Our Lady Heals 19 Year Old: Major Miracle at Medjugorje

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Viral Video: A Priest Spills The Precious Blood During Mass. This is what happens next! Let us make reparation!!!

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Not Even Solomon Was Dressed as Exquisitely as These!

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE FREE DOWNLOADS CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE Not Even Solomon Was Dressed as Exquisitely as These! By Patricia Brower Jesus tells us that Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as exquisitely as the lilies of the field.  Jesus reminds us in times like these we should not worry or be anxious.  With all the trials and tribulations in this world it is tempting for us to worry about what we will eat and drink.  But God is not a passive watcher over the world nor our lives.  Jesus asks us to take pause to consider the lilies. We can imagine Jesus walking with his disciples near the field of lilies.  The beautiful wildflowers that grow on the side of hills or in fields.  And he uses the moment to teach his followers about how close He is to His creation.  And He wants us to reconsider the amount of worry we put into what we will eat and wear tomorrow.  Jesus says look at the beauty of the lilies in the field.  And he exclaims, not even King Solomon was dressed in such fine clothing.   We also know from 1 Kings 7:19 that the Temple that Solomon built for the Lord had two pillars at the front of it that were topped with lilies.  And so the reference to the beauty of the lilies has an additional spiritual meaning.  Just as Solomon’s Temple was headed by the lilies, so is the Body of Christ “headed” by the symbolic lily which is the Will of God.We will easily become overwhelmed if we worry about money and work, and the toils of this world.  And Jesus reminds us to “consider the lilies” which neither do not labor or worry.  By being so close to the Lord they are magnificently beautiful and arrayed with the finest “clothing”.  And so it is for us if we trust in the Providence of God in our life.   For further reflection, consider listening to “Lilies of the Field” by Father John Michael Talbot Subscribe for our FREE Newsletter Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times Viral Video! Incredible Viral Photo of Our Lady Taken In Canoinhas, Brazil! Taken on Vigil of Our Lady of Fatima! The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – NINTH MEDITATION Viral Video! Virgin Mary Filmed During Live Event Making A Deep Bow of Adoration Before Jesus, The Holy Sacrament Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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The Divine Marriage and The Assumption of Mary

Our Social Networks Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R Privacy Policy ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS LIVE PRAYERS WATCH ONLINE The Divine Marriage and The Assumption of Mary By Patricia Brower No doubt these are confusing times. Over the last five years there has been a great confusion in our world regarding the definition of woman and gender. Famed Lutheran Swiss psychiatrist believed that the greatest religious even in the over 400 years was the Papal Announcement of the dogma of the Assumption which took place in 1950. Perhaps by giving praise to God for the Assumption of Our Lady we can help nourish the proper respect that is due to woman in the design and love of God. And perhaps it will be through the Age of Mary that confusion of gender will disappear. We are certainly blessed to have had the Church confirm this rich Dogma regarding our Blessed Mother. It is no small honor for Our Lady to have been assumed body and soul into heaven with her Divine Son. In continuity with the Immaculate Conception – the Assumption is the reward and the affirmation of Our lady as having been born without original sin and having been full of grace from her creation. Not only was her body incorrupt, Our Lady was assumed into heaven and crowned Queen. The Heavenly bride is united with her Groom in heaven, completing in some way the Divine Marriage.    Blessed is the Mother of God, who has done the Will of the Father. Mary, indeed, is blessed among all women. Let the world acknowledge the greatness of Mary so that woman can again regain her dignity. Jesus is proud to announce loudly to the world that his Mother was honored with her Assumption into Heaven. As the Mother of the Son, Daughter of the Father, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mary is honored by Heaven. Our Lady’s body was not allowed to be corrupted by nor buried under the earth. Mary, blessed are you among woman. You are the model of virtue for all the world. Mary’s glorified body is a magnificent Temple of the Holy Spirit. In 1950 Pope Pius XII declared: “We proclaim and define it to be a dogma revealed by God that the immaculate Mother of God, Mary ever virgin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven.” All of heaven and earth rejoice. God has favored Our Lady with unique affection. Subscribe for our FREE Newsletter Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. More on Mother of Refuge of the End Times Response To the Atlantic Anti-Rosary Article Viral Video! The Holy Spirit Manifests As A DOVE Above Baptism Font in Ukraine! Epiphany 19 JAN 2022! The Spiritual Meditations of St. Francis de Sales – SECOND MEDITATION Load More Go to Mother and Refuge Homepage Live Prayers with Mother and Refuge:    Join us on Youtube and Telegram.

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The Church Cries Out, Have Mercy On The Whole World

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Apparitions Of Mary In Illinois Bring To Attention The Presence Of Her Son In The Eucharist!

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Cardiac Sonogram Reveals Human Beating Heart in 2 Eucharistic Miracles: Venezuela 1998 & Mexico 2022

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Scorched Hand Mark of Soul in Purgatory Left Upon The Shirt of Son After Being Visited for 12 Nights

July 31, 2022 Facebook Youtube Telegram Twitter Centercode Telegram-plane Comment MOTHER & REFUGE OF THE END TIMES IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS HOME ABOUT M&R MYSTICS ON M & R ARTICLES BOOKS DONATE CONTACT US PRAYER REQUESTS WATCH ONLINE Heart Beating Eucharist, Mexico! Further Analysis Reveals Amazing Similarity to Heart Ultrasound ❤!   By Bella Francis   Hello brothers and sisters welcome to Mother and Refuge of the end times.  We would like to share with you a sequel to our video reporting a possible new Eucharistic miracle that occurred on 24th July 2022 at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish in Guadalajara, Mexico. Father Mark Goring, from the order of the companions of the cross from Ontario Canada commented on the footage of our channel  about the consecrated host exposed for adoration.  It began beating like a heart for about 20 to 30 seconds, resembling the palpitations of the heart.  Fr  Mark went on to say it had a distinctive rhythm like seen on a heart ultrasound.  He counsels us to defer to the discernment and judgment of the church.  This phenomenonal occurrence was recorded by some of the faithful on their cell phones and immediately handed over to Fr. Carlos Spahn, an itinerant Argentinian priest.   He is the Founder and Superior of the religious family of the Immaculate heart and divine mercy. Fr. Spahn prudently said perhaps the church will never make an official judgment because it doesn’t need one.  His interpretation is that the heart of Christ beats with love  for men.  He lamented this heart is so outraged, so abandoned, so despised, that  sometimes we don’t treat our Lord as we should with greater care , with more faith, with more dedication.  Pending further analysis, Fr. Mark hopes to keep us updated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=747s-WgS7a0&authuser=0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxH-ODUshOI Buy Now

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Look and See, and Examine – Jesus’s Heart Beats for You!

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The Lamb and the 144,000

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