(Please wait till load & click play button) Part A Part B Subtitles (You can download if interested) Powered By EmbedPress HOLY ANGELS SEAL THE COMMUNITIES With Their Queen Mary, our Guardian Angels and the Sealed Angels for the Last Times, United with the Whole of Heaven, all will Help God’s children far beyond all human measure, to abandon all things and submitunconditionally to God, so that all that God’s Love Wills may be accomplished in them. The main task of some Angels is the apocalyptic battle, while others Seal the communities of God in the Last Times against the terrors of the infernal powers. The Angels will enclose in these communities love and fidelity, duty and measure, growth, beauty, and the Mercy of God, when outside everything falls in ruin. Through this Love of God, the children will be protected and safe. There will flourish holiness and purity, and a maximum of love in the Church undreamt ofbefore. And that time will Dawn of which it is written in the Gospel, that young men will have visions and men will be permitted to look upon the Glory of God’s Kingdom. What is, after all, the Work of the Angels and theknowledge of the Angels, if not such a Gracious Descent of the Kingdom of God?God has made His Covenant also with you, O man! Every day the Priest lays the pledge of God’s Fidelityupon your lips. Take care that the broken crown of Divine Childhood does not one day lay at the feet ofyour Angel. 2 Timothy 2:19 – “But the Sure Foundation of God standeth Firm, having this Seal: the Lord Knoweth who are His; and let everyone depart from iniquity who nameth the Name of the Lord.”The Return of Christ – Mark 13:24-27 – “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give its light, and the stars shall be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken. Then they shall see the Son of Man Coming in Clouds with Great Power and Glory. And then He shall send forth the Angels and shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven.” Our Lady to Father Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests #63 – Dongo (Como, Italy); December 7, 1974 – “Therefore, in order to recognize this Action of Mine, you Must have the eyes of a little child, the mind of a littlechild, the heart of a little child. You Must again become simple, humble, recollected, poor, innocent. You Must truly become once again those little children to whom alone will be Revealed the Plans of God, the Mysteriesof the Kingdom of God.” From The Apostles by Pope Benedict XVI – “The subject of one of the most important visions of the Book of Revelation is this Lamb in the act of opening a Scroll, previously closed with Seven Seals that no one hadbeen able to break Open. Of the nine choirs of Holy Angels, one choir are Angels of Love, who go over all of Creation. And precisely in this choir, Almighty God brought together the Sealed Angels of the Last Times; we know them out of theApocalypse: the seven who go out to Seal the communities of God, and the three who call to judgment; and again seven, who pour the bowls of God’s Wrath over the earth, and three, who go out to harvest. The Angelswith the seven trumpets (Apocalypse) come from other choirs. The Seals signify a locking up. Seven Angels go out to Seal the communities.These Sealed Angels are Angels of the Last Times, which means they will have their greatest force and their actual work in the Last Times: seven of them go out to Seal the communities of God from the horrors of the LastTimes; against the onslaught of the Evil One in the Last Time; against the horrors of the devastation. The Seven Angels to Seal the Communities:1. Seals Love – Seals growth in those in the Church persevering in love and fidelity in God.2. Seals the Gates – Protects those striving and longing in affliction.3. Seal-Angel of the Bride of Christ – Preserves the beauty of the Spouse of Christ.4. Seals Duty – Locks up the consciousness of duty and fidelity to God.5. Angel of Mercy – Throws out Mercy and bring in the catch of God.6. Seals Dark Faith – Seals the ship of the Angels with Mary, for the community to be a guiding light for others.7. Seals Order and Measure – Connects love and measure, justice and law for Judgement. Before the Judge Comes upon the Clouds, once more He will send out very Powerful Angels, to Shake the earth and Remind it of the Omnipotence and Sovereignty of God. These Actions of the Holy Angels can be recognized in the Good works of Popes throughout time, and certainly in these times. From the Book of Heaven – the writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:V14 – 4.25.22 – “I, Jesus, place thousands of Angels as Custodians of One Single Act done in My Will. In fact, since these Acts done in My Will are Seeds so that My Will may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, All areJealous of these Acts. Their Dew is My Breath; their Shadow is My Light. The Angels remain Enraptured by them and, Reverent, they Adore them, because in these Acts they see the Eternal Will, that Deserves All theirAdoration. And only when I find other souls who, picking them as Divine Fruits, make of them Food for their souls, then are these Acts Left. O! the Fecundity and Multiplicity of these Acts! The creature herself who doesthem cannot count them.” V14 – 11.11.22 – “Therefore I tell you, True daughter of My Volition, First Happy Birth from My Will – Be Attentive and Faithful to…