“Behold, in the love of God I come to you to strengthen you. Have courage, have no fear. Remain faithful to the Holy Church! Know that you live in the time of tribulation. But you are marked and protected by the Precious Blood of my Lord Jesus Christ. Deus Semper Vincit” words of Saint Archangel Michael from September 19, 2023

The King of Mercy always says it. The Mother of God, Mary the Immaculate, told me so many times. TheHoly Archangel Michael says it. The angels and saints say so. They always say the same thing. Do you know what heaven tells us?
Stay loyal to the church!!!!
Did we listen correctly? Can this be the case at this time? Yes!!!! We are in the time of trouble and our beloved church has also fallen into the time of trouble. This time should be endured with prayer and sacrifice. It is the time of the passion of our beloved Church, following her Lord. Our church is purified through suffering. Unfortunately, this means that the entire decay becomes apparent to the outside world. This is the turn towards the spirit of the times that has so far remained dormant in the church. We, on the other hand, are called to steadfastness in our faith in the unadulterated Catholic teaching, the teaching of our fathers of faith. Let’s not listen to all the agitators in the media. Let us look at our own soul, not at the soul of other people. Let us see our mistakes, not those of other people. We are not allowed to accept a false teaching or a wrong path and can reject any sin. Because making a sin a commandment is not Catholic teaching. Here the Holy Scripture is always our standard. With the Holy Scripture our soul can grow because the Holy Scripture is the Word of God.
The other day I said to a young man who was complaining about the Pope:
“Oh, please tell me if everything you have told me about the Pope prevents you personally from repentance and living a holy life yourself? Please tell me how the Pope in Rome prevents you from doing that? You will one day Stand alone before God and give an account, then there is no one else there. It is your life.
Sure, we complain sometimes. It’s human. But is it really holy and Christian? Forget all YouTubers! Walk the path of your holiness!” A recommendation for us: Away with all ideological things. Pray! Live in the sacraments and love God! Padre Pio did that before you. He gave himself away to God. Oh, he loved the church. But What did she do to him? He initially received bans and conditions. He could have rebelled, gone public, made a fuss about injustice and so on. What did he do, our padre? He humbly followed his instructions Holy Church. This is the way of holiness! This is the way of grace! Well, this way is the way of the Lord. No rebellion. Prayer, penance, sacrifice, these are the paving stones that lead us to the sacraments of our beloved church. We are not a remnant church. There is no church of the pure and self-righteous. The Cathars spread this heresy even back then. We are called to repent because we are all sinners. Without exception. It’s about saving souls for the Lord. Let’s stay loyal! Serviam!