My dear family, beloved children of God, and ‘apostles of these last times’, As I was praying on where to begin, this message from Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi pierced my heart at such a profound depth. It was as if She spoke directly to me, and Her comforting voice rose from deep within my heart… “The moment has come for you to come out from your hiddenness in order to go and shed light upon the earth.”  As soon as I read those words, I knew that it was true – it was time. For a while now, my heart has longed to share the messages from Heaven, and I believe this was the affirmation I needed to begin. It is after much prayer and discernment on whether or not to write, how I would do so, and to whom I should direct my writings, that Our Lady seems to have orchestrated everything perfectly – as She always does. And while I now feel the call to “go and shed light upon the earth” as the message exhorts, another prompting presses upon my heart – to keep my identity hidden for the time being. Sounds like a contradiction, right? To spread Heaven’s messages and to write spiritual reflections on them for the world, while simultaneously keeping my identity hidden from the same world? That doesn’t seem to make sense. However, it is what I feel called to do at this present time. I believe that this may change in the future, if that is the Lord’s Divine Will, but for now I hold a deep conviction on two things: It is time for my messages to be shared with the world.  My personal identity must remain hidden for the time being.  As for why I believe that my identity must remain hidden for now, I cannot yet reveal. However, what I do ask with utmost humility, is for your prayers and fasting. I desire to remain faithful to the Divine Will of God, and remaining hidden is a way for me to do that.  Here is a thought that came to me as I write this introductory reflection: Jesus remained hidden for the first 30 years of His life. It was only the final three years of His earthly journey where His identity was revealed to the world, and where He began His “public ministry”. There was a reason why His identity was kept private for so long. It was God’s will. Since my identity must remain hidden for the time being, I thought that a pseudonym would be fitting. I began to think of what would be appropriate, but I was having some difficulty. The ones that came to mind felt forced, they didn’t seem genuine, natural, or from God. Finally after much brainstorming, one struck me, and it’s what I intend to use – Heaven’s Harbinger.  What is a “harbinger” you may ask? There are varying definitions and etymological explanations, but the one I relate with the most, and the one which is the motivation for my selection is, “a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another; a forerunner of something.” The idea of being Heaven’s Harbinger really resonated with my soul. The more I pondered the possibility of using it, the more peace prevailed within me. What does it mean to be a harbinger of Heaven? It means to announce the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven; it means to proclaim the promised triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of the Sacred Heart; it means to prepare oneself and others for the glorious Era of Peace; it means to share Heaven’s “Harbingers” (the messages, warnings, instructions, and promises) to a humanity that is depending upon them. That’s what it means to be a harbinger of Heaven. If it is the Lord’s Divine Will, I long to be a forerunner of the forthcoming “Second Pentecost”, of the “New Advent”, and of the Church’s “most beautiful springtime” in her history. Heaven has told us countless times that what awaits us is the most glorious period of the Church in her entire existence! Saints of old have long wished they could live in the times that we have been given. The times we are living in are unlike anything ever experienced, and the times ahead of us are beyond imagination – they are the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer, the greatest prayer ever made. As I hope to be Heaven’s Harbinger, I will strive to live in the Divine Will, to proclaim that Will to the ends of the earth, and to prepare the world for the coming of God’s Kingdom. I pray that my writings will speak to your souls, offer you peace and hope, inspire you to grow in holiness, encourage you to remain in the faith, embolden you to rely on the Lord’s plan, help you to trust in His divine mercy, and ultimately to assist you in living in the Divine Will of God. Join me in praying for the coming of God’s Kingdom and for His Divine Will to be done “on earth as it is in Heaven.” For the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, and for the reign of the Sacred Heart, – Heaven’s Harbinger

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Prayer to Our Lady Help of Christions

by St. John Bosco Most Holy Virgin Mary, Help of Christians,how sweet it is to come to your feetimploring your perpetual help.If earthly mothers cease not to remember their children,how can you, the most loving of all mothers forget me?Grant then to me, I implore you,your perpetual help in all my necessities,in every sorrow, and especially in all my temptations.I ask for your unceasing help for all who are now suffering.Help the weak, cure the sick, convert sinners.Grant through your intercessions many vocations to the religious life.Obtain for us, O Mary, Help of Christians,that having invoked you on earth we may love and eternally thank you in heaven. Amen

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Heartbeat Reparation Prayer

Eternal Father, I desire to rest in your heart this night.I make the intention of offering you every beat of my heart, joining to them as many acts of love and desire.I pray that even while I’m asleep, I will bring back to You souls that offend You.I ask forgiveness for the whole world,especially for those who know You and yet sin.I offer to You my every breath and heartbeat,as a prayer of reparation.

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Lucifer: The Fallen Angel | I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven

According to the Bible, the story of Satan’s fall from heaven is described in the book of Isaiah and the book of Revelation. It is said that before the creation of humanity, there was a rebellion in heaven led by the archangel Lucifer, who was one of the most beautiful and powerful angels. He became proud and arrogant, desiring to be worshiped like God himself, and sought to overthrow God and take His throne. But God, who is all-knowing and all-seeing, knew of Lucifer’s rebellion and cast him out of heaven along with a third of the angels who followed him. They were banished to the earth, where Lucifer became known as Satan, which means “adversary” or “enemy.” Satan and his followers continued to rebel against God, tempting and deceiving humanity in an attempt to turn them away from God and towards evil. But God promised to send a savior who would conquer Satan and redeem humanity, and this promise was fulfilled through the coming of Jesus Christ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK3zumP2W3s&t=139s

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Evening Prayer to God the Father |by St. Macarius

O eternal God and Ruler of all creation, You have allowed me to reach this hour. Forgive the sins I have committed this day by word, deed or thought. Purify me, O Lord, from every spiritual and physical stain. Grant that I may rise from this sleep to glorify You by my deeds throughout my entire lifetime, and that I be victorious over every spiritual and physical enemy. Deliver me, O Lord, from all vain thoughts and from evil desires, for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen

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A Prayer Before the Reading of Any Part of the Holy Scriptures

Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts and minds of thy faithful servants, and inflame them with the fire of thy divine love. Let us pray O God, who by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, didst instruct the hearts of thy faithful servants; grant us in the same Spirit, to discern what is right, and enjoy his comfort for ever, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth one God, with thee and the same Spirit, world without end. Amen.

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Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

O Jesus, Divine Saviour, deign to cast a look of mercy upon Your children, who assemble in the same spirit of faith, reparation, and love, and come to deplore their own infidelities, and those of all poor sinners, their brethren. May we touch Your Divine Heart by the unanimous and solemn promises we are about to make and obtain mercy for ourselves, for the world, and for all who are so unhappy as not to love You. We all promise that for the future: For the forgetfulness and ingratitude of men, we will console You, O Lord.For the way You are deserted in Your holy tabernacle,For the crimes of sinners,For the hatred of the impious,For the blasphemies uttered against You,For the sacrileges that profane Your Sacrament of Love,For the outrages against Your divinity,For the injuries of which You are the adorable Victim,For the coldness of the greater part of your children,For the contempt of your loving invitation,For the infidelity of those who called themselves Your friends,For the abuse of Your grace,For our own unfaithfulness,For the incomprehensible hardness of our hearts,For our long delay in loving You,For our tepidity in Your holy service,For Your bitter sadness at the loss of souls,For Your long waiting at the door of our hearts,For the heartless scorn that grieves You,For Your loving sighs,For Your loving tears,For Your loving imprisonment,For Your loving death, Let us pray O Jesus! Divine Saviour, from whose Heart comes forth this bitter complaint, “I looked for one that would comfort me, and I found none,” graciously accept the feeble consolation we offer You, and aid us so powerfully by your grace, that we may, for the time to come, shun more and more all that can displease You, and prove ourselves in everything, and everywhere, and forever Your most faithful and devoted servants. We ask it through Your Sacred Heart, O Lord, who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit one God, forever and ever.

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5 Benefits of the Entire Rosary

When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have Our Lady’s hand in your hand. When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have the power of God in your hands. “Consueverunt Romani Pontifices” is a papal bull by Pope Pius V issued on September 17th, 1569 on the power of the Holy Rosary, even before the great Catholic victory at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. The darkness of heresy began to be dispelled, and the light of the Catholic Faith to be revealed. Sodalities for this form of prayer began to be instituted in many places by the Friars of the same [St. Dominic] Order … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVzFNHopaPA

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