assistance: St. Padre Pio’s Bilocation Helps a Family

The Holiness of St. Padre Pio There are a number of reasons for this. Many might cite the fact that he received many extraordinary graces including visions, the stigmata, bilocation, and even miracles attributed to his intercession. However, it should always be noted that Holy Mother Church never raises a man or woman to the altar for extraordinary graces. As proof of that, there are countless saints who were never known to have received any of these extraordinary gifts. Instead, the Church confirms the sanctity of the saints by examining the way that the lived their lives. The primary question which is to be verified during the process of canonization is whether the man or woman lived a life of heroic virtue. In the case, of St. Pio, he certainly lived such a life. Although he spent almost his entire adult life at his friary of Santa Maria delle Grazie in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, he was able to impact the lives of his fellow friars, his community, and indeed the world through the ministry of his priesthood. In fact, it is through his faithfulness as a priest that St. Pio lived out his life of heroic virtue. First and foremost, he had a deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist which was the center of his day. Then, he gave himself to others through administering the sacrament of Penance. Like, St. John Vianney, he might spend double digit hours a day hearing confessions and providing wise spiritual counsel. Similar to the French saint, he was able to read souls, and he used that gift to help the penitents make good confessions. The long hours in the confessional were due to the crowds that would come to this remote monastery in order to confess their sins to the Lord through St. Pio. St. Pio was also known for his devotion to Our Lady and the Holy Rosary and his concern for the poor. Many, many rosaries were prayed by the saint, and he encouraged his spiritual children to do the same. Through his efforts, a hospital was built in the small town of San Giovanni Rotondo to help the ill and suffering with whom St. Pio was especially close as one who suffered poor health for most of his life.   Two Places at Once: Padre Pio’s Bilocation However, St. Padre Pio’s miracles have spread his repution, and I would like to share a story that demonstrates the awesome gifts that God gave him and he used for the saving of souls. The story begins when Pio was 17 years old and a student in Sant’Elia a Pianisi. At around 11:00 p.m. on the night of January 18, 1905, Pio was in choir at the seminary when he at once found himself in a distant home he had neither visited nor seen. The home was the home of a wealthy man who was dying while the wife was about to give birth. Then the Virgin Mary appeared to him and told him that she was entrusting to him the care of the child to be born. The Blessed Virgin Mary requested that Pio polish her to transform her from a diamond in the rough to be a brilliant gem. Pio replied, “How is this possible, since I am still a mere divinity student and do not yet know whether I will one day have the fortune and joy of being a priest? And even if I become a priest, how can I take care of this child, since I am so far away?” The Blessed Virgin Mary reassured him saying, “Do not doubt. She will come to you, but first you will meet her at St. Peter’s in Rome.” Then, Pio found himself back in the choir. Within three weeks of the event, Pio wrote down the details of his bilocation and gave the document to his superiors. They kept it locked away and spoke to no one about it. The actual copy of his document is preserved in the friary of Santa Marie delle Grazie. Death, Birth, and a Surprise Visitor On that same January night over 350 miles away in Udine, there was a wealthy man, Giovanni Rizanni, who was dying and whose wife, Leonilde, was in the eighth month of her pregnancy. About the time that she had become pregnant with their sixth child, her husband had become terminally ill. The man was a fervent Mason and he wanted nothing to do with the Catholic Church despite his wife’s strong Catholic faith and her imploring him to allow a priest to visit with him before he passed away. Little did she know how her prayers would be answered. When she was in the room with her husband, she looked up to see a Capuchin friar. When the friar saw her, he quickly left the room. Leonilde followed him out of the room but did not seen him again. While trying to locate the friar, she heard the family dog begin to bay which she understood as a sign that her husband’s death was nigh. Because the dog continue to bay, she decided to go outside and untie the dog. Before she could get outside she went into labor. Fortunately, she was able to call the family’s business manager who was at the home, and he helped her deliver a baby girl. As soon as she could, the wife took the baby upstairs to the nursery where she placed the child in the crib and then rejoined her husband who was indeed nearing the end. Meanwhile the business manager went outside and confronted the group of Masons who were physically preventing any priest from entering the home. Appealing to them, he convinced them to let the priest enter if not for the husband than to baptize the child who had been born a month early. The men blocking the entrance to the home stepped aside, and a priest who had been waiting patiently in the street went immediately…

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How We Know Jesus Was Actually Born On 25th December?

How We Know Jesus Was Born on December 25 Introduction The Catholic Church, since at least the second century, has celebrated the birth of Christ on December 25. However, some argue that Jesus was not born on this date. Let us examine the usual objections to December 25 as Christ’s birthday and provide theological, historical, and scriptural responses to uphold this sacred tradition. Objection 1: December 25 Was Chosen to Replace the Pagan Festival of Saturnalia Claim: Saturnalia, a popular Roman winter festival, was replaced by Christmas to encourage conversions to Christianity. Reply: While Saturnalia celebrated the winter solstice, it was held from December 17 to December 23. The dates do not align with December 25. Thus, the claim that Christmas replaced Saturnalia is not supported by historical evidence. Objection 2: December 25 Was Chosen to Replace the Pagan Holiday Natalis Solis Invicti Claim: December 25 marks the pagan “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun,” established by Emperor Aurelian in AD 274. Reply: Historical records show that Natalis Solis Invicti is not mentioned on December 25 before AD 354, and the same manuscript also lists December 25 as the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. Emperor Julian the Apostate later tried to establish December 25 as a pagan holiday to rival the Christian celebration. Thus, Christmas predates the so-called pagan holiday, and the attempt to replace it came from anti-Christian efforts, not the Church. Objection 3: Shepherds Would Not Be Herding in Winter Claim: Luke’s Gospel describes shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem, which would be unlikely in the cold of winter. Reply: Bethlehem’s climate is mild during December, comparable to modern-day Dallas, Texas, which is still comfortable for outdoor activities. Historical accounts, such as those of Cornelius a Lapide, confirm that shepherds tended their flocks in the fields during late December. Why December 25? I. Scriptural Evidence Using the Bible, we can approximate Christ’s birth date by first determining the birth of John the Baptist. Priestly Courses in the Temple Zechariah, John’s father, served during the “course of Abias” (Luke 1:5). Historical records place this service in late September. John the Baptist was conceived shortly thereafter, around late September. Adding nine months brings John’s birth to late June, aligning with the Church’s celebration on June 24. Jesus’ Birth in Relation to John The Angel Gabriel informed Mary that Elizabeth was six months pregnant at the time of the Annunciation (Luke 1:36). If John was born in late June, adding six months places Christ’s birth in late December. II. Biological Calculations From John the Baptist’s conception in late September to his birth in late June (nine months), and from June to December (another six months), the timeline confirms a late December birth for Christ. The Annunciation on March 25, nine months before December 25, further supports this calculation. III. Testimony from the Blessed Virgin Mary Sacred Tradition asserts that Mary herself provided the date of Christ’s birth. Mothers never forget the details of their children’s births, and the Virgin Mary, knowing her Son was the Messiah, would surely have shared this with the Apostles. IV. Early Church Fathers Pope St. Telesphorus (AD 126–137) established the tradition of Midnight Mass on December 25. St. Hippolytus (AD 170–240) explicitly stated: “The First Advent of our Lord in the flesh occurred…on December 25.” Church Fathers connected March 25 (Annunciation and Crucifixion) to Christ’s birth, affirming the sacred tradition. Conclusion December 25 as Christ’s birthday is rooted in Scripture, tradition, and historical evidence. The Church’s observance of this date predates any pagan celebrations, and early Christians, guided by Mary and the Apostles, commemorated it with devotion. Ultimately, whether or not Christ was born on December 25, the celebration affirms the profound mystery of God becoming man. Let us rejoice in the Light of the World! Read More…

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What is LAS POSADAS? How to Celebrate?

LAS POSADAS is an Advent devotion common among Mexican and Latino Christians. Although customs vary, generally on each of the nine evenings before Christmas Eve members of local families gather together, sing traditional villancicos (Spanish Christmas hymns), and are lead by two members dressed as Mary and Joseph to designated homes (“inns”) where they seek shelter as the original holy couple did on their arrival in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago. In some cases, they are turned away several times each night before they are finally welcomed at one home, where the community enters for prayer and a celebration.    The name “posadas” derives from a Spanish word for lodging; it reminds us not only of Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging, but also of Jesus’ desire to enter into our lives today. The devotion has its roots in religious plays common in Europe during the Middle Ages; it has been popular in Mexico for at least 400 years and is believed to have been introduced to the indigenous population by Franciscan missionaries from Spain. The devotion is widespread among both Catholic and Protestant communities in Mexico and Latin America and among Hispanic immigrants in the United States.  History of Las Posadas Now a widely-celebrated tradition throughout Latin America, there is evidence that Las Posadas originated in colonial Mexico. The Augustinian friars of San Agustin de Acolman, near Mexico City, are believed to have organized the first posadas. In 1586, Friar Diego de Soria, the Augustinian prior, obtained a papal bull from Pope Sixtus V to celebrate what was called ‘Misas de Aguinaldo’ or ‘Christmas bonus masses’ between December 16 and 24.The tradition seems to be one of many examples of how the Catholic religion in Mexico was adapted to make it easier for the indigenous people to understand and blend with their earlier beliefs. The Aztecs had a tradition of honoring their god Huitzilopochtli at the same time of year, coinciding with the winter solstice. The Posada celebrations were originally held in the church but the custom spread. Later it was celebrated in haciendas, and then in family homes, gradually taking the form of the celebration as it is now practiced by the time of the 19th century. Now, neighborhood committees often organize the posadas and a different family will offer to host the celebration each night. The other people in the neighborhood bring food, candy, and piñatas so that the costs of the party don’t fall only on the host family. Adults, including musicians, follow the procession, which visits selected homes and asks for lodging for Joseph and Mary. Traditionally, the procession is always refused lodging, though the hosts often provide refreshments. At each stop, passages of scripture are read and Christmas carols are sung. Mass is held each day after the procession and, after the service, children break open piñatas filled with candy, toys, and occasionally money. The piñatas are usually crafted in the form of a star, which is said to have guided the three wise men of Biblical tradition to the newborn Jesus.   How To Celebrate Las Posadas Make star-shaped piñatas Las Posadas is a great event that can be celebrated by adults and children alike! One of the most exciting elements of Las Posadas is the star-shaped piñatas filled with candy and toys. Children often take turns to put on a blindfold and hit the piñata with a stick and once it breaks everyone will rush in to grab a handful of tasty treats. But you don’t have to be a child to hit the piñata, fill one for yourself and try it with family and friends who are Mexican or Catholic. Attend a procession Before each gathering, all the guests form a procession to mark Mary and Joseph’s search for an inn on the night of Jesus’s birth. The march is usually led by an angel, guiding Mary and Joseph to shelter, when they could not find one in Bethlehem. The participants will first hold candles and sing Christmas carols, and make their way to a particular home. A special song ‘La Canción Para Pedir Posada’ is sung, until the host agrees to let everyone inside. It’s a time of celebration but also a remembrance of Mary and Joseph’s miraculous journey. Reflect and meditate On each of the nine nights, a different quality will be meditated upon — humility, strength, detachment, charity, trust, justice, purity, joy, and generosity. Before indulging in delicious food and beverages such as tamales and ‘ponche’ or ‘atole,’ consider reflecting upon important spiritual qualities that help us become better humans, no matter what you believe in. 5 Amazing Facts About Las Posadas The seven deadly sins The star-shaped piñata children break apart has seven points that are meant to symbolize the seven deadly sins. Rewards from heaven The treats released from inside the piñata symbolize rewards from heaven, which are shared among guests in packages called ‘aguinaldos.’ Staying warm and cozy To stay warm, guests are served ‘ponche’, an aromatic fruit punch that includes piloncillo, water, cinnamon, and fruits such as guavas, tejocotes, and oranges. Mary’s birth symbolized The ‘Novena’ — the nine days of Las Posadas — signifies the nine months Mary carried Jesus in her womb. Songs of devotion The songs that are sung at each home form a dialogue between the ‘Fuera,’ sung by the pilgrims, and ‘Dentro,’ sung by those playing the innkeepers.     Read more…

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The Divine Origin of the Human Soul:Exploring Why DNA Reflects Parental Traits in God’s Creation?

From a Catholic perspective, the origin of the human soul is rooted in God’s creative act. The Catholic Church teaches the following about the soul: Direct Creation by God: The soul of each human being is individually and directly created by God. It does not come from the parents or any material process. This is based on the understanding that the soul is spiritual and immaterial. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 366) states:“The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God—it is not ‘produced’ by the parents—and also that it is immortal: it does not perish when it separates from the body at death, and it will be reunited with the body at the final Resurrection.” At the Moment of Conception: The soul is infused into the body at the moment of conception. This belief underscores the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of human life from conception. Made in God’s Image: The soul reflects the image and likeness of God. This gives every person an inherent dignity and the capacity for reason, love, and a relationship with God. Genesis 1:27 supports this: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Immortal and Unique: Each soul is unique and immortal, meaning it will not cease to exist but will live eternally, either in communion with God or separated from Him, depending on one’s choices in life. To explore the Catholic understanding of the soul more deeply, let’s break it down into key themes and expand on each: 1. The Nature of the Soul Spiritual and Immaterial: The soul is not physical. It cannot be seen or touched because it belongs to the spiritual realm, which transcends the material universe. Immortality: The soul does not die. When the body ceases to function at death, the soul continues to exist and awaits the resurrection at the end of time (CCC 1020–1060). Scriptural Basis: “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes 12:7) “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36) 2. The Soul’s Origin Direct Creation by God: Each soul is a unique act of creation, emphasizing its dignity and purpose. This personal creation distinguishes humans from other creatures and highlights their role as stewards of creation (Genesis 1:28–30). Theological Reflection:St. Thomas Aquinas described the soul as the “form of the body,” meaning it animates and gives life to the physical body. Without the soul, the body is lifeless. 3. The Soul’s Purpose Union with God: The soul’s ultimate purpose is to know, love, and serve God in this life and enjoy eternal communion with Him in Heaven. Moral Responsibility: Since the soul is the seat of intellect and will, humans can freely choose good or evil. These choices affect the soul’s eternal destiny. Catechetical Teaching: “The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself.” (CCC 27) 4. The Soul After Death Particular Judgment: At the moment of death, the soul faces a personal judgment based on its choices during life. The soul can enter Heaven (possibly via Purgatory), Hell, or await the resurrection of the body at the Last Judgment. Eternal Destiny: The soul’s eternal fate—whether in union with God or separation—reflects its alignment with God’s will. Scriptural Basis: “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27) “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:46) 5. Practical Implications for Catholics Sanctity of Life: Belief in the soul’s origin and dignity underpins Catholic teaching against abortion, euthanasia, and any act that devalues human life. Sacraments: Baptism cleanses the soul from original sin, and the Eucharist nourishes it. Reconciliation restores it when damaged by sin. Prayer and Virtue: A healthy soul is cultivated through prayer, acts of charity, and the pursuit of virtue. So why DNA build certain characteristics of our parents if soul come from God? Are such characteristics relating to body or soul? Or to behavior? This is a profound question, touching on the relationship between the physical body (shaped by genetics) and the spiritual soul (created by God). Let’s explore this from a Catholic perspective: 1. The Body and DNA: Physical Inheritance DNA is the biological blueprint inherited from parents. It determines physical characteristics (like eye color, height, and even some predispositions to behaviors or abilities). These traits relate entirely to the body, which is formed through the union of the parents’ genetic material. While DNA can influence tendencies in behavior (such as temperament or certain predispositions), these are not deterministic. Human behavior involves choices, which are guided by intellect and free will—faculties of the soul. 2. The Soul: Unique and Created by God The soul is immaterial and not a product of DNA. It is directly created by God at the moment of conception. The soul includes: Intellect (the capacity to reason and understand). Will (the capacity to choose freely between good and evil). These faculties give humans the ability to rise above purely biological or genetic influences. 3. Interaction Between Body and Soul The body and soul are deeply united in the human person, forming a single nature. The soul animates the body and allows it to think, feel, and act. The body expresses the soul. For example, a smile reveals joy, and tears express sorrow. Certain traits may seem to bridge the gap: Temperament and personality: Influenced by genetics and environment but shaped by the soul’s intellect and will. For instance, someone may inherit a short temper but learn to practice patience through moral effort. Talents and inclinations: Physical traits (like dexterity for music) come from DNA, but their cultivation and purpose depend on the soul’s choices. 4. Behavior: Body, Soul, and Free…

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Reading This Will Stop You from Committing Sin! Sufferings of Hell, Revealed to a 20th Century Mystic!

Hell is a real place. But what is it like exactly? While the Bible gives us some clues, the 20th century mystic St. Faustina received a particularly vivid vision, which she recorded in her diary. Note that such “private revelations” are not on the same level of the divine revelation given by God in Jesus Christ. Catholics are not obliged to believe private revelations – but they can nonetheless aid someone in their faith. “Today I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell,” St. Faustina writes in her diary (741). “It is a place of great torture; how awesomely large and extensive it is!” “The kinds of tortures I saw…” she begins, and then lists the seven kinds of sufferings of hell she saw: “The first torture that constitutes hell is the loss of God; “The second is perpetual remorse of conscience; “The third is that one’s condition will never change; “The fourth is the fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it – a terrible suffering, since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God’s anger; “The fifth torture is continual darkness and a terrible suffocating smell, and, despite the darkness, the devils and the souls of the damned see each other and all the evil, both of others and their own; “The sixth torture is the constant company of Satan; “The seventh torture is horrible despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies.” Read more…

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6 Uplifting Bible Verses for When You Want to Cry!

Life can leave us an emotional wreck at times. Sometimes we might cry at the smallest of things, or sometimes we might be in deep grief and it’s hard to keep those tears at bay. Thankfully Scripture is full of comforting words to lean on during these moments, and here are just a few examples of how even in the most difficult of times, there is comfort to be had from our Heavenly Father. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted, saves those whose spirit is crushed.” Psalm 34:18 This verse reminds us that God is always near, especially in moments of sadness and despair. Knowing that God is with us can bring comfort and solace during times of tears, reassuring us that we are not alone in our struggles. Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 God’s promise of strength and support can be a source of courage and resilience when we’re feeling overwhelmed by tears. Trusting in God’s presence and assistance can empower us to face our challenges with hope and confidence.   Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 Jesus’ words in the Beatitudes assure us that our tears are not in vain and that God offers comfort to those who grieve. This verse reminds us that mourning is a natural part of life, but it also promises the comforting embrace of God’s love and compassion. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all encouragement, who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 This passage acknowledges God’s role as the source of comfort and encouragement in times of trouble. It reminds us that our tears can be transformed into opportunities to comfort and support others who are also experiencing sorrow, fostering a sense of solidarity and empathy. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27 Jesus’ promise of peace reassures us that we can find tranquility and calmness in the midst of tears and turmoil. This verse encourages us to trust in God’s peace, which surpasses worldly understanding, and to find solace in the presence of the Prince of Peace.   We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Read more…

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SAVE THE POST! Daily Prayer to Mary for the Nation Before the November 5 US Presidential Election

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in your motherly protection. Look down with mercy upon us and touch the hearts of our people. Open our minds to the great worth of human life and to the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Free us from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion and threaten the sanctity of family life. Grant our country the wisdom to proclaim that God’ s law is the foundation on which this nation was founded, and that He alone is the True Source of our cherished rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. O Merciful Mother, give us the courage to reject the culture of death and the strength to build a new Culture of Life.

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