The Mingling of Faith and Reason: Miracles and the Catholic Church 

As a medical doctor and professor at Queen’s University, Dr. Jacalyn Duffin has an interesting CV. Her specialty? Miracles. In her career, Dr. Duffin has surveyed more than 1,400 miracles pertaining to 229 different canonizations and 145 beatifications from 1588 to 1999. In this edition of Catholic Focus, host Jenna Murphy will examine the place of miracles in the Church and their impact on the lives of those affected by them.

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Dedication of the Rural Family to the Divine Mercy

Almighty and merciful Father,whom Your only-begotten Son,our Lord, Jesus Christ,has named the Husbandman, or Farmer,graciously accept our praise and adoration.All things were made by Youand all that we have is Yours. Our lives and our talents,our home and furnishings,the soil and its fruits,the animals and their abode,sunshine and rain,fruit and harvest are all from You.By their use we are to come more securely to You.For all Your gifts, O God,we offer You our thanks. You have made us branches of Your Son,the true Vine,members of Your kingdom,and sheep of Him who is our Good Shepherd.In gratitude and lovewe promise to remain ever closeto the Divine Heart of Him who is the Way,the Truth, and the Life. We humbly beseech You to look with favor upon this Your familyand to sanctify its members.Bless also our home,our flocks and herds,our fields and labors.Keep from us all attacks of Satanand preserve us from all evil,through Your beloved Son in the charity of the Holy Spirit. With filial affection and reverencewe humbly dedicate ourselves to the Blessed Trinity,the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.Keep us ever in Your love,faithful and true unto death. We place this our dedicationin the pure hands of the Immaculate Mother of God,the patroness of our beloved country.May the Most Holy Virgin Marycarry this offering of ourselvesand all that is ours to the throne of Your Divine majesty.Grant us through her intercession,we beseech You,the grace to pass through things temporalthat we may not lose those which are eternal.Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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These People Receive Wounds Of The Stigmata

Meet the extraordinary people who claim to receive open wounds of the stigmata from Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. A fascinating documentary examining evidence from people claiming to receive the open wounds of the stigmata – the wounds of Christ’s Crucifixion which appear physically on the hands, feet and side of a rare and, some would say, chosen few. The programme features stigmatics from around the world, including the three from the UK, and throughout history – from St Francis to Padre Pio. It covers the various theories that have been put forward to explain this mysterious phenomenon: multiple personality disorder, self-infliction of wounds, and the possible psychosomatic reproduction of traumatic injuries years after the event.

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Canticle of Creatures by St. Francis of Assisi

Most High, All-powerful, All-Good, Lord!All praise is Yours,all glory, all honorAnd all blessing. To You alone, Most High, do they belong.No mortal lips are worthyTo pronounce your name. All praise be Yours, my Lord, through all that You have made,And first my lord Brother Sun,Who brings the day; and light you give to us through him.How beautiful is he, how radiant in all his splendor!Of You, Most High, he bears the likeness. All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Sister Moon and Stars;In the heavens You have made them, brightAnd precious and fair. All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Brothers Wind and Air,And fair and stormy, all the weather’s moods,By which You cherish all that You have made. All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Sister Water,So useful, lowly,precious, and pure. All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Brother Fire,Through whom You brighten up the night.How beautiful he is, how happy!Full of power and strength. All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Sister Earth, our mother,Who feeds us in her sovereignty and producesVarious fruits and colored flowers and herbs. All praise be Yours, my Lord,through those who grant pardonFor love of You;through those who endureSickness and trial. Happy those who endure in peace,By You, Most High,they will be crowned. All praise be Yours, my Lord,through Sister Death-of-the-Body,From whose embraceno mortal can escape.Woe to those who diein mortal sin,Happy those She findsdoing Your holy will!The second death can dono harm to them. Praise and bless my Lord,and give Him thanks,And serve Him with great humility.

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St. Hildegard’s Prophetic Vision: Renewal and Hope for the Church

Are you ready to uncover the fascinating prophecies of one of the most intriguing women in the history of the Catholic Church? A medieval visionary, Benedictine abbess, writer, composer and mystic, St. Hildegard of Bingen not only spoke about the Church’s end times but also had a clear message of hope and renewal. Her prophecies, as recorded in her book Scivias, offer insight into an era of great upheaval and challenges for the Church, but also a vision of a renewed and strengthened Church, sustained by the grace of God. Let’s delve into the prophecies of St. Hildegard of Bingen and discover how they can inspire us to face the challenges of our own time with faith, courage, and hope. In her book Scivias, which she completed in 1151, St. Hildegard predicted an era of great upheaval in the Church, which she referred to as the “Age of the Grey Wolf.” She foresaw a crisis of faith, corruption among the clergy, and a lack of leadership in the Church. She prophesied that “the time is coming when princes and peoples will reject the authority of the Pope” and “some countries will prefer their own Church rulers to the Pope.” “Toward the end of the world, mankind will be purified through suffering. This will be true, especially of the clergy who will be robbed of all property. “The Church will not be left in peace, and the enemies of Christ and His Church will be many.” She predicted that “the German Empire will be divided,” “church property will be secularized,” and that “priests will be persecuted.” St. Hildegard also predicted that “the Church will be punished because the majority of her members, high and low, will become so perverted.” But that’s just the beginning. She wrote to St. Bernard of Clairvaux that “the Church will sink deeper until she finally seems to be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other Apostles to have expired. But, after this, she will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters.” Despite these challenges, St. Hildegard believed that the Church would ultimately overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger than ever before. She foresaw a time of spiritual renewal and the rise of a new generation of holy leaders who would guide the Church into a new era of peace and prosperity. She said, “the Church will be divided, and there will be much strife and discord, but the faithful will persevere and be rewarded.” “The Church will suffer greatly, and her enemies will seem to triumph, but God will intervene and restore her to her former glory.” She also predicted that “the Church will be purified and made radiant, and many will be saved through her” and that “the Church will be in turmoil and confusion, and many will be deceived, but those who remain faithful will be rewarded.” “The Church will be attacked by many enemies, but she will emerge victorious and will shine like the sun.” St. Hildegard believed that “the Church will undergo a great trial, but she will be sustained by the grace of God and will emerge stronger than ever before.” The prophecies of St. Hildegard of Bingen offer a powerful message of hope and renewal for the Church. As we witness a world in chaos, where faith is under attack, and the Church is facing an internal crisis, her prophecies speak to us with a prophetic urgency. Despite the challenges and trials she foresaw, she firmly believed that the Church would ultimately emerge stronger and more radiant than ever before. Her prophetic words are not just an interesting historical artifact but a timeless reminder that God’s grace is always at work, even in the darkest moments of human history. Let us take inspiration from St. Hildegard’s prophecies to face the challenges of our time with faith, courage, and hope. It is important to keep in mind that interpreting these prophecies requires prayerful discernment, as they are not considered official Church teachings. However, St. Hildegard’s status as a Doctor of the Church, which was officially conferred upon her by Pope Francis in 2019, gives her prophecies considerable credibility. She was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012, and her recognition as a Doctor of the Church makes her one of only four women to have received this title. O Mary, Mother of the End Times, pray for us.

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Prayer to Our Lady of Pity

favored by Pope Pius IX Kneeling at thy holy feet, O gracious Queen of Heaven, we offer thee our deepest reverence. Thou art the daughter of the eternal Father, the mother of the Divine Word, and the spouse of the Holy Ghost. Full of grace, of virtue, and of heavenly gifts thou art the chaste temple of God’s mercies. Thy loving heart is filled with charity, sweetness, and tender compassion for poor sinners, and we call thee Mother of Holy Pity. With the utmost trust I come to thee in my sorrow and distress. Give me confidence in thy love, and grant me what I ask if it be God’s will, and for the welfare of my soul. Cast thine eyes of pity upon me and upon all with whom I am in any way connected. Shield me from the attacks of the world, the flesh and the devil. Remember, O fondest of mothers, that I am thy child, purchased with the precious blood of thy Divine Son. Pray without ceasing that the adorable Trinity may give me the grace ever to triumph over the devil, the world and my passions. I ask this, O most pure Virgin, through the infinite bounty of the Most High, through the merits of thy Divine Son, by the care with which thou didst nourish Him, by the devotion with which thou didst serve Him, by the love with which thou didst cherish Him, by thy tears and anguish in the days of thy pilgrimage. Obtain that the whole world may be made one people and one Church, which shall give thanks, praise and glory to the most Holy Trinity, and to thee who art its mediator. May the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son and the virtue of the Holy Ghost grant us this blessing. Amen

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My dear family, beloved children of God, and ‘apostles of these last times’, As I was praying on where to begin, this message from Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi pierced my heart at such a profound depth. It was as if She spoke directly to me, and Her comforting voice rose from deep within my heart… “The moment has come for you to come out from your hiddenness in order to go and shed light upon the earth.”  As soon as I read those words, I knew that it was true – it was time. For a while now, my heart has longed to share the messages from Heaven, and I believe this was the affirmation I needed to begin. It is after much prayer and discernment on whether or not to write, how I would do so, and to whom I should direct my writings, that Our Lady seems to have orchestrated everything perfectly – as She always does. And while I now feel the call to “go and shed light upon the earth” as the message exhorts, another prompting presses upon my heart – to keep my identity hidden for the time being. Sounds like a contradiction, right? To spread Heaven’s messages and to write spiritual reflections on them for the world, while simultaneously keeping my identity hidden from the same world? That doesn’t seem to make sense. However, it is what I feel called to do at this present time. I believe that this may change in the future, if that is the Lord’s Divine Will, but for now I hold a deep conviction on two things: It is time for my messages to be shared with the world.  My personal identity must remain hidden for the time being.  As for why I believe that my identity must remain hidden for now, I cannot yet reveal. However, what I do ask with utmost humility, is for your prayers and fasting. I desire to remain faithful to the Divine Will of God, and remaining hidden is a way for me to do that.  Here is a thought that came to me as I write this introductory reflection: Jesus remained hidden for the first 30 years of His life. It was only the final three years of His earthly journey where His identity was revealed to the world, and where He began His “public ministry”. There was a reason why His identity was kept private for so long. It was God’s will. Since my identity must remain hidden for the time being, I thought that a pseudonym would be fitting. I began to think of what would be appropriate, but I was having some difficulty. The ones that came to mind felt forced, they didn’t seem genuine, natural, or from God. Finally after much brainstorming, one struck me, and it’s what I intend to use – Heaven’s Harbinger.  What is a “harbinger” you may ask? There are varying definitions and etymological explanations, but the one I relate with the most, and the one which is the motivation for my selection is, “a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another; a forerunner of something.” The idea of being Heaven’s Harbinger really resonated with my soul. The more I pondered the possibility of using it, the more peace prevailed within me. What does it mean to be a harbinger of Heaven? It means to announce the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven; it means to proclaim the promised triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of the Sacred Heart; it means to prepare oneself and others for the glorious Era of Peace; it means to share Heaven’s “Harbingers” (the messages, warnings, instructions, and promises) to a humanity that is depending upon them. That’s what it means to be a harbinger of Heaven. If it is the Lord’s Divine Will, I long to be a forerunner of the forthcoming “Second Pentecost”, of the “New Advent”, and of the Church’s “most beautiful springtime” in her history. Heaven has told us countless times that what awaits us is the most glorious period of the Church in her entire existence! Saints of old have long wished they could live in the times that we have been given. The times we are living in are unlike anything ever experienced, and the times ahead of us are beyond imagination – they are the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer, the greatest prayer ever made. As I hope to be Heaven’s Harbinger, I will strive to live in the Divine Will, to proclaim that Will to the ends of the earth, and to prepare the world for the coming of God’s Kingdom. I pray that my writings will speak to your souls, offer you peace and hope, inspire you to grow in holiness, encourage you to remain in the faith, embolden you to rely on the Lord’s plan, help you to trust in His divine mercy, and ultimately to assist you in living in the Divine Will of God. Join me in praying for the coming of God’s Kingdom and for His Divine Will to be done “on earth as it is in Heaven.” For the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, and for the reign of the Sacred Heart, – Heaven’s Harbinger

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Prayer to Our Lady Help of Christions

by St. John Bosco Most Holy Virgin Mary, Help of Christians,how sweet it is to come to your feetimploring your perpetual help.If earthly mothers cease not to remember their children,how can you, the most loving of all mothers forget me?Grant then to me, I implore you,your perpetual help in all my necessities,in every sorrow, and especially in all my temptations.I ask for your unceasing help for all who are now suffering.Help the weak, cure the sick, convert sinners.Grant through your intercessions many vocations to the religious life.Obtain for us, O Mary, Help of Christians,that having invoked you on earth we may love and eternally thank you in heaven. Amen

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Fall in Love with your Guardian Angel – Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T

Fr. Jim Blount is a Catholic priest, speaker, and author who has given many talks on spirituality and the Catholic faith. In this particular talk, he focuses on the importance of cultivating a relationship with one’s guardian angel and developing a deep love and appreciation for their presence in our lives. Fr. Blount explains that each person has a guardian angel assigned to them by God, whose role is to protect, guide, and assist them throughout their life. He emphasizes that guardian angels are not just a concept or a myth but are real spiritual beings that can make a tangible difference in our lives if we allow them to. Throughout the talk, Fr. Blount shares several stories and examples of people who have experienced the guidance and protection of their guardian angels in various ways. He encourages listeners to develop a personal relationship with their guardian angel through prayer, meditation, and daily communication. Fr. Blount also emphasizes the importance of trust and surrender, reminding listeners that while we may not always understand why things happen the way they do, our guardian angel is always there to help us navigate through life’s challenges and lead us closer to God. Overall, Fr. Jim Blount’s talk on “Fall in Love with your Guardian Angel” is a powerful reminder of the reality and presence of guardian angels in our lives and the importance of cultivating a deep love and appreciation for them.

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