Padre Pio’s “Secret Weapon Prayer” That Brought Thousands of Miracles

O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (here name your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you.” Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (here name your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away.” Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (here name your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours. Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: “St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us.”

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Help My Child Turn to Christ!| A Mother’s Prayer to St Monica

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,under the weight of my heartful burden, I turn to you, dear Saint Monicaand request your assistance and intercession.From your place in heaven, I beg that you will plead before the Throne of the Holy One,for the sake of my child, [Name], who has wandered from from the faith, andall that we have tried to teach.I know, dear Monica, that our children belong not to us, but to God,and that God often permits this wandering as part of one’s journey toward Him.Your son, Augustine, wandered, too; eventually he found the faith, and came to believe,and in that belief became a true teacher.Help me, therefore, to have patience, and to believe that all things — even this disappointing movement away from the faith — work ultimately to His own good purposes.For the sake of my child’s soul, I pray to understand and trust in this.St. Monica, please teach me to persist in faithful prayer as you did for your son’s sake.Inspire me to behave in ways that will not further distance my child from Christ, but only draw [Name] gently towards his marvelous light.Please teach me what you know about this painful mystery of separation,and how it is reconciled in the re-orientation of our childrentoward heaven.O Saint Monica, lover of Christ and His Church,pray for me, and for my child [Name], that we may acquire heaven,joining with you, there, in offering constant and thankfulpraise to God,Amen.

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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Starting tomorrow – 40 Days of Meditation on the Titles from Jesus to Luisa

40 Days of Meditation on the Titles given by Jesus as He Spoke to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Little Daughter of the Divine Will, as is found in The Book of Heaven. Listen and discover the Titles that Jesus bestowed on His beloved Luisa, Teaching her, for more than 60 years, about His Divine Will as found in the 36 Volumes entitled: The Kingdom of My Divine Will in the midst of creatures, Book of Heaven: The Call of the creature to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose for which he Was Created by God.  An Introduction to the 40 Days of Meditation, plus day 1 of “The Titles of Luisa” begins January 23rd and ends with a Celebration on the 77th Anniversary of Luisa’s Transit into Heaven on March 4th.   We have playlist links for the Titles of Luisa – beginning with an Introduction on Tuesday, January 23rd.  Each day a new audio reading of the Titles will go up at Midnight. PLAYLIST links (Activated on Tuesday, January 23): Titles of Luisa- 40 Days of Meditation (no background music) on the Titles from Jesus to Luisa – Fiat! – YouTube Download “The Titles of Luisa” printable document below! Powered By EmbedPress

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Divine Will |Q and A with Father Celso

1. I only recently was hearing about the DW and was wondering how it differs from doing God’s Will which is divine? You clarification would be appreciated Jesus tells Luisa – Vol. 17 – September 18, 1924 Distance between Living in the Divine Will and doing the Will of God.  I was thinking over what has been written on the living in the Divine Volition, and I prayed to Jesus that He would give me more light, to be able to clarify more this blessed living in the Divine Will to those to whom I am obliged to do so. And my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, unfortunately they are slow in understanding it. To live in my Will is to reign in It and with It, while to do my Will is to be submitted to my orders. The first state is to possess; the second is to receive dispositions, and execute commands. To live in my Will is to make my Will one’s own, as one’s own property, and to dispose of It. To do my Will is to take It into account as Will of God, not as one’s own thing; nor can one dispose of It as he wants. To live in my Will is to live with one single Will – That of God; and since It is a Will all holy, all pure, all peaceful, being one single Will that reigns, there are no contrasts: everything is peace. Human passions tremble before this Supreme Will, and would rather escape It; nor do they dare to even move, or oppose it, in seeing that Heaven and earth tremble before this Holy Will. Therefore, the first step of living in the Divine Will, which allows a creature to receive the Divine order, is in the depth of the soul, where grace moves her to empty herself of what is human – tendencies, passions, inclinations and other things.  On the other hand, to do my Will is to live with two wills, in such a way that when I give orders to follow Mine, the creatures feel the weight of their own will, which causes contrasts. And even though they follow the orders of my Will with faithfulness, they feel the weight of their rebellious nature, of their passions and inclinations. How many Saints, although they may have reached the highest perfection, feel their own will waging war against them, keeping them oppressed. And many are forced to cry out: ‘Who will free me from this body of death?’– that is, ‘from this will of mine, that wants to give death to the good I want to do?’  To live in my Will is to live as a son. To just do my Will would be called, in comparison, living as a servant. In the first case, what belongs to the Father belongs to the son; and then, it is well known how servants are forced to make more sacrifices than sons do. They have to expose themselves to more tiring and more humble services, to cold, to heat, to traveling on foot, and the like.  In fact, how much did my saints not do, though most beloved friends of Mine, in order to execute the orders of my Will? Instead, a son remains with his father, takes care of him, cheers him up with his kisses and caresses; he gives orders to the servants as if his father were ordering them; and if he goes out, he doesn’t walk, but travels in a coach. And while the son possesses all that belongs to his father, the servants are given only the recompense for the work they have done, remaining free to serve their master or not; and if they do not serve, they no longer have a right to receive any further compensation. On the other hand, nobody can remove those intimate relations between father and son, by which the son possesses the goods of the father; and no law, either celestial or terrestrial, can cancel these rights, just as it cannot unbind sonship between father and son.  My daughter, the living in my Will is the living that is closest to the blessed of Heaven. It is so distant from one who is simply conformed to my Will and does It, faithfully executing Its orders – as much as Heaven is distant from the earth, as much as the distance between a son and a servant, and between a king and a subject. Moreover, this is a gift which I want to give in these times, so sad – that they may not only do my Will, but possess It. Am I perhaps not free to give whatever I want, when I want, and to whom I want? Isn’t a master free to say to his servant: ‘Live in my house, eat, take, command as another myself”? And so that nobody may prevent him from possessing his goods, he legitimizes this servant as his own son, and gives him the right to possess. If a rich man can do so, much more can I do it.  This Living in My Will is the greatest gift I want to give to the creatures. My Goodness wants to show off more and more love toward creatures, and since I gave them everything, I want to give them the gift of my Will, so that in possessing It, they may appreciate and love the great good they possess.  And don’t be surprised if you see that they do not understand. In order to understand, they would have to dispose themselves to the greatest of sacrifices – that of not giving life, even in holy things, to their own will. Then would they feel the possession of Mine, and would touch with their own hands what it means to live in my Will. You, however, be attentive, and do not be bothered by the difficulties they raise; little by little I will make my way, to make them understand the…

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