The Road to Easter | Guide From Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will

  We’ve heard it said that the forty days of fasting during Lent are meant to prepare us for the fifty days of feasting during the Easter season.  At the surface, this seems to simply imply that we deprive ourselves so that we can eventually indulge.  But the exact opposite is actually true.  We deprive ourselves, we enter into a greater acknowledgement of our littleness, and we open ourselves to a deeper conversion of heart not to fall back into our old ways, but to enjoy the glorious freedom of the children of God.  We are called to live the redemption Christ won for us to the fullest!  As St. Paul says, it is “for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Gal 5:1).  This is not a freedom to indulge ourselves, but a freedom to choose the good and to love.  It is a freedom to become a gift to God and our neighbor.  It is the freedom we need to give the Divine Will free reign in our lives.  Powered By EmbedPress

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Filipino teenager is being considered for canonization

By Aleteia 13-year-old Niña Ruiz-Abad is now recognized as a “Servant of God.” She was known for her deep love of the Eucharist during her short life. Born in Quezon City, Niña Ruiz-Abad was attracted to the Catholic faith at a young age, which was fostered by her mother’s devotion to Divine Mercy. Niña eventually attended Holy Angels Montessori School in Quezon City, before moving with her mother to Sarrat. According to Agenzia Fides, “She was described as having a strong devotion to the Eucharist and devoted her life to distributing rosaries, Bibles, prayer books, holy images and other religious items. An unwavering faith encouraged her, even though she was beginning to feel the effects of heart disease.” She was “diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at the age of 10 and she lived three years of illness, always with joy and deep faith.” Niña died on August 16, 1993, after suffering from cardiac arrest while attending school. Cause for canonization The local bishops approved a cause for canonization to be initiated in 2023 and submitted their proposal to the Vatican. On March 16 the Vatican granted the “nihil obstat” (“nothing stands in the way”) for the local bishops to continue their investigation into her life. The local bishops will now look more intensely into her life to determine if she lived with “heroic virtue.” If the Vatican similarly finds that she lived heroically, she will be granted the title of “venerable.” Until that time, she will be known as “Servant of God.” Read more…

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Three Egyptian Coptic monks killed in S.Africa, Coptic Orthodox Church says

Three Egyptian Coptic monks have been tragically killed in what’s described as a “criminal assault” within a monastery in South Africa, according to the Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt. The incident is under investigation by South African authorities as a triple murder. The church spokesman stated on Facebook, “Three monks were subjected to a criminal assault inside our Coptic monastery,” while a police spokesperson confirmed the discovery of the victims with stab wounds and noted that the motive remains unclear The surviving monk alleged being attacked with an iron rod before escaping. The incident highlights the ongoing challenges of violence in South Africa, with the Egyptian embassy in Johannesburg notified of the situation.

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Italian Catholics reverting to ancient Roman gods, seers, and sorcerers 

A startling number of lapsed Catholics in Italy are reverting to the deities of ancient Rome and turning to pagan seers, astrologers and psychics, attesting to a potentially catastrophic collapse of Catholicism in its traditional bastion.  Over 160,000 sorcerers are doing brisk business in the occult and New Age practises, with over three million Italians consulting the so-called “maghi” every year for advice. This involves shelling out an astronomical  €8 billion, according to data from the Osservatorio Antiplagio.  Between 10 to 13 million Italians – almost all of them baptised Catholics – have turned to sorcerers or witches at least once in their lives; while 30,000 Italians from all classes of society seek out psychics and visionaries daily, in a quest for a better future, the Codacons agency states.  The epicentre of witchcraft and occultism is in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, with 2,800 occult operators and 200,000 clients – numbers that far exceed the percentages of resident Catholic priests and Catholics who attend Holy Mass on a weekly basis.  A survey conducted in 2023 by the market research company SWG found that 34 per cent of Italians believe or engage in necromancy, 24 per cent in black magic, 19 per cent in predicting the future with cards, 18 per cent in white magic, and 17 per cent in psychic or occultic healers. In 2019, Pope Francis warned Italians “not to seek happiness by following smoke vendors – who are often vendors of death – experts in illusion”, a reference that was interpreted by Italian media as a caution against the proliferation of witchdoctors.  A year later, the Holy Father reiterated his admonition in his Epiphany homily, urging his flock not to follow “magicians, fortune tellers, [or] sorcerers” lest “you risk becoming idol-addicts”. In an Angelus address in July 2023, the pontiff cautioned Catholics to reject beliefs “in superstitions, such as magic, tarot cards, horoscopes and other similar things”, noting that “many, many Christians go to have their palms read”. Recent figures confirm the findings of a doctoral thesis submitted by Stefano Falappi to the University of Bergamo (2012), titled Education, Religious Diversity and Non-religious Beliefs, which demonstrated that it is no longer the Catholic religion dominating Italy but “religious diversity and non-religious beliefs in the increasingly pluralistic Italian context”. Meanwhile, in a parallel phenomenon, Italians disenchanted by the Church are claiming they have found an authentic spirituality by returning to their roots and reclaiming the pagan gods of ancient Rome.  The “Via romana agli dei” (“Roman road to the gods”) is a religious movement comprising various neopagan sects declaring themselves to be part of the European Congress of Ethnic Religions (ECER).  Practitioners of the Roman cult argue that even though their ancestors were persecuted after “the doomed and execrable Second Edict of Theodosius” in 392 AD, their rituals survived more overtly in rural Italy and secretly in upper-class Italian culture.   While several pagan deities survived, alledgedly, in Catholic guise, as “many goddesses are masked behind very specific Madonnas; many saints are gods and spirits in disguise”, and poets like Dante “kept memory of the Roman tradition, in an [apparent] syncretism with Christianity”. Since the late 1980s, many associations have revived the Roman cult in public, ranging from “little more than historical reenactment”, to others being “influenced by pre-20th century para-masonic influences”.  The Turin-based Centre for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) lists the esoteric cults under the category of the Roman Traditionalist Movement, with neopagan adherents numbering over 230,000 in 2017, a 143 per cent increase over 10 years. A leading neopagan association is the Communitas Populi Romani, which describes itself as an “association of free men who recognise themselves holding to the same spiritual and cultural values ​​as the ancient religion of Rome, public or private”. Neophytes are encouraged to firstly, “set up a space dedicated to the deities in your home so that you can begin to offer to your gods”, and secondly, to “ritualise following the main holidays that are remembered by the Kalendarium”. “The Roman religion is fundamentally a collectivist and convivial religion, it does not leave much room for individualism and personalism which often led – and still leads – to condemnable superstitious practices,” adherents are told.  On 10 February 2024, an eclectic group of enthusiasts from the Communitas Populi Romani assembled near the ancient Roman Forum to express their devotion to the deities Juno, Jupiter and Apollo. Luca Fizzarotti, a computer programmer who joined the movement after he had a spiritual crisis, told Religion News Service (RNS) he was a catechist and practicing Catholic for many years but that “I had a very bad experience and had to leave my Church”.  Fizzarotti fell in love with a practitioner of Kemetic Orthodoxy, a cult based on the ancient Egyptian religious faith. “In the beginning I could not really understand [it], then as I slowly learned about the pagan community, I found a way to live out my spirituality,” he explains. Though Fizzarotti acknowledges that it was moving in with his girlfriend that sparked his interest in Roman paganism, the primary motivation behind the likes of him and others joining the pagan-influenced movement is a fascination with what Italian writer Andrea Angelini labels “Roman Polytheistic Reconstructionism”, rather than any New Age-type sexual incentives such as polyamory.  Proponents of the movement emphasise “harmony with ancient spirituality”, ethics of “duty to the divine”, and virtues of Fides (the reciprocity of commitment and the given word that binds the two parties), Pietas (justice, respect and devotion towards the gods), and Religio (correct execution of the rite which guarantees the favor of the gods).  “We all believe in the gods, we make rituals at home, we have devotion temples at home, we have our priests and officiants,” Donatella Ertola told RNS.  “I found in polytheism a new strength,” Antony Meloni, an airport construction worker, stressed. “I was looking for something that monotheism didn’t give me.”  Latinist and Rome-based researcher Lorenzo Murone told the Catholic Herald that the Catholic Church in Italy was fighting a losing battle against such cults because of its unwillingness to engage in “intentional evangelism”. 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The process of beatification of Luisa Piccarreta

The process of beatification 1994: The Vatican gave “Non Obstare” to Mons. Carmelo Cassati, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie to start the cause of beatification and Luisa Piccarreta automatically became a Servant of God. (Before a bishop can begin an investigation of any person’s Cause of Beatification he must first obstain permission from the Vatican, otherwise known as the Holy See. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints grants this permission on behalf of the Holy See only after consulting all the other appropriate Curial offices of the Vatican to determine whether there are any objections to the candidate’s cause proceeding. Following this requirement the Most Reverend Carmelo Cassati, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglia, the archdiocese in which Luisa died, sought permission from the Vatican to proceed with her Cause. By way of an official letter dated February 24, 1994, the Congregation for the Cause of Beatification of Saints declared, “on the part of the Holy See the Non Obstare for the opening of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta.”  ) November 20, 1994: The cause of beatification was opened officially on the Feast of Christ the King. January 1996: Then Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) released 34 volumes of the Book of Heaven to Archbishop Cassati as part of the protocol for process of Luisa’s Cause of Beatification. March 1997: On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Luisa’s death, it was announced publicly that the Tribunal Responsible for Luisa’s Cause had determined unanimously that her life was one of heroic virtue and that her mystical experiences were authentic. October 28, 2005: The cause of beatification was officially concluded at the diocesan phase. November 7, 2005: All the official documents were transferred to the Vatican. March 7, 2006: Congregation for the Causes of Saints opened the box (started the cause) officially. 2008: Congregation for the Causes of Saints appointed two independent, highly qualified theologians – Fr. Antonio Resta, President of the Pontifical Theological Seminary in Italy; Fr. Cosimo Reho, dogmatic theologian – to review Luisa’s writings. End of 2009: one of two theologians gave his positive judgment. July 19, 2010: the other theologian gave his positive judgment. “Positive judgment” means that there are no teachings in Luisa’s writings contrary to Catholic Faith and Moral. It also means that the Church recognizes the legitimacy and authenticity of her writings.   Significance of Imprimatur ·        Ecclesiastical permission, expressed only with the word imprimatur, means that the work is free from errors regarding Catholic faith and morals.   ·        Approval granted by competent authority shows that the text is accepted by the Church or that the work is in accordance with the authentic doctrine of the Church (can. 661). ·        As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger explained when he was head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith: “Ecclesiastical approval of a private revelation has three elements: the message contains nothing contrary to faith or morals; it is lawful to make it public; and the faithful are authorized to accept it with prudence.”   ·        Although the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat may be given by the local bishop for his diocese, one ought not to lose sight of the fact that these official seals, though given locally and within one diocesan jurisdiction, customarily transcend juridical boundaries by virtue of episcopal collegiality and their acceptance by other bishops the world over.   ·        The fact that bishops can issue Imprimaturs is a significant sign that they are acts of the Magisterium. (The archbishop of Trani gave his handwritten Imprimatur directly on those original manuscripts of Luisa.)   What is Church’s stance on Luisa Piccarreta? ·        Since she has not yet been declared “Venerable” there is nothing that yet amounts to formal Vatican “approval” of Luisa’s writings.   ·        Vatican’s current, official position on Luisa’s sanctity and her writings is neutral. The Catholic Church does not yet officially give them her full “approval,” but neither does she “condemn” them.   ·        The Archbishop promoting Luisa’s Cause is doing so in strict accord with Canon Law and in complete harmony with Rome. This includes a careful and comprehensive review of Luisa’s writings by competent, independent experts in theology.   ·        In summary, the record is entirely clear concerning the writings of Luisa. Anyone can read them with a clear conscience and be completely at peace.

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Exclusive! Latest Update on Fr. MICHEL RODRIGUE with Xavier Ayral

“My dear children, The time you live now is a gift to allow all those of good will to celebrate the birth of my Son Jesus. I have opened this space for you in order to give comfort to your hearts and to allow you to respond, through your faith, to the Love of Jesus who took flesh to save you. On this day of the Holy Family, may all the families of the earth be blessed who welcome my beloved Son in hope. Take the Holy Family into your home, It alone will protect you in these coming times. Remember, I already told you: “the punishment will stop for the houses where the Holy Family is exposed and prayed with respect. » Yes, the Love of my Son who suffered for you, born from the virginal purity of my daughter Mary and protected by the very pure and powerful love of the just and loyal Joseph, is your protection. Hold your heart ready and awaken! Have what you need to nourish your body and treat it with the remedies that I have already given to many of my saints to protect you. Use holy water regularly to chase away the bad angels who lurk near your homes. It is not a coincidence that the last day of this year falls on the feast of the Holy Family. She is the sign to remind you of everything I told you. It is the sign of your protection. It is not in vain that the Church celebrates the motherhood of Mary, Mother of my Son Jesus on the first of the year. Because, in this time of yours, her Immaculate Heart will triumph. This year, which begins tomorrow, is a year of pure faith. All the signs have been given. John, the apostle, lifted the veil. Blinded are those who do not believe, deaf are those who do not hear, and dumb are the lukewarm. The spirit of a spiritual amaurosis invades humanity: there is no longer any vision, no understanding, no sense. Humanity does not see what is coming. My children will not be affected by this darkness. Events will speak. Blessed are those who hear the Word of God! Yes, dedicate yourself to my Most Holy Family; to Jesus my Son, to Mary his Mother and my Daughter, to Joseph my son whom Jesus called father on earth. Consecrate yourself for the fidelity of my Church. Everything will be accomplished and not one iota of what my Son Jesus taught and which the Church has solemnly declared will be lost. Amen! Your heavenly Father who loves you!“.

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